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B MJJiV,] c- .. 'i ¦".;••' - .. :< ¦ ' ¦...
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B Mjjiv,] C- .. 'I ¦".;••' - .. :< ¦ ' ¦...
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46 The Publishers' Circular jan . 15 , 188 3
NOW READY . Orown 8 vo . numerous Illustrations , half roan , cloth sides , hs . A SCHOOL OOUUSE O 3 ST H E A T . By W . LARDEN , M . A . Assistant Master in Cheltenham College ; late Science Scholar , Merton College , Oxford . f ^ L . * Jl TE ^ r 3 fc JCw "VC ^ TCHB mKhJI mET HE ^ I ^» mm S ^^^ ^ p ^ Ti JCji « fTlHIS book is intended to supply a want felt , as the writer believes , bj many who the X wan are t teaching namel the of a subject suitable of text heat -book to . such classes as those in our public j ¦ schools ; In what , manner y , the writer hopes that he ha . 3 attained his end will be best explained by a statement of the chief characteristics aimed at in the present work . They are as follows : — ( i . ) It is assumed that tbe reader has no previous knowledge of physical science at all ; but is being introduced to it for the first time . Hence the reasoning and explanations are at first very elementary in character ; greater brevity being only gradually attained . : ( ii . ) For the same reason the writer has thought it well to introduce matter not actually belonging to the subject of heat , wherever such introduction seemed necessary to the clear understanding of any matter that does belong to this subject . Examples of such introduction are to be found in §§ 50-52 ; § 60 ; §§ 68-83 ; §§ 275-279 . ( iii . ) The mathematical parts ( occurring in the chapters on Expansions of Solids , of Liquids , and of Gases ; on Specific Heats ; and on the Mechanical Theory of Heat ) are treated in a very careful manner . Full explanations are given , and typical examples worked out . ( iv . ) At the end of each chapter are given questions on the subject-matter of that chapter ; and also , where necessary , arithmetical exercises with answers . . '( v . ) Finally , the book is so arranged that a course for lower classes is found by . simply omitting th © asterisked sections ; a more complete course for higher classes by taking in the whole book . There is no break of continuity in either course . The writer believes that in this way the reader may lay a sound foundation for future study of more advanced books . At the same time the present book contains enough to give a knowledge of the subject that for many purposes might be sufficient . Lastly , the writer wishes here to acknowledge his indebtedness to Mr . Hutchinson , of Rugby , for some valuable suggestions ; to Mr . Day , of King ' s College , for his kindness in allowing the use of some of his ' Examples on Heat / and especially to his colleague , Mr . F . J . Cade , owing to whoso careful revision of the proofs many misprints and ambiguities of expression have been corrected . < £ §! " Proof-sheets of this Work have already been submitted to many Headmasters of the great Public Schools , and have been most favourably received by them . It has already been ordered for use at Rugby and King Edward IV . School , Birmingham , and is likely to be adopted next * term at Uppingham , Cheltenham , Bedford , and other Public Schools . London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEARLE , & RIVINGTON , & , ' — Crown Buildings , 188 Vleet ' Street ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ = - ¦ ( 32 ) 9 _
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1883, page 46, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011883/page/46/