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: W> . ' ' ' ¦*' ¦' -'• -'¦' ¦ '. •-•-'-...
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Cambridge itoikratg antr Sfejpwl ^^ b PUBLISHED BY J . HALL & SON . , p STUDENTS EDITION OF THE GOSPELS AND THE ACTS . THE GOSPEL OF S . MATTHEW . The Greek Text , with Critical revised Grammatical and re , a -edited nd Explanatory by tbe Kev Notes . W , . & H c . , Bo by wlandbon the late Rev , 31 . . A W ., . D Trom ivinity /) fr Lecturer , M . A . at New Corpus Edition Christ , th ! orough CotE ™ . Cambridge . Crown 8 vo . cloth , 5 * . GOSPEL OF S . MARK . The Greek Texfc , with Critical , Grammatical and Explanatory Notes , Prolegomena , & c , by Rev . W . H . Rowlandson , M . A . Crown 8 vo . cloth , 4 * . 6 rf . , GOSPEL OF S . LUKE . The Greek Text , with Critical , Grammatical and Explanatory the Rev . W . H Notes . Rowlandson , & c . by the , M late . A . Rev CroAii . "W . 8 Trou vo . cloth . ope , , 5 M s . . A . New Edition , re-edited and thoroughly reriacd , j ^ * ACTS matical OF , and THE Explanatory APOSTLES Notes , and Examination . Question The Greek s , by Kev Texfc . "W . , Trollope with Critical M . A . New , Gram Edition . re College -odited . and Crown thoroughly 8 vo . doth revised , 5 * . by the Rev . G . F . Browne , M . A , late Fellow and Assistant-Tutor of 8 . Catherine * , THE REV . DR . PINNOCK'S COLLEGE AND SCHOOL ANALYSES : with Examination Questions , & c , & c . SCRIPTURE HISTORY ( OLD TESTAMENT ) . New Edition , 3 * . 6 d . ECCLESIASTICAL NEW TESTAMENT HISTORY HISTORY . . From New the Edi Birth tion , 4 of * . Christ to the Council of Nice ENGLISH A . d . 325 . Eight CHURCH h Edition , 3 « . 6 i . HISTORY . Comprising the Reformation Period ani , SHORT Subsequent OLD Events TESTAMENT . Seventh Edition , As . 6 d H . ISTORY . Tenth Editionu . erf . SHORT NEW TESTAMENT HISTORY . Second Edition , , Is . U . THE REV . J . GORLE'S ANALYSES OF THEOLOGICAL BUTLER'S ANALOGY WORKS . Fourth : with Edi Examination - HOOKER Questions , & ' S ECCLESIASTICAL i PEARSON tion , 3 » . ON THE CREED . Fifth PA POLITY LEY 'S Book HORyE T . Fourt PA h Edition U LI N 4 * . / E . Second Edition , U . Edition , 3 * . i THE REV . W . TROLLOPE'S THEOLOGICAL WORKS : « LITURGY and Historical AND Commentary RITUAL on . With , A Examination Practical THE OP THE THIRTY CHUROH OP -NINE ENGLAND ARTICLES , Questions an ! Questions . Second Edition , crown 8 vo . cloth , bx . Answers on . Seventh Edition , with Additions and Tor-THE OF ENGLAND LITUR , GY Questions OF and THE Answers CHURCH on . Tenth THE rectiona , 18 PENTATEUCH mo cloth , 2 * . 6 < f . Examinatioo I Edition , 18 mo . cloth , 2 s . Questions on . Fcap . 8 vo . cloth , U . , COMPENDIUM Theology . Containing a concise THEOLOGICUM History of the Primitive and ; Mediaeval or , Manual Chnrch , the Reformation for Students , the Charch in I of Rot . n O gland . ADOLmus , the English , M . A . Litorgry Fifth , Edition « nd th , e considerabl XXXIX . y Art enlarged icles , wit , crown h Scri 8 pture vo . cloth Proofs Ss . and 6 d . Explanations , ty w , THE CREED AND THE CHURCH : A Handbook of Theology nine o Being n Here Articles a s ies ynopsis a , n & d c . ( c of for sm * Pearson the s , th use e Lif of on « Theolog the and Creed Epistles cal , ' a Students n of d of 8 . Hooke Paul . By , r' H s the istory * Ecclesiastical JRev of . the Edga Book b Polity Saxdkiisox of , Common 1 Book V M . . Praye : A with . Third r , brief the Edition Tli P » rtj ^ - . PALEY fcap . 8 ' S . cloth EVIDENCES , 3 * . 6 d . OF CHRISTIANITY . , With Eiamii * PALEY tion Questions 'S EVIDENCES and Analysis by th « Rev . G . OF Fisk . Seventh CHRISTIANITY Edition , crown 8 vo . cloth . 45 . A 6 d . Short Anaip « College of . With . Second Question Edition s , and , re 18 cent mo . ; Senate cloth 2 House « . 6 d . Examination Papers . By the Rev . J . M . Bacon , Scholar of Tfln » i LATI Fello Oa N ndldat w and AND « s T for utor the of GREEK Previous Examination . , ACCIDENCE Fifth at Edition Cambridge , and the . Military Intended Examinations chiefl . y for J . Pkiucinh the use , m « of Downing College , crown 8 vo . cloth , 8 * . 6 d . ORDINATION nations both for Deaoona QUESTIONS and Priest ^ together with , Instructions being the to Oandidfttes Papers g Foolscap iven at Becent . 2 * . Esm-HALLAM An Analysis 'S of : CONSTITUTIONAL for the use of Students . With Tables , Explanation HISTORY of Terms , & OF a By ENGLAND Geoiiob 1 'abKB " , »• . . £ & John ' d College . Crown 8 vo . 8 * . 6 cf . EURIPIDES - jnays sold separately AND . 1 * . each . SOPHOCLES . Literally Translated . Tbe vario »* ; LonJun : Sm . roisr Cambrid , Marshall ge : J & . Co HALL ., and & Hamilton SOK . , Apams , & ^ iL- - ^ ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1883, page 28, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011883/page/28/