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81 ], " / ' ' '' ¦ " - The ' " Publisher...
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81 ], " / ' ' '' ¦ " - The ' " Publisher...
81 / ' ' ' ¦ " - The ' " Publishers * Circular ' J ^ n . u i ^ i
! THE HARLEIAN SOCIETY , J ji INSTITUTED FOB THE PUBLICATION OF INBDITED MANUSCRIPTS RELATIN G TO | i •; GENEALOGY , FAMILY HISTORY , AND HERALDRY . j i * ' President—HIS GRACE the DUKE of MANCHESTER . l \ | \ U % SI ^? JTUUljlL S TnVTfl ^^ S ATTONS A £ fil lVn 5 ) * % ^^ S 1879 * ° - ^ tSg DOlf begisteks > h ^ lM of ST 10 . ** . peter 6 MARY 's , cornhill ^ BHEiUBT . lo ]» *' , ¦ i 2 . Tht SKSEW ^ lS ISr o ^ CESTEBSHIRE " - »*"* . to " ™ 1 . 1 ., W - obt «« ^ . ^ The BEOIS SK ^ RS . ^ ^ ST ^ . MICHES ™* , COBWIU AP 0 ST ^ , 1 . •;• ^ % 1 X »« : ^ K ^^^ ^»^^ ffi ^ i 6 4 - The Th The ^ Edited visitation VISITATIONS ^ I S A . Tn 1 aEOBG URNKB ^ E 0 of U JSS W dbvon NOTTINGHAM . XF . Marshall 0 RD > 1574 1620 , Esq and . in ., Edited LL 1563 1634 . D ' and , by Edit F . S 1614 the . A € d street app Annua Entrance ^ ssgffi Wt t ^/ to Messrs l ?& buDscpiption Fee . MITCHELL : Half- a - HUGHEs Guinea One Guinea » 7 1 . W 4 rKSfi waroonr . ^ Rev . F . T . Colby , D . D ., F . S . A , ' ^ WSSZASZSSS KBVE ^^^^ ^ '* " * *"" n - PROSPECTIVE u 8 ss PUBLICATIONS 3 ? s &&& i && . i 9 . The Gkobob VISITATION W . Maeshaix of CORNWALL , Esq ., LL . D , ., 1620 F . S . A . . Edited £ 1 . Is . by W DEN . C . Hjiane To be , Edited Esq . by Sir John Maclean , F . S ^ A-. and i 10 . The Colonel REGISTERS VrviAN and of WESTMINSTER Dr . H . H . Drake . ABBEY £ 1 . 1 * . . Edited Tbe VISITATIONS 1534 . To be Edited of BEDFORDSHIRE by F . A . Blaydes , in , Esq 1566 . 1586 and by Colonel Chesthr , D . O . L ., LL . D . £ 1 . 1 * . The REGISTERS of DURHAM CATHEDRAL . To be 11 . The by VISITATION the Rev . F . T . of Colby SOMERSETSHIRE , D . D ., F . S . A . in £ 1 1623 . Is . . Edited The VISITATION Edited by Captain of White DORSETSHIRE , F . S . A . , in 1623 by ST 12 . The VISITATION of WARWICKSHIRE . Edited by GEORGE and LENNARD as DEPUTIES to CAMDKn ! 13 . The John VISITATIONS Fethbrston of , Esq ESSEX ., F . S , . A in . 1652 £ 1 . , 1 1558 * . , 1612 , and The VISITATION GLOVEB as DEPUTY of STAFFORDSHI to FLOWER RE . , in 1583 , by 1634 £ 1 . 1 . * . Part I . Edited by Walter C . Metcalfe , Esq . The VISITATION DEPUTY to COOKB of SHROPSHIRE . , in 1584 , by LEE as 14 . The Pedigrees VISITATIO , and N Berry of ESSEX ' s Pedigrees , consisting . Part of II Miscellaneous ., with Gene- LIST ^ of K JAMES NIGHTS I . , To with be their Edited ARMS by , Sir from John ITENBY Maclkax VII . ral Index , £ 1 . U . F . S . A . . 16 . The by D . VISITATION C J . . L J . . LL Howard . D . £ , of 1 L . L L LONDON » . . D ., F . S . A , 1633 ., and -4 Colonel . Vol . I Chester . Edited , The VISITATION COOKE . of HERTFORDSHIRE , in 1572 , by , The VISITATIONS of WORCESTERSHIREin 1569 and 16 . The VISITATION of YORKSHIRE , in 1564 . Edited by 1634 . , theRev . C . B . NoRCLiFPE , M . A . £ 1 . 1 * . The VISITATIONS of HAMPSHIREin 15301 M 2 W 75 > 17 . The by VISITATION J . J . Howabd of , LL LONDON . D ., F . S . , A 1633 ., and -4 . Colonel Vol . II Chester . Edited , an PHILIPOT d 1622 , by as DEPUTY BENOLTE of to , CAMDE HAWLEY , N . , COOKE , , , and , 18 . The ' VISITATION ?;^ ' , ;^^ xr of - CHESHIRE ^ t ™ tttt > t , in * 1580 ™< f . / ^ Edited i £ !?\ by Th & VISITATIONS 1574 , by COOKE ; and SUSSEX 1633 , , by In PHILIPOT 1530 , by BENOLTE and OWEN ; I J J . Paul Rfi ^ nds , Esq ., F . S . A . £ 1 . 1 * . aa DEPUTIES to ST . GEORGE and BURR 0 TOH . PARISH REGISTERS . REGISTERS . I 1877 . The LONDON REGISTERS . Vol of . 1 . ST 10 . * . PETER 6 (* . 'S , CORNHILL , The REGISTERS LONDON . of ST . ANTHOLJN , WATLING STREET , I 1878 . The REGISTERS of CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL . The REGISTERS of ST . JOHN the BAPTIST upon WALI 10 * . 6 d . BROOK , LONDON . , The LONDON REGISTERS . 10 « of . 6 rf ST . . DIONIS BACKCHURCH , The REGISTERS DON . of ST . JAMES , CLERKENWBLL , LOX-* » Persons wi & hing to join the Society Clifton should Woodhead apply , near to Gko Brighoase rob J . Armytagh . , Esq ., F . S . A ., Hon . Sec , ( 2 ) Prick Is . 6 d , Fue-b to Members of the Folk Loeh Society . THE FOLK LORE JOURNAL , and b b Vol y y H Rev . News . I C , . , . J Coot Part . . Sirrre k I , . F , , . for S jun . A . JANUARY . ; ; Sto Bab ries ylonian of , contains Fairies Folk Lore from : The , b Scotland y Oratory Rev . Professor , , b Songs y Rev , . A Legends W . H . Gheoob . Saycb , & c ; , ; of A Notes Building the , Malagasy Queries Supereti , , Notices Part tion I , , London : ELLIOT STOOK , 62 Paternoster Row , E . C . W __ ( REMAINDERS . —LARGEST STOCK IN LONDON . ' ON BALE BY W . O-LAISHER , Wholesale Bookseller , 266 Higli Holborn , London . Gkneral Cataioouk , with tie various SupputMEKTs , will be sent , post-free , npon application . THHEE-VOLtTME ISTOVELB have been considerably Reduced In Price . A largo aeaortment always In " ***• TRADE LIST SENT ON RECEIPT OF TftADE CARD , ___ —| fj
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1883, page 18, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011883/page/18/