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Acock Quarterly , J , A ., Bevi 21 Broad ew . July Street 1862 , Oxford and Oct . 1863 Moore ifn ~ ' 1 "T " ¦* 'fc s » Privy A * . »»^^ Council W UUVMk Reports AWJ ^^^ A WW . Old ^^» % » Series k ^ W * . **•* - »
Thucydides Wilde ' s ( Lady , Classen ) Poetical . Band Works 7 ( Cameron & Ferguson ) Cox Price X 11 VC ' s 's O ( GK Calculus UOlVUIUOa V . ) Jeannette . Vol T Uli . 4 "X and Isabel . 1837 8 1869
Semmes' ( Capt . ) Adventures Afloat , roy . vo . ( Bentley ) Ackermann Tennyson , ' s A Elaine ., 191 Regent , illus . Street by Dore . W , , fol . Proof copy ( Moxon )
J 3 o Fergusson « ry J ., A Co 's Mausoleum . Frankfort-o at .-M Halicarnassus ., Germany Chhutru Wood ¦^^ M ' s Ruins Prukash k jt *! at Palmyra ed smm . by Price . 1829
Mir Proceedings * m *» . m Hussein * m , « a j ^ vn , of History i —¦¦ the * . » . , * ^^ Institution of *^ Tipu ** -vx Sultan ^» of <« ^< r ^ Mechanical v . 18 44 Engineers . 1868 , 1875 , 1877 to 1881
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SMM . \ fd * lX 2 J a AHUUUUiOVbUVVO , V UU }> . Blackie Bcribner on ' s Magazine beauty . Vol . 19 , in parts Sliakspeare , illustrated by Kenny Meadows , 3 vols .
Beet Boydell , T ., 60 ' s Mortimer Thames , 2 Street vols . , folio Cavendish Square , W . Freeman Bowerby' ' s s British History Wild of the Flowers Norman . 1863 Conquest ( Van Voorst )
Ohrysal Letters from ; or , Adventures Hell , 8 vo . of a Guinea , 3 vols . Bickers <& SonI Leicester SquareWC
, , .. The Lance Abbess ' s Hop of Farmer Shaftesbury Cox IAllywhite 's Handbook 's Cricketing of Coleoptera Scores , of 1772 Great to 1854 Britain
St Finden . Clement ' s Book ' s Epistle of Beauty to the Corinthians , by Chevallier Strickland Wright ' s ' Piers s ( Miss Plowman ) Queen , 2 Victoria vols . 2 vols
Tour Tour of of De De la la ——— Boullaye Bonllave Queens WalsLngham le le Gone Gone of Scotland , in in 3 , vols Ireland Ireland , . 8 vols . in in . 11 . 66 66 ii . edited edited
by G , Croker . 1837 , The Keith Fanes 's ( Sir of R Cawdor . ) Romance of Diplomacy
BUtckett Mellor , ' F s . Sermons , Norwich Street , Fakenham Blackie Whitman & Son ' s , ( Walt 49 Old ) Leaves Bailey , of E . C Grass . . Bogue ' s edit .
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Hodge Katie , Stewart on ., Romans . ., Early edit . , Supernatural Religion . Vol . 3
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Green ' s English Princesses Gibson ' s Dilston Hall Hamilton ' s Fairy Tales
Buckle Spencer , FT ' . s Zfc ( H , . 7 ) Corn Social £ < S Vvef tatics , Bristol BttmpusEf 5 anrf 6 flolborn BarsEC
, ., ~ . R Bridges eminiscenced ' France of under an Old Richelieu Bohemian and . Col bart Rawlinson ' s Sixth and Seventh Great Monarchies
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Bumpus The Last , T , of £ ,, tho 2 George Cavaliers yard ( Ben , Lombard tley ) Street , E . , Zoological Loy ( Dr . of Transactions Whitby ) on , 4 Vaccination to . Vole , 1 to 4
Annual Sooreaby Register ' , s Voyages . A and set Northern Whale Fishery
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Bumpus Pater ' , s J Studies ., 350 Oacford of the Renaissaace Street * W . . 1 st edit . Lewin JkAA ' 8 Birds
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Landor ' s ( Walter Savage ) Works , 2 vols . 8 vo . Chase Dorset Dolores , S ., , 28 illustrated 3 vols Bennetts by Hill John , Birmingham Powney .
The Grimm Theatre ' , s Goblins . . Part , in 1 part Vol s , . illustrated 1 Browne ' s ( J . E . ) County , Quarrel
Collins Jeffries , W ' . Conchology P ., 157 Great . Portl Vols . a 3 , 4 Stre , 5 et , JF . Carswell Baird ' n Entomostraca 's Pathological Anatomy
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Combridge Dublin University , C , 18 Grafton Calendar Street . , 1874 Dublin Melvill Peter Parley rib ' s Sermons ' s Tales , 5 vols of «^« ta the ara . -A Sea
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Hood Meredith ' s Comic ' s Lucil Annual e , cr . . 1879 . Froude ' s E Short ± im ngland -a . m ^ waivi Studies , x 8 ^ vo ^ x ^« . , 8 Vol vo w x ^ . . 1 jl Vols . to » # v ^ 6 ^ . 1 , 5
Miller ' s ( Mrs . Fen wick ) Atlas of Anatomy Cornish , J . JE . 83 Piccadilly ul of the Western , Manchester Gaeli
Ferguson c * c ardiner rguuvu . ' ' s s History Lays luuya of me England w chwxju , 1603 vx «« to 1816 , 2 role . C uouitnarc Ly oulthart ell ' s G ' eo s logy Interes interes , 2 vol t t Tables l « aoies . .. ___ _ . __ _ Kb A Tast "V ^^ bL # » W \ iu
Wade ' a Supplementary Chapter , and Women ^ . ana Present Taylor ' s ( Geo . ) Swedish Movement
Cornish , J . E ., l & St . Ann s Square , Manchester Mill on Liberty Representative Government Lewis' The Monk
Pitman Hoppua ' * s Five Reporter -Chimney ' s Assistant Farm . Two copies Dana ' e Cotton from Seed to Loom
Datfies , J ., 6 Abbey Churchyard , Bath Dublin Rlngsley University ' s Sermons Magazin on Daniol eApril 1873 i
. Bur Supplementary Advisability ke Ditsnvm ' s Peerage of . Conversation using iu 1882 iuCorporal " , couUtuiiig Panishment uuiauuiuuu Letters publiflbea f onj « w [
Englishwoman au vy um . 's Domestic >{) v ^ uxjiv Magazine *)^ j . , 1870 or , , »» 1871 ~ l ^^
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1883, page 84, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011883/page/84/