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4 The Publishers' Circular Jan-i & ial 9 " ~*^^^^^^
American School A College Text-Books in use in England , ASTRONOMYELEMENTS OF ASTRONOMY . By Elias Loomis , LL . D . 12 mo . 6 « . AN INTRODUCTION With a Collection of Astronomical TO PRACTICAL Tables . New Edition ASTRONOMY . Royal 8 vo . 10 * . 6 <* . By Elias Loomis , LLD BIOGRAPHY . PLUTARCH from the Greek 'S LIVES . Complete OF ILLUSTRIOUS vol . royal 8 vo . 18 * . The M Translation EN . Revised is that b known y A . H as . Clottgh den ' s . , and corrected BOTANY . BOTANY FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AND COMMON SCHOOLS . How Plants Grow : Simple Introduction to Structural Botany . Illustrated by 500 "Wood Engravings . By Asa Gray , M . D . Small 4 to . ( 5 j * FIRST over WESSONS 360 Wood Engravings IN BOTANY from Original AND Drawings VEGETABLE by Isaac Sprague . By PHYSIOLOGY Asa Gray , M . D . Post , 8 Illustrated vo . cloth , 7 * . w by SCHOOL * Field , AND Forest , and FIELD Garden Botany BOOK / bound OF in one BOTANY volume . By : consisting Gray , M . D of Lessons . 12 * . 6 rf . in Botany / and ENGLISH . LECTURES ON THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE . By Geobqe P , Mabsh . 8 vo . lfo . 6 i GEOGRAPHY . MAURY'S GEOGRAPHICAL SERIES . By Commander M . F . Maubt , Author of the wellknown * Physical Geography of the Sea . ' HARPER'S SCHOOL Manual of Geogra GEOGRAPHY phy . 12 * . . | With Maps Physical and numerous graphy . 1 Illustrations 2 * . prepared expressly for this Work by Eminent American Artists . 4 to . half-bound , 10 * . GEOLOGY . A MANUAL to cloth America , 21 s . n OF Geological GEOLOGY History . ; treating James of D . Dana the Pri , LL nci . D p les Fourth of the . Edition Science , revised , with special and enlarged Keference . 8 vo . A TEXT-BOOK OF GEOLOGY . Designed for Schools and Academies . 3 y Jambs D . Daxa , LL . D . Illustrated . 12 mo . Is . 6 d . GRAMMARS . I THE GRAMMAR OF ENGLISH GRAMMARS , with an Introduction , Historical and Critical . By Gould Brown . Royal 8 vo . £ 1 . 11 * . 6 d . A COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR OF THE ANGLO-SAXON LANGUAGE . By Francis A . March . New Edition . 8 vo . 12 s . HISTORY . A MAN and most UAL Courses important OF of Hist Histories HISTORICAL orical in Study English . For , French the LITERATURE Use , and -of Students man , toge , General : ther comprising with Headers Practical , Brief and Sugges Collectors Descriptions tions of as Books to 8 vo Methoda of . clotb . the By 665 Charles pages , Kendall 12 * . 6 d . Adams , LL . D ., Professor of History in the University of Michigan , U . S . A . Crown , YOUNG New Edition FOLKS , Revised ' HISTORY and Enlarged , bringing OF THE the History UNITED down to President STATES Arthur . 's Administration By T . W . Hioginso . ^ 6 mo . 7 # . w * . LAW . ROMAN LAW : ITS HISTORY AND SYSTEM OF PRIVATE LAW . In T welve Is Academical . 6 d . Lectures . By James Hadley , LL . D ., late Professor of Greek Literature in Yale College . Post Svo . INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW . Designed m 8 an vo Aid . clo in th , Teaching 185 . and in Historical Studies . By T . D . Woolsey , LL . D . Fifth Edition , revised and enlarged . A SYSTEM OF MINERALOGY MI NERA Descripti LOGY ve Mineralogy . , comprising the most Recent A TEXT Enla Discoveries rged -BOOK , a . nd By Illustrated James OF D MINERALOGY with . Dana upwards , with the of 600 assistance Woodcuts . B Edward , George 42 * . Jab S . Dana Biiush . After 5 th Edition the Plan , Be-written and wi th » MANUAL and the Co Physical - OF operation Mineral MINERALOGY of ogy Professor . Second Jambs Edition AND D . Dana . Illustrated LITHOLOGY , of Yale y College 8 vo . 18 . * . Embracing Designed a full for Treatise the use of Crystallogiftpnj School 8 vo . 10 s and w . Colleges . By James D . Dana , A . M ., LL . D . Third Edition , revised and enlarged . Illustrated . Crown OBJECT LESSONS . PRIMARY of the Grades OBJECT and Steps . LESSONS By N- A . Calkin : a Manual 12 mo . 6 s . for Teachers and Parents . With Program *" MANUAL OF OBJECT TEACHING . With Illustrative Lessons in Methods , and the Science o £ Education . By N . A . Calkin . 12 mo . 6 * . London : SAMPSON LOWMAKSTONSBARLE & BIVJNGTON , I Crown Buildings , , 188 Fleet , Street , E . C , . ^ ZLzA
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1883, page 40, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011883/page/40/