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fr^^ -s II 20 The Publishers' Circular j...
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Fr^^ -S Ii 20 The Publishers' Circular J...
fr ^^ -s II 20 The Publishers' Circular jan . i S , 1881
CHARLES GRIFFIN & CO . 'S STANDARD TEXT-BOOKS . PROFESSOR RAMSAY'S CtASSICAL WORKS . In crown 8 to . cloth . I . A MANTTAIi Of ROMAN" ANTIQUITIES : Law , Constitution , Army and Ramsay Navy , Public , M . D and ., Trin Social . Coll Life . Cambrid , Agriculture ge , late , Professor Religion , of & c Humanity . Fot the in Use the of University Advanced of Students Glasgow . . By With William Map , I numerous ' Comprise Engravings s all the , results and very of copious modern Index improved . Crown scholarship 8 vo . cloth within . 8 * . a Gd moderate . Eleventh compass Edition . ' — . Athenaeum , II II . RAMSAY Adapted for Junio 'S r Classes ELEMENTABY . With numerous Illustr MANUAL ations . Seventh of Edition RO MAN 4 * . ANTIQUITIES . I III . RAMSAY'S MANUAL of LATIN" PROSODY . Illustrated by Copious Examples I and Critical Remarks . For the Use of Advanced Students . Sixth Edition . 5 * . I * There is no work on the subject worthy to compete with it . * —Athen ^ um . IV . 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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1881, page 20, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011881/page/20/