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f I 36 ¦ The Publishers ; ' Circular * -...
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F I 36 ¦ The Publishers ; ' Circular * -...
f 36 ¦ The Publishers ; ' Circular * - Jaffl - ^ m ^ "jl
Dr . deFivas' French Class Books ! DE FIVAS' GRAMMAR OF FRENCH GRAMMARS ;! but Comprising more especiall the substance y of the of Standard all the most Work approved , * La Grammaire French Grammars des Grammaires extant ' I I Fiva sanct s ioned , M . A . , y F the . E . I Fren . S . ch 47 th Academy Edition , and Revised the Universit and Enlarged y of Paris . With . B an y Dr Appendix . V . de I I boun on the d in History leather . and * * Etymology Key to the of same the , Ss French . 6 d . Language . 3 s . 6 d . strongly I I Note . —The Academie Franqaise having recently issued a Neiv Edition of tlmtM Dictionary this Grammar , introducing in accordance many i therewith nnovations . , Many the opportunity other imp was rovements taken to and thoroug ampl ifications y revuem I were of the at ' New the sam Gh e * time ammar effected of French , with a Grammars view to maintain ' as a ing thor the oughl long y rel -estab iable lished mode reputa rn Glass tion . m I booh , acceptable to Teachers and Masters throughout the British Empire ; whilst them addition of a History and Etymology of the French Lan g uage will , it is believed , add I to the usefulness and popularity of the work . I value ' The to this addition old-established of an Appendix school on book the /— History Athenaeum of the . French Language , compiled from the best authorities , gives a new 1 I desired * The . It addition is certainly of an one interes of ting the best trea , tise if not on the the History very best and , text Etymology -book of its of the kind French . Those Languag who master e leaves its n contents othing to need be I I have * The no fear best of and failure most in complete the examinations grammar of o £ the any French of the Universities language ever . '— prepared Educational for the News use . of English students . ' I I I Scotsman . I | | superseding ' This French most others Grammar . '—Educational has for a long Times time . been recognised as the best we have in England , and it seems to be rapidly I I i to name ' More a grammar than 440 pages better of suited most for accurate instilling French a sound grammatical knowledge work of the leaves French the pupil language little . '— to Schoolmaster learn . Tt would , be difficnlt-B I I ¦ ' ' The The very Appendix best of adds the greatly many able to the works value which of this the justly present popular day has book produced . '—Journal to meet of Education the requirements . of the students I I of the French language—in other words , of all who aim at belonging to the educated classes . '—Public opinion . I DE FIVAS , The ' Student NEW ' s GUIDE and Touri TO st ' s French MODERN Vade-Mecum FRENCH . 29 th CONVERSATION Edition , thoroughly ;! I I ' The Rev very ised best , work with many the kind Additions with which we . 2 s acquainted . 6 d . strong . The l work y half is valuabl -bound e also . as exhibiting throughout , I I in a ' peculiarly De Fivas has distinct the advantage manner , the over correct other pronunciation French conversation of the - French books of language indicating . '—Edinburgh the liaisons Advertis and giving e ? : other help I I to pronunciation . '—Academy . I DE et FIVA Contes S , INTRODUCTION ChoisisAnecdotes I A nst LA ructiv LANGUE esFaits Memorables FRANQAISE & ; c . on Avec , Fables un I Dictionnaire de tous , les Mots tradnits en Ang , lais . 26 th Edition , . 2 s . 6 d . I they ' will We strongly soon find advise their kno students wledge who of the have language read carefull enlarged y , a and good to French a great extent Grammar perfected , to read . '— this Public excellen Opinion t . book , and I I DE MODERNES p FIVAS hiques , , Philosop BEAUTES . Quinzieme hiques , DES Litteraire edition ECRIVAINS s , , augmentee Grammaticales FRANQAIS de , Notes et Biograp Histori , ANCIENS hiques ques . , Geogra 3 s . 6 ET i . -1 I I * A better book for advanced students it would be difficult to have . '—Teacher . I The extracts from French authors contained in this book are well chosen . '—Schoolmaster . I literary ' It parlia is edited ment with , the care French , the Academy accents . '— and Free gra Press mmatical . construction aro such as are warranted by that celebrated I I DE Eng FIVA lish S , into LE French TRESOR at Sig NATIONAL ht ; consisting ; or of , Idiomatical Guide to and the Conversational Translation of I ! Phrases , Anecdotes , and Extracts from various English Writers . 6 th Edition . I je le From pref 2 s . 6 rofessor a d toun . * autre Augustus # * A Key de a plus Nkuvilly to de vivaclto the — same * Je , plus trouve , 25 ' instruction . le " , Trcsor et c ' oat ¦ ¦ National un excellent " est instrument un livro de beaucoup entre les maiua tic n tfritc d w ; I ( maitre actif pour quoatlonner sea cloves en francais . ' ¦ ROUBAU the History New D , and Edition THE Etymology of FRENCH De Fiva . B s y ' LA French E . NGUAGE Roubaud Grammar , B : . A A ) . . Paris Comp Is . 6 lete ( d being . cloth Compendium the . Appendix of its to I I < A most desirable book for students who wish to perfect themselves in a scientific knowledge of ¦ French School / Guardian- I ' « Supplies just the information which modern examinations ¦ demand , and whlcbrmost Grammars ¦ Literary fail to afford Churchman . ' CROSBY LOCKWOOD & CO ., 7 Stationers' Hall Court , Ludgate Hill ^^ a jl
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1885, page 36, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011885/page/36/