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Jan. is, 1881 The Publishers' Circular 3...
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Jan. Is, 1881 The Publishers' Circular 3...
Jan . is , 1881 The Publishers' Circular 39 I
PUBLISHED BY WALTER SMITH ( Late MOZLEY & SMITH ) . On the Relations between Church and State . An Article reprinted from the I sewed Christian , Is . Remembrancer , April 1850 . By R . "W . Church , M . A ., Fellow of Oriel , Dean of St . Paul ' s . Dem / 8 vo . Greek ture , Sculpture and Gothic , and Painting , Progress . By the Rev . and K . St . John Deca Tyhwhitt y in the Christ Th Church ree , Oxford Arts Demy of Arch 8 vo . 12 itec * . - to induce < We feel those that of we our have readers piven who but aTe an interested imperfect sketch ia the study of a very of-Christian attractive Art book and , but Architecture we think that to consult we have it said for enou them gh - I I selves . We are sure that no one wilL do so without much profit and pleasure . '—John Bull . Note-Book Of an Elderly Lady . By Elizabeth M . Sewell . Crown 8 ro . 6 s . In ventional Geometry : a Series of Problems , intended to Familiarise the Pupil with Geometrical Conceptions , and to Exercise his Inventive Faculty . By William George Spencer , 18 mo . cloth , Is . EDUCATIONAL WORKS . By CHABLOTTE M . YOJSGE , Author of < The Heir of Redclytfe ! Eighteen Crown 8 vo . Centuries cloth , 5 * . of Beginnings of Church History . Second Edition . Conversations on the Church Catechism . Vols . I . and II . The Creed and the Commandments ; fcp . 8 vo . 7 s . 6 d . Vol . III . Means of Grace , 3 j . 6 d . Landmarks Of History : a Summary of Ancient History . Twenty-third Edition . Fcp . 8 vo . cloth , 25 . 6 c / . Landmarks Of History : tho Middle Ages . Serenth Edition . Fcp . 8 yo . cloth , 3 s . Landmarks Fifth Edition . Of Fcp . History 8 vo . cloth , 5 s : Modern d . History . From the Reformation to the Fall of Napoleon . Kings of the Of Con Engl temporary an Sovereigns d : a History of Europo for a the Genealogical Young . Table Twel fth England Edition , a . List With of the the Royal Additi Families on of of England a Table and a Continuation to 1872 . xcp . 8 vo . cloth , 3 * . King Questions 's Of for England Examination : Cheap demy 18 School mo . cloth Edition , Is . 2 < i . , slightly abridged . Demy 38 m o . cloth , Is . ; and with The Chosen People : n , Compendium of Sacred and Church History for School Children . Eleventh Edition . 18 mo . clotb , 1 * . I Questions On the Catechism . Tenth Edition . Demo 18 mo . Sd . I Questions On the Prayer-BOOk . Eighth Edition . Demy 18 mo . 7 d . I Questions On the Collects . Eighth Edition . 18 mo . Qd . Questions On the Epistles . Second Edition . 18 mo . lOd . Questions On the Gospels . Third Edition . 18 mo . \ 0 d . Questions on-the Psalms . DemyiSmo . The Dawn Of History : an Introduction to Prehibtoric Study . Edited by C . F . Keaht , M . A ., of the British Museum . Crown 8 vo . 5 s . It is ' Mr a volume . C . F . Eeary which , will of the ftiscinate British the Mus most eum , indifferent has given us reader a succinct . '—John but Bull clear . introduction to prehistoric history Stories Rev . Willum and Jackso Catechisings . v , M . A ., Vicar of IJ in oath Illustration fleld , Sussex . In 3 void of the Fcp . 8 v < Collects > . cioth , 12 s . Gd . Edited by the Collec Vol ts . L for Advent the Saints to Easter ' DayB , Tne is ' . lid ^ lay . , 4 * . Vol . II . 1 st Sunday after Easter to ! 25 th ufter Trinity , hs . Vol . III . Tho I Stories and Lessons on the Catechism . Edited \ , y the Ecv . \ v . Jackson . j ' . Vol In . I . 3 To vols the . Pep End . 8 of vo the . cloth Creed , 14 , s 5 . , t . Vol . IT . The Commiindments and Duties , 5 # . Vol . III . Tho Sacramento , it . DEVOTIONAL BOOKS FOR SCHOOLBOYS . Compiled hj th * , Bcv . WILLIAM PERCY ROBINSON , 1 ) D . Warden of Trinity College , Glenalmond . Daily Services for the use n cloth of boards Public , red edgosi Schools , 18 mo . I * , each . With introductory Notice by tho Very Rev . E . M . Gormounx , D . D ., Dean of Norwich . I ductouy 'I have Notice often . wished , while head-master of IUigby , that I had eomc ench manual . '—Dean Goulbourn is Lvrno-Private Prayers for the use Of Schoolboys . Second Edition , revised and enlarged . 'Altogether wo have seldom seen a more thoroughly recommendable manual . '— Litkraky Churchman . Aids Schoolboy to the s . With Better an Introduction Reception on Confirmation of the . Second Holy Edition Communion , revised nnd enlarged . Suited to the use of tho ' present Amonjf . tho It multitude aupplioa a of real ' want Companions in a thoroughly to the Altar complete , " we know way . — of Ciiuuc none u which Bells fulfils . its purpoao bo satisfactorily aa London : WALTER SMITH , 6 Paternoster Row . ( 22 )
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1881, page 39, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011881/page/39/