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f 33 The PuWishers' Circular jan. i5> -^...
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F 33 The Puwishers' Circular Jan. I5> -^...
f 33 The PuWishers' Circular jan . i 5 > - ^ m . . ¦ ¦ —— ¦ ¦ — — . ; I
GRIFFITH & FARRAN ' S EDUCATIONAL SERIES . \ Griffith & Farran ' s Poetical Readers . ILLUSTRATED . POETRY FOR THE STANDARDS . * POETRY FOB THE YOUNG , ' the most complete collection of high-class Poetry in the English Language ba 3 j rcach with of every so favourable Child a reception in every that School we have . brought it out in a form and at a price which will place it within , the and The the utmost choicest pains poem have s in the been collection taken to have make been the print selected , paper for , Sep and arate binding Books as perfect for as the possible Separ . ate Standards ' THE PRICES AND SIZES OF THE BOOKS ABB AS FOTXOWS : BOOK I . for STANDARD I . ... 16 pages ... Id ; I BOOK IV . for STANDARD IV . ... 48 pages ... 3 d , „ „ III II . . f , „ , „ „ ¦ ; : ; ¦ , IN 11 . . .. - . 61 32 9 „ , . . . . . . zd 2 d . . 9 „ , VI V . . „ ,, „ „ VI . A V . VII ... . 48 64 j „ , . . . . . . 4 3 d d . . work In , either order in jbo one economise volume space or in the four texts parts only , will of find the poems everyth h in ave g explained been given that ; but can the possi Teach bly er need 'who explanation possesses the . complete exceptionally ' The selections good . '— appear Schoolmistress to us to be . admirably adapted for the purpose . The printing is very clear , and the paper POETRY FOR THE YOUNG . A GRADUATED COLLECTION IN FOUR PARTS . PART „ II I . . . . . . . . 176 128 pages „ . . . . . . 9 Is d . . j [ PA „ RT III IV . . . . . . . . 194 166 pages „ . . . . . . 9 1 d s . . New P Code art I ) . for is Stand recommended ards V ., VI for ., and the Lower VII . ; and Standards Parts III ;} Part . and II IV . for ., which the Higher can be ; procured Part III . in as One a Beading Volume Book , as Clas ( under s Books the of Poetry for Candidates and Pupil Teachers . . selection 'We of cannot this volume too highly of " Poetry recommend for the the Young care . , "' the —Standard discrimination . , and the sound taste that have presided over the BRIFFITH & FARRAN'S GEOGRAPHICAL READERS , By J . It . BLAKISTOIST , M . A ., Fulfil exactly the requirements of the Education Department as explained in the Statement made by the Right Honourable A . J . MUNDELLA , oruthe 8 th August 1881 . Accepted by the School Boards for Birmingham , Derby , Leeds , Leicester , do . , ; BOOK I . for STANDARD I . Earl y Glimpses ush , price 6 d . . Fcp . 8 vo . 96 pages , with Twenty-two Illustrations ¦ i , cloth limp , BOOK II . for STANDARD II . Glimpses Of the Globe- A Geographical Beading Book . New , enlarged , and Revised Edition . 40 Chapters . 156 pages , cloth , Is . ' * We A very are commendabl strongly of e opinion attempt that to simplify Mr . Blakiston the teach has ing succeeded of the elements most of admirabl Geography y in . V- carrying EDUCATiONA out his L News intention . in producing this little treatise . '—Educational Chronicle . BOOK III . fob STANDARD III ! ¦ Glim * The language pses employed Of England is well within the . comprehen 40 Chapters sion of Third . 156 Standard pages children , cloth , Is . book is unquestionably : ¦ written in pleasant and interesting stylo . ' —Teacher . , Glimpses of the British BOOK IV Empire . for STANDARD , in 66 IV . Sections . Cloth , ls . ed . * * A The . very whole good volume book/— contains Educational a very Nrwb fair outline . of the empire on which the sun never sets/—School . ! I * This little volume should be specially noted by teachers in search of a good geographical reading duca book tional / Times . BOOK V . for STANDARDS V .-VII . E Glimpses Of the Earth . 320 pages , cloth , 2 a . 6 d . i " ' ' " III . 10 Specimen Copies of any of the above sent Post-free to Teaehers on receipt of half the ' published price . GRIFFITH & FARRAN , West Corner St . Paul ' s Churchyard , London . ( 26 ) ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1883, page 38, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011883/page/38/