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f Tan. 15. 18S1 The Publishers' Circular...
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Atock Von , Reuniont 7. ^., 21 Broad 'S ...
Ell ¦ Tonson iott , Rev ' s . Shakespea C UUwvk . J . 2 Winlfield re 6 ¦•» vols w Vic ^ . arage 4 to . , Vol Winds — — . - 1 — or
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Ladde Maurice r to on Learning the Apocalypse Houdi Hamming n ' s Sharpe ' s ( Robe r Detected rt ) Rise and and - »» —¦¦ Fal Exposed —— l of Rooie
_ 1 . 1 \_/ l , 4 \ X 4 IA CJ I ^ U ««* Jf ^^ ^^ ^^ —> - — — — " ™ Burke Burnett s ' Peera s Wate ge r . -Colour 1879 Painting . Part 4 , Colour Quarterly Review . All after page 606 of Oct . 1873
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J Kinglake ameson ' ' s s Visi Cri , mea ts and , Library Sketches edit . , 1834 . Vols . 3 , 4 Shaw ' s Dresses and Decorations of Middle Ages , from 7 th to
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Nevland Itchen Valley ' s Lec . tures Proofs , on Tractarianism ( Masters ) Suicer ' s Thesaurus . VoL 1
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Carlile Buckle ' s s Ser Manufacturer mons on the ' s Prodigal Compendium Son Carpenter ' s Vegetable Physiology
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Eagineer ... .. w ^ Trades < ASM & ^ j , w D . v * irectory C * A 1 V & . . - *_ ( Kelly ^ O & ^> Vy Co . ) Hamilton Beeley TyndaJI , ' Adams Wonders s Hours , A of Exercis ., 32 Pa e ternoster in the Alps Row , E . C .
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nntchards Johnson , ( Messrs James . ) , 187 on Diseases Piccadilly of , the W . Liver Wfe Memoir of Lord of B . Fitzgerald
Aya m and D Rve uchcsee d'Abrant 6 a Hoi Parry uh ' a G Wynn Ser e ' s School 4 volfl for 8 Tather *
I H ead *• ' s Horse ' - ^ -liJtVJUO mons and , , Hk his VOIl Rider -l . . OVO vo . . Noblo brake Jtey ' a ' Spiri s York t of the Words
Daugh on ter Plenary at Home Inspiration T - An - rovelya -. nie ... u Maitl iWUIl / l and UJJltl
Untchena y Warti tton ' 8 - Q XU fl n uiet Clytem 1 ' s Mothera Caw ju Life h n nestrA poro ' Vola Meetings voia . 1 Enrly and cdrt 2 .
WilHon ^ w loe oou mfontein „ h ' a Natural Colosslawa ( . B H « p . Ordinances . . istory of ) on , . . roy a th ana e . - 8 Holy vo 'z .. . in ritual Spirit partB . or 4 cloth oopii . * Birds
_^«^ ujr « uiipp « ' of SpiWorship
Uigham Bush o , n C G ., enesis Farringdon 2 vols Street . 12 mo , E . C Vol . . 2 FlintKi , of Christ . Earth
Family ' s Treasnry ngdom . Jan . 1879 upon . Is . offered Bickett Manton ' ' s s Saved Works , by 22 Hi vols s Life . 8 vo . Vols . 1 G to 20
Hiscoke Sunday & at Son Ho , Castle me . Odd Terrace vols , Richmond . , Surrey Murray Williams ' s ' Cathed Fiji and rals the . Not Fijians St . Paul ' s or Southern
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Church Congress Report , Leiceste . r Marcus ( Dubli ' n Mistranslations University Press In ) Old Testament Explained . 184 C
Jloldlch Wilberfor , C . W ce ., on < k the Son , Incarnation 14 Queen Street , Hull Hadley Thomson 's ' History s History of of Hull awine , 4 to . 8 vo .
G Poulson raham ' ' s s Histo Chemical ry of Catechis Holdera , m ess , 2 vols . 4 to . Stonehousc ' s History of Isle of Axholme . 4 to .
Hope Qui A ver Chapman for Nov . , 20 1879 Casllegatey York HowJ .. RetreatKing ' s Lnngley
Wanderings , of , a Pen and Pencil , 8 vo . Jarrold Nasmyth A Sons on , the London Moon and Exchange Streets , Norwich
Havergal ' o Old English Psalmody Temple Day ' s Psalter Bar . Vols . 57 to 60
Desi Argosy . and Vols Work . 3 to . G Vols . 9 , . 6 , to 12 . 9 Houghton gn ' s Gallery of Portraits , folio
Johnson Barlow , j ' s ? . Tables , Trinity of Street Squares , Cambridge , Cubes , Sec . * Baynes' New Analytic of Logical Forms 1851
Guest De Morgan 's History 's Tri of gonometry English Rhjtlims and Double . Algebra > Jngleby ' 8 Outlines of Logic . 1857
Lukis Lubbock on ' s Church Elementary Bella Theory of Tides O Kapier xford ' s Chro Hist n , ological of the Peninsular Tablesfolio War , Svo . 1839 . Vols . 4 to C
BpaldinR Bolly ' s Syllabus ' s Logic of . Lo 1857 # ic . 18 , J 7 Twiss' View of the Progress of Political Economy in Europo
since 1852 Fo ICth ur Century Introducto . ry 1817 Lectures on Political Economy .
Judson Smyth , W ' s ., CeleHtial 64 Guilfo Cycle rd Stree , 2 vola t , Ruisell . 1844 Square , W . C . Ruding Smith ' s ' s British Annals Diotomaceoe of the Coinage , 2 vols 3 vols . 185 . 3 4 , to or . Vol . 2 only i ;
Henryeon Peftkrf , Pusses ' s Poems , and ami Qlaciorp Fables , 3 , vols post , . 8 Svo vo . . 185 1805 D-C 2 ! I Pardoe ' s Marie de Mcdicis ftnd Louis XIV .
Knnjjp ' s Chemical Technology , 3 vola . or Yol . 3 only Kerby Arundines A Rndean Cnmi , 190 Oatford Street , W .
Hutchinson ' B Buenos Ay res Hollotropium Kinifsloys Village tran » Sonnonfl with Preface . 2 copies by Bifihop of Brechin
J Journal 32 sop * 8 Fables of a London , , in Latin . Playgoer , illustrated
F Tan. 15. 18s1 The Publishers' Circular...
f Tan . 15 . 18 S 1 The Publishers' Circular 77
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1881, page 77, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011881/page/77/