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SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO . 'SI NEW BOOKS OF TRAVEL I With Map and 15 Plates by the Author , thick demy 8 vo ., 165 . H OVER SIBERIAN SNOWS : A Narrative of a Journey by Sledge over the Snows of Russia and Siberia , by Caravan . I through Mongolia , across the Gobi Desert and the Great Wall , and I by Mule Palanquin , through China to Pekin . II By VICTOR MEIGNAN . [ JW < ta ,. I With Coloured Plates , crown 8 vo ., cloth , 65 . II WILD LIFE IN CANARA AND GAJUAM . By GORDON S . FORBES , C . S . ( retired ) , I bison * , Mr elk . , Forbes and ibex has . '— excitin Scotsman g reminiscences . to give respecting his hunting excursions in the ghauts after tiger and wild I I TTJ lxlH T 7 . In IM ^ Two I 17 x ! i 1 BY VV ir Series COLONEXi , CtTTIT OXllJVArtl each 3 * . BARBAS A 6 d . crown Al AT 8 vo . UUrl MTD lJn INDIA Third * JLJ \ and AMX AND Cheaper In Two U Series Edition TIfrFR LlVjUitl , each , with 3 . ? . Gd all Xl WTTNTTN . the UJJ Origin llJX al U ft I I I INDIAN STATIONS . . - Plates . I FOURTH EDITION OF I THE CRUISE OF THE "ALERT / Four Years in Patagonian , Polynesian , and I from Mascarene Sketches Waters and . Photos By B . by W . the Coppinger Author , and M . D Mr ., . Staff F . North Surgeon , R . N . on Demy Board 8 * vo Alert . cloth . ' extra With , Sixteen 6 s . Pull [ -page This day Plates . I I ] his impressions * No one could of strange be better scenery fitted and than savag Dr . e Coppinger men . '—Saturday to put into Review read . able shape the result of his investigations and RECONNOITRING Third and CENTRA Cheaper Edition L ASIA with . all the By C ginal harle Plates s Marvin 8 vo . cloth . extra , 7 s . Gd . * A work of extreme interest . '—Standard . NOVELS BY MISS A . S . C . WAL 3 LIS , the Young Dutch Girl . IN TROUBLED TIMES . A Novel . ROYAL FAVOUR . A Novel . Translated Tran ) slated . Cr . from 8 vo . the 6 s . Datch . Fourth * Edition [ Th ( re is - day trans . - lated from , the Dutch , Cr . 8 vo . cloth , 6 s . [ Now ready . among ' Her coutemporary work is that men of and a matured women mind of letters , and . '— it Athenaeum earns for her . , without question , a distinct and honourable position refined * Every , thoughtful one must , serious agree , that sensible the . '— book Pall is . Mall a remarkable . literary phenomenon . It is modest , soter f , sedate , cautious , This Day is Published , demy 8 vo . cloth extra , 7 s . Gd . I MOON LORE . By the Rev . Timothy Harlet . Illustrated by several Facsimile Woodcuts of old Mythological Prints , & c , and with copious Bibliography and Index . Crown 8 vo . cloth , is . 6 d . THE FIRST THREE YEARS OF CHILDHOOD . By B . Perez . With Preface * A by rich Prof mine . J . Sully of facts , M , and . A . the fullest monograph on its subject . *—Educational Times . are pregnant ' The perusal with of facts this , work reflection has s y , ielded and reasonings us intense of pleasure unmistakable . We found importance it captivating . —Inquirer in every . chapter . Its 300 pages SIX CENTURIES OF WORK AND WAGES : the History of English Labour . By Professor J . E . Thoboejd Rogers , M . P . Second Edition in 1 vol . 8 vo . 15 s . [ This day . . SAINTS OF THE Prettily PRAYE Illustrated R-BOOK in Outline : square Outlines 16 mo . of cloth the extra Lives , gilt top of 2 s Ei . 6 d g hty-eight Saints in the Calendar . By O . A . Jones , Author of ' Stories on . the Catechism' & c . With a Preface by the Rev . Dr . LlTTLEDAJLE . THE MINISTRY OF FLOWERS Illustrated , crow . n 8 T houg . cloth h extra ts respectin gilt top , 2 s . g Life suggested by the Book ot Nature . By the Rev . Helderic Friend , F . L . S . # . * A The beautiful book is and a solid valuable contribution book , written to the with high ' lofty work feeling of the and Christian chaste Church style . '— , and Methodist it ought Times to have . a wide circ ulation * * An unusually readable volume . ' —Bcci * hsiasticajl Gazbttb . I SWAN SQlSn ^ ySCHEDsr , LE BAS , & LOWREY , Paternoster Square . __]
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Dec. 7, 1885, page 1492, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_07121885/page/232/