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II Jan. is. 1881 The Publishers' Circula...
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Ii Jan. Is. 1881 The Publishers' Circula...
II Jan . is . 1881 The Publishers' Circular 23
1 > R . WM . SMITH'S SODEECOOXj ZDZOTIOZETJLK / IIEHiL 16 th . EDITION . A LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONAEY ; with Tables of the Koman Calendar , Measures , Weights , and Money . Medium 8 vo . 21 * . 23 rd EDITION . I A SMALLER LATIN-ENGLISH DICTIONARY . Abridged from the above . Square 12 mo , 7 s . 6 d . 3 rd EDITION . AN ENGLISH-LATIN DICTIONARY ; Copious and Critical . Compiled from Original Sources . By Wm . Smith , D . C . L ., and T . D . Halt ,, M . A . Medium 8 ro . 21 s . 9 th EDITION A SMALLER ENGLISH-LATIN DICTIONARY . Abridged from the above . Square 12 tno . 7 s . 6 d . 15 th EDITION . A CLASSICAL DICTIONARY OF . MYTHOLOGY , BIOGRAPHY , and GEOGRAPHY . With 750 Woodcuts . 8 vo . l 8 s . 17 til EDITION . A SMALLER CLASSICAL DICTIONARY . Abridged from the above . With 200 Woodcuts . Crown 8 vo . 7 s . 6 d . llth EDITION . A SMALLER DICTIONARY OF GREEK AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES . Abridged from the larger work . With 200 Woodcuts . Crown 8 vo . Is . 6 d . 7 th EDITION " . A CONCISE DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE . Its Antiquities , Biography , Geography , and Natural History . With Maps and 300 Illustrations . Medium 8 vo . 21 j . 9 th EDITION * . A SMALLER DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE , Abridged from the above . With Illustrations . Crown 8 vo . Is . Qd . JOHN MURRAY , Albemarle Street . ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BOOKS . MRS . MARKHAM'S HISTORIES . THE BIBLE IN THE HOLY LAND . which th « y are Mrs we deservedly . MaT think kham well popular ' s chosen Histories , for , and they are we cannot constructed are glad be too to on find strongly a that plan Palestine Being 16 mo . 2 Extracts s . 6 for d . the from use of Dean Schools Staki . - With ey ' s Woodcuts SiJiai and . recommended . ' -Journal op Education . NEWTH'S FIRST BOOK OF A . HISTORY wtS ™ ri ^ ? t isrvsssn In T !? n b * . OF y ? the . sssv ^ ENGLAND Romana ^ sr By ™ Mrs New ' . fro ii Markhah ) m m EditiOD xne thfi . - w Acoustics St NATURAL udy ^ of Statics , * with . ** HILOSOPHY ' , . numerous Dynamics , Examples ; Hydros an Introduction tatics . New , Opti Edition cs to , and tho . A a Conquest xllolOJbi tttqwvd by the ^ x G OF ™ auls . By FJtiAjN ^ ^ . Markham CJbi ^ ironi . Continued the „ A Adjectives Comprising CHILD ' with a S Pull FIRST the Practice Active of LATIN Verbs Nouns . By , Pronoun Tueophblu BOOK * , * nd : down to Recent Times . New Edition . With 70 » . Hall . MA . Author of 'A Primary English Woodcuts . 12 mo . 3 * . 6 d . G & rammar c . New , ' and 'A Enlarged School , Manual Edition of . 16 English mo . Is . Grammar , ' A the HISTORY Invasion of the OF Kingdom GERMANY by the Roman , fro under m OXENHAM'S Latin ENGLISH Dcaii / ned for NOTES EarlProficients FOR New N ^ Edition dmS . With ^ w 60 ^^ Woodcuts . 12 mo . 3 « . 6 d . Rules to LATIN the of An ELEGIACS ComposiUo of . n Tersiflcation ia Elegiac Metre . With . y 6 th Prefatory Edition . 12 mo . 8 * . 6 d . LITTLE ARTHTTPTSJ TTTS > TORY OF HUTTON Introduction 'S PRINCIPIA the Stndy of Greek ( JR . Comprehending ^ CA ; an Hevised Caltxot BN a ^ wLAND ^ ANlT . -t With ' Continued ffrnm rom 36 Woodcuts tho * h « down Earlies wSiiJT to l flmo 1872 Times twJ . Is . . , < ld . ^ Edition Lady T « rVv G & ^ rammar * 7 7 tVl th Editlon p , Delectus | t ( rtn - 12 h , E xercise - Aa ftj ' ( 0 id Book ( f * , with Vocabularies , , AESOP'S FABLES . A New English - ^ JT J or K 1 TTVT JV Elementary 1 ARY atdv HISTORY TTTDrrAT Schools . > Edited v OF r \ m by BRITAIN x > T Wm - > Tm . Bmitii a ttvt . , Of Version Thoma JBrop s ' b Jamfb chiefly PAJii . ^ a from With there the lOO ought Woodeute oripinftl to be Gredk . in Pout every . avo . 2 school s . 6 rf . D . O . L . \ zmo . 2 s . dd . many copies , full of pictures , ' —Fraser ' s Magazine . ... .- ¦ -., - *^ m i . * I JOHN MURRAY , Albemarl © Street . ( 6 ) W ^ . - «
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1881, page 23, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011881/page/23/