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I jan. 15, 1881 The Publishers' Circular...
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I Jan. 15, 1881 The Publishers' Circular...
I jan . 15 , 1881 The Publishers' Circular 29
¥ essrs . PARKER & CO . 'S PUBLICATIONS . A SERIES OF GREEK AND LATIN CLASSICS . For the Use of Schools . GREEK POETS , ciotb s . d . . LATIN POETS . cioth » . d . Aristop jEschylus hanes . Two Vols 3 6 0 0 Horatius Juvenalis et Pershis 2 1 6 0 ^ Euri ^ pides . Tragcedu Three ,. Vols * fee * 3 6 6 6 J Phaednia Lucretius -ucanus 2 2 0 6 Sophocles .. 3 0 Virgilius 2 6 — SSL ,:: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: I I Caesar latin is Commeata prose riicum writers lements . GREEK PROSE WRITERS . ATrii Hirtii et aliorum , Supp . 2 6 — Commentam de Bello Galhco ... 1 6 JEschines in Ctesiphontetn , et " ) Cicero de Officiis , de Senectute , et de Ami-Demosthenes de Corona ... / citia 2 0 Aristotelis Ethica 2 0 Ciceronis Tusc . Disp . Lib . V . 2 0 Thucy „ Herodotus xj ,, a dides jj * . «« , . rr lwo Two rr ^ - Vols \ 7 Vols ir A \ o i 5 o t ^ \ 0 a 0 t \ x Cornelius ~ , ivius ,. , Fou Orationes Nepos XT r Vols Select ® 6 3 1 0 4 6 Xenophontis Memorabilia 1 4 Sallustins 2 0 Anabasis 2 0 Tacitus . Two Vols 5 0 TEXTS WITH SHORT NOTES . Uniform with the Series of l Oxford Pocket Classics . GREEK AUTHORS . HOMERUS . ™ d \ PHJEDRUS . * % * % SOPHOCLES . Clot 5 * Hias , Lib . I .-VI . ( Text Fabulse ( Text and Notes ) l ' 0 Ajax . ( Text and Notes ] 1 0 and Notes ) 2 0 LIVIUS . Electra „ ... 1 0 DEMOSTHENES . Lib . XXI .-XXIV . ( Text Anti ( ( Edi Edipus pus Coloneus Rex > „ f . . . . . . . . . 10 1 1 0 0 Phili De Olynthiac Corona ic Orations O ( Text rations & Notes I . and .. ) . 2 0 and Notes TA ) , CITUS cl ., 4 * . 6 <* . 4 0 Philoctetes Trachmiae gone „ „ „ . . . . ! 1 0 0 II pp MSCHlNEb 7 vcr > ui \ , . 1 6 The Two Annals Vuls . ( Notes cloth only .. ) . , 7 0 St SC Notes onl m ^ n ° JtLbLtt or , vrruvTTTo in vl Theba 1 vol XLUo ., 8 ^ cloth . " , 1 1 0 ° o In M ( Te C te Notes ? . * d *» f NotJr tem op * ° " TcXt - 2 3 0 Lib ^ - Notes * T . , ) ^ ^ CjESA " ™ T & ^ ^ '" \ £ I Choephorse " , 1 0 ARISTOTLE . CICERO . Kumenides ,, 1 0 Do Arte Poetica ( Text In Q-. Caecillium—Divin-Notes Supplices onl h y rrrvrurnrc , UHiriDhb in 1 toI ., . el ,, ., 3 s 10 . 6 cl . Politics and and Notes Notes , Lib ) . I , . cl -IIL oth , ( 2 Text * .... 2 1 6 6 In ( at Text Verrem k > ( Text and Actio Notes and Notes ) Prima . ) . . . . 1 1 0 0 ™ Hecuba tea ( Text and t , Notes ... 1 0 LATIN AUTHORS . In Pro A Catilinam rchia LogeManilia ( Text & , and Note Pro *) 1 1 0 0 Hippol « e 8 te f ytus » „ ¦ . . . . . . 1 1 0 0 VIRGILIUS . T ^; Pro Pro Milono Plancio „ l 1 o 6 I Alcest 'hoemesae es „ ,, . . . . . . 1 1 0 0 Bucolica Georgia ( Text and Not „ es ) 2 1 0 0 Pro Orationos Itoscio Philippicue „ „ ,, 1 1 0 6 iiacchae ^ otes onl ( Text y , in and 1 toI Notes ., cloth ) , 1 3 s . 0 JEneidos , Lib . I .-III . „ 1 0 Note 1 ) e Senecf s onl . y ute , in and 1 vol Do . cloth Ami- , 3 s . Gd . The Kn Atti ARTSTnPUA ights ziUrn ^ ext & AJybb NF Notes ? . ) ! 0 Carmina ^ Note ¦ . , HORA & q o . ... ( / i > Text TIUS . . and i 2 0 ^ v « citia ; D ^ i ^ ( Text * q ^ $ i and a * ^ » # ^ Notes / t > ) .. * 1 0 Acharmans 1 0 Satire 1 0 ana % o woics ; x 1 O 6 The The Bird Frogs s , in preparation . 1 6 Notes EpistolfleetArs only , in 1 Poetica vol ., cloth ,, , 2 1 s . 0 Lives CORNELIUS ( Text and Notes NEPOS ) ... , 1 6 The Works of other Author ? will in due course be published . ( 12 ) Oxford and 6 Southampton Street , Strand , London , JAMES PARKER & CO . I WF ^^ ir— — . Mb
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1881, page 29, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011881/page/29/