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„ f8c j - _The Publishers 1 Circular <*6...
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„ F8c J - _The Publishers 1 Circular <*6...
„ f 8 c j - _ The Publishers Circular <* 6 an . I <> j ^ _ - _ - ~
GRlfflTH & FARRAN'S NEEDLEWORK MANUALS AND APPLIANCES . RECOMMENDED BY THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT . The Invariable Stocking Scale will Lined Paper , for ' Extensions . ' 36 in . by suit senior any Examiner Size or any of Wool Needlework . Designed to by the Miss School J . Heath Board , 46 in . Price 1 * . 3 d . per dozen sheets . fat 2 Jd ' nlain ondon uniform or . , On mounted a Wall with on Sheet roller the , 30 series and ins . varnished by 22 of ins . , , price price Threaders Plain Hints 5 for d . per those 100 ; postage who , 4 cz have . extra . Needlework N ShLte ,, in number the ) . Demonstration Exhibiti of ng the , by Stitches Diagrams in and GKnJ J which ? Examine 8 f . added ITa Needle 4 Skeleton ? ° ^ work l atjo Demonstration ^ , whethe ' P r ** for 1 Managers ^ Government essons to ; to Itescripwont ^ Sptiona * , £ »« Formation x _ .- _ . 3 ^ s . 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Sect and ^« ional 3 inclosed S , ^ 1 n in Paper an ™ enyelope P ^ ldo , for . ^ P Price use ^ iS 1 with *^ the above • ^ , of required Teachers Schedule in of Standards the III . fourth for V girl . year , VI s , . . , the and Containin Schedule VII ., and g also . for for copies Pnpil Pupil for 9 d . per teach quire ing . Cntting This -ont is the . It only is true equall Sectional y suitable Paper for Inspe Teachers ctors , . and Appendix the Instructions I ., Needlework to on Her the Majesty Day of ' s the pen or pencil . Inspection . Price 4 d . CAYZER'S ARITHMETICAL ALGEBRAICAL TESTS . Cayzer , T- S . —One Thousand Arithmetical Tests ; or , the Examiner tion Purposes ' s Assistant , but also . S suited pecially for adapted general , by use a novel in Schools arrangemen . By T t . of S . the Catzbr subject , Head , for Master Examina in - Queen Elizabeth ' s Hospital , Bristol . Eleventh Thousand , with a complete set of Examples and Models of Work . Cloth , Is . 6 d . All the operations of Arithmetic are presented under Forty Heads , and on opening at any one of the Examination Papers , a complete set of examples appears , carefully graduated . Key with Solutions of all the Examples in the One Thousand The Answer Arithmetical s only Tests , price . Is By . 6 Thomas d . cloth . S . Cayzer . Price 45 . 6 d . cloth . One 8 vo . Thousan Cloth , 2 * . 6 d . d Algebraical Tests ; on the same Plan . Third Edition . Answers to the Al . gkbua . ical Tkbt 8 , 2 « . 6 d . cloth . GEORGE DARNELL ' S COPY-BOOKS . A SHORT AND CERTAIN ROAD TO A GOOD HANDWRITING , Darnel fi ten rst of writte -which l ' s over h Large ave and on every then imitated altern Post ate tbe Hoe Copy remaining appropriate -Books numbers and carefully having . written Black 16 Nos Head copies . -linos in M Pencil . each imitation -Coloured . The only Ink , , first to the bo WHOLE ( * IlADUAt , LY ADVANCING FROM , A BIMrLE STROKE TO A fcSUPJKUIOU BMAL . L HAND . 2 1 . . Single Elementary . Letters ( Strokes , , & c . ) No 8 7 , . Text 9 , 10 , . Round Text , , Round and Small , Small . , and Figures . 5 3 . . 4 Text . Largo , Largo Text Text ( Shorb , and Words Figures ) . . 13 31 , , 12 14 . . Round Round , nn Small < l Small , nnd , Figures . Darnell « . Round ' s Text Foolscap , Capitals , and Figures Cop . y-Books . 16 21 . Small N 03 Hand . . oblong , m . each ; or , superior paper , marble covers 4 ct . each . On tho samo Plan . Darnell 1 Inn , ' s Universal , Copy-Books . ig Noh . 2 d . each . On tho same y . B— . Contents same fa Post Copy-Ilioki . NEEDLEWORK . CLASS TEACHING IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS . QBIFFITH A FARRAN'S NEEDLEWORK MANUALS AND WALL SHEETS FOR DEMONSTRATION , SHOW HOW TO TEACH EVERY STITCH REQUIRED BY THE NEW CODE . . LISTS ON" APPLTOATION . G RIFFITH & FAKRANWest Corner Sc . Paul ' s Churchyard , London . ( as ) | ^^^ w ^— ^^^^** ^^^*^—^^__^ . , * ' [ ¦•* ^^ E ^^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1883, page 39, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011883/page/39/