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CLASS BOOKS—continued . Merritt ( C . S . ) , French Com- Rouillon ( M . de ) , Exercises on mercial spondance Correspondence commerciale , par ; Tratte C . Stuart pratique Meriutt de corre , 8 vo - . Idioms Trench , Conversation Genius , and , Phraseology exhibiting the of difference the French of and the Has cloth a , technological 10 « . Qd . French-English ' dictionary at the — . English Languages . 303 pp . 18 mo . cloth , 2 s . Gd . . end the of articles , letters and a . suppo table sed of contents to be dealt grouped in—the according subject matter the ¦ clas of T HOUlllOII }— Exercises „ 111 ** % on French \ ffl "H / T * Conversation " ** A ^ © /* && V 115 / vTr Y 18 XO 4 mo >* . Millhouse ( John ) , New Eng- _^ l ! 1 — pp cloth lish many -Ifalian 12 additions « . and . Italian By F . -En Bracciforti glish Dictionary . 2 vols ; . "with 8 vo . ° ScillAT < t Cloth l * tJ , * 5 > s . € d . — OJJ SriSinicVl KKY ctlll to do & . Il boards , Ml fiT 2 s . » Sl ctllllllctl TlilYI 511 * . , Mote , Dictionary of the Eng- Sauer , Italian Grammar . fr tbe lish pronunciation ^ ffglff French ~ - Languages a * *'« accentuation ™ - pp for - sing general of every use ly w ; word with Smith — . Cloth , 5 * j Gd Hamilton . —KEY to do . boards and , 2 s . Legros _ . _ .... ' ^ T ll flrSllt S X rOnOlUlCillfir Fl * GHGh . tio Intern nary . ional 2 vols English . royal 8 Fren vo . cloth ch and , * 21 French s . ; half -English -bouud , 22 s . OttO and English ( ^ — . K Dictionary Gentian — 32 mo . cloth COnVerSa — , 3 s . - Spiers Z . luUf Bngllsh I -bound - , French 2 U French ~ . Dictionary ^ - English ^ 2 vols . cloth »• ' . , 185 . ; and 2 vols . tionGrammi ? . 6 s . 6 d . , Supplementary KEY ;; to do . 2 « . : Exercises = ; to Spiers * n * Engiish- , nench French v ^ i dictionary i -English , school Edition i , and i tO i . tfc German grammar , 2 s . cloth , Is . M . Otto mar of ( E . ) , rman Elementary Language . 8 vo . boards , Gram 2 s . 6 d . - Stewart Moral Philoso ( Dugald , with a Memoir ) , Outlines , a Supplement of and UllO Au yEd / 17 . I , t reilCn * % *** % Al % i / OnVerSatlOn nvitt ^^/ n ^^^^ Author and Questions Metaphy of by < James The ics , Queen Method M'Cosh ' s U of , n IiL iversity . Divine D ., Professor in Governmen Ireland of Logic , and t , ' Grammar . 5 s . 6 d . 'The Intuitions of tlio Mind , ' & c . 12 mo , cloth , KEY to do . 2 s . Zs- 6 d- Otto ( E . ) , Materials for Trans- Stuart ( Dr . ) , Outlines of lating English into German , Part I . 3 s . Mental and Moral Science ; intended for the purjoscs Do KEY . Part to do if . . 2 3 s * . . higher ° f General classes Instruction in male , and as well female as for academics the use , and of th a e s . U Au —— tXO A V / "p ^*/ — 9 Tur JKiatenaiS ^ 4 . ^^ : « 1 -- IOr 4 Vv- ^ ^ 1 r & nS ^ <* - of an & c Colleges introduction 2 nd edition and Universities to , enlarged the Logic , 183 ; , with Metaphysics pp . 12 Lexicon mo . cloth , and of , terms Ethic 2 « . 6 ^ , . lating English into French . 8 * . —— ——— Otto vrctv V ( E ^*/ } fll Firqt »» \ rxPrm JC 11114 X ^ n JJUUIV Rnnk . Testament Texte Revu sur les Ori ( ginaux Le ; beautifully Nouveau printed ) , _ Otto Ai Three *** , Parts ( E *— , . each ) , 3 .. German ^~ Reader - » -k •¦ . Testament leaves toned , paper la . 3 d , . ; diamond or ( morocco Das type , 2 Neue . s . Gd Royal . ) 24 mo Unsers . roan , gilt UllO /\ xj Conversations . C / 17 Jjj « \ 1 Boards T JinffllSll 7 2 * ^ . ^ 6 // » . 15 « l * - lxerman ~~~~~~ H Luther by errn Th . und ' s Beclam Uebersetzung Heilande , of a Leipzig Jesu . Neatly Christ . 82 and mo . . accurately N roan ach , Dr gilt . printed Martin edges , : , is . Qd . ; or morocco , 2 s . 6 d . Rouillon Instituted of ( M . rench de ) Language , Grammatical ; or , the Teacher ' s Taota 1 GStameni montiim / UIIl Nnvum XMUVUlll Ui Or «^* pp CW . Author French Assistan of 'The t . Complete Bevised French by Alviucd Clasa Havkt Book , ' Esq & c ., . Gcblmidt Edifc . Theile . 8 . vo Bc . 3 cognovit s . 6 rf . Tregrellls , TiechcndorIF , et 30 ( 5 pp . l' 2 mo . cloth 5 s . ¦ ¦ R AW Grammatical UlllOn ^ iil ^ \ 7 m ^ . Ue ^ 9 Kav n * ^ Vy tn lO Valdez Hah Dictionary , Portuguese . 2 volB . post 8 vo . cloth and , 2 ls . Eng-Institutes . 82 pp . 12 mo . 8 . Rouilltoir Fnmch Companion ~( M , ccsfcting 7 de ) 7 Familiar Tourists CoaverBa- Virgil By Davidson , Literally . 18 mo . 2 ,. Gd . Translated . lette tru Commercial tion tinental e s pronunciat on every Traveller Porms topic ion , , of toge Notes wli the t lch her , French and can wit Cards bo h languag M useful o ; de exhibiting ls to e o , the the Le silent tt Con er the s - , V V l Englis fiVra J *< h * Dictionary > » < 5 ~ ~ POPl II . New ? L lUg ] lI edition ^ liGSG U , ^ ^ vola Y . roan , SLIM 10 ta * . , ! ftnd Travellers Bbowing rs Measures being the , and ll printed allway correct Lines in Tables Italic general : of also taken Money an by Appendix , Weights English , AenOpJlOn YAtiAl \ nAn ' S AUd Arm literal . VfcQ U translation ilbl QlQ ^ VI F JiA from . V- - Edition cloth , Am . . 6 $ d y . , ALFBKD with English Havbtt equivalents , Era . 858 . pp Sixteenth . 18 mo . T the pedition . C . text D . 243 ot of William pp Cyrus . 12 mo : Dlndorff n . \ boards . , By 8 * . G . . B . Wukeucii , chiefly , A . B ., London : SAMPSON Crown LOW Bwldings , MAR STON 188 Fleet , SEARLE Street , E . 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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1883, page 51, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011883/page/51/