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Tan . 1 5 ^»» 3 The Pushers' Circular 43 i
( Ml Service Handbooks , Standard Educational Works . The Revised General Civil and by Thomas Political Service . Gray By the , Boa late G rd eography of L . Trade Jffi . D . . Spencb Eighth , Petites J English uvenile and Correspondence Causeries French Conversations . By ; or Acbiixk . , With Elementary Mottbau Models of . Edition corrected to the present time , with Maps . vnth Illustrations . Crown 8 vo . 2 s . cloth . 1 Fcp good . 25 . , manual Gd . cloth for . practical purposes [ Just , adapted published to the . which « One we of have the m met ost useful with / - — books Civil for Service young French Gazette students . compendium present ? A thoroughly state of of Geography knowledge reliable , . as '— Civil Athenaeum well as Service a most . Gazette ingenious ., , A . SyniDOllC Vocabulary ¦¦_ for i - Students Fr i-i ' 6 HCJ of - every 1 aild j . Ell - in n all gllSll classes i *_ . T W \\ Corrected E ^ r ! lT 7 and By il F Extended . Z r iS by PA e B . A Hl . ir . Dobson Fourth StOTV Boa iditt rd o of * * £ \ ± Q Copperp L- SVUl ° - lates Ragonot b . oliC 4 to . 3 With s . U AnglO . cloth upwards . - Gertii 850 Cuts an and a t Se ^ sTo so compe ^ hefTaSok ^ ous ^ plete en , acouxate lish , and tory con at - | Lithographic gSES ? ra . to P . ates . " " mf . cuS 8 vo . 3 ? VoJEtaLft ,. Of . clotb . fu £££ Wliite present before Dobson the s public hook/— which Civilian can compare . with Messrs . I I Bar { QJxia baillcL de rAge de Xi 6 COHS p ™ All 3 jusqu POIIT - Cinq Q 6 Suivies S Ell - The ffiS Civil flSSSrS Service ? ^ S ^^ Coach SI & rtSSS ra lSoSi Prac ; - ™ Vocabulaire , en ^ - ^ ais-Angl ^ * ? £ oo ££ . * £ cloth ?« £ petitive 8 vo . 2 . * . Gd Examinations . cloth . . By Stanley Saytlijs . Fcp . I ^ B Children , Bagatelle of five or six 9 years intended of age to to some introduce knowledge 'Gives many valuable hints and much good ATHENiEUM advice . ' . I 1 1 of 8 mo the . 2 French s . Gd . bound Language . . Revised by Madame K . 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Germ « . ««« samuel an «* , galixdo Colloquial n ^ n ^« . ,, {« i Phraseology -Dt ^^^^^^ i ^^^ r , xsy -R , r Its Book Bvo arran . is . . ed gement . cloth -niLLE is . admirable KEY Motteau . 2 j . 6 d . Standard Second Edition . . Fcp . WORKS by ttiC * the no olIe Ue lat ae e e JOSEPH Trocentors . PAYNE , JUhed 1 There A , clear but have and we been hav compact e numfcerlesa not little noticed treatise French one /— more Lesson Civilian likely -books . to be pub - SelCCt Twentieth FOQ Edition ™ ^ bYY with ^ Steel otJ JOY receptors OllllClP . ^ 2 s . cloth 611 . uazette wnefit to . students than the one before us/—Civil Service The present Edition , has been carefully Frontispiece Revised G and <* . con- I The Civil SerViCe EllgliSll ' Permission siderably Enlarged , of Miss Ingelo by the w , insertion Tennyson of , Browning several Poems , Kingsley , by , render undergo We Grammar cannot so examination much . call By assistance to W in . mind V grammar . Yates any to School the single . and Fcp student Boaiid language . work 8 vo . Chroniclk 1 pi which * . eparin / cloth would g . to , j placo ^ StUQieS ^ co in tne ' uld b wish ands for 111 m of our no better little Ellgll ones aid to . '— 8 U S . ciiooLM study POetrV AfcTJm of poetry . to . Tile Civil SerViCO ClirOllOlOfifV ! ' Eighth lie se ^ Edition * ^ extensive revised . and Post varied 8 vo . . '— * . Ecj Gd . . cloth ectjc Rev . are Accurate reading ^ History up , wide , Art , examinations and , Literature thorough , and . . ' - M ENGLiSH Progress ost useful Ciiurchmax . to Fcp those . 3 , . 07 . j , gtUCUe Explanatory mena o £ S ill and ^ nguw English Critical in . Its Post various PrOSe Svo stogc . 3 . ; . ^; . wi o S tli ped . Notes - , of which 4 the A handy rublic its value little Record depends volume OfT , the . ee ; , may name for be the of taken Mr necessary . Douglas as a guarantee accuracy Hamilton /— on , , ! | imagine Gfn ' , . rare rl a 'iftq more collection useful "iri of TH manual lite tI ra irl ry / l - gems fiVl Scotsman , and PrnQA . it is difficult onH to The m « ^? Civi s i nd .. ^ B _ l ? ° Service _ S of Ell 8 lifeh Orthography - s P ellin - * The ^ New Edition is : - ' McHenry Poetry Kow Edition . In One ' s Volume Spanish , A . Price Ei . Is . Gram ( id 12 mo half . Gs bound . raar . . JoiiMblo Boi ^ a « iSio n ® and n QV ? ii effcctlveZ ' * ril ^ Practical * p ^ ej 8 1 PuBuc manual 7 Po i ? Opinion -. . e , ? E By m . c ! an £ c ? system " k dr ke cnd j , e 1 both ] R the m " Englishmen McHenry . The mo . extantZ co ; , iiplete revisedlby ' s -Bnmsii Spanish Spanish Hkraij Grammar wep ) Exercises . for tti e use of . Book B Tlw \ rl KKKPKR ^ f S i ? Thr t f Edition f * ? ' . ^ ^ -2 . Hvo * . ? . XPKiciKNCED Is ' . id . clotb . . Unquestionabl Bevised 4 by Alfhed y the bee & boo ks . \ Spanish U . KEY Exercises , 4 s . which greater ^ ue have force and never plainnes pctn s the work modo which of Fcp keeping expressed ficcounts with / hft - MCJienry mir 8 bee TT n pubi , Bbed . * ' - S GENTLBMAM OpaniSIl < - * - ' s ¦¦_ Magazine ISyil ct Oliy . HIS . Civil Skiivick Qavilitk , 4 s . ( 30 ) London : CROSBY L 0 CKW 0 OD & CO ., 7 Stationers ' -IIall Court , Ludgate Hill , E . C _ ^ 1 - , , ^ _ ,. __ ¦ -- .. _ ^ _ ..- .. - nil . hi i . i ~ i . i . ' i .. j ii H _ -uc _ . _^_ - _ J ^_ i _^ L , ^^_ I _ - «_ L __!_ Z 3 ^ J ^ l 3 uj 5 ZZ ^^ ¦ ^ oBbm ^ 3 D 3
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1883, page 43, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011883/page/43/