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Initials And Pseudonyms.* Mr. Cushing Ha...
only claim four to by have 89 representati humility enoug ves h of the assu fair me sex the , while bler
" wrote ter Wri — — m ght ' A , a a Woman work Scottish . ' entitled The KeformerJ worthy Tjorn land four in are the Dundee ( 1 ) Ciuiliser Frances , who : - - - Eng
S ( .. 2 . ) P Mrs . Piatt . Mary , the Clemmer well-known , of " poetess ^ Washington 7 ; and ; ( ( 3 4 ) ) Mrs Mrs . . Dinah Maria ( Muloek ) CraikWe
. are sorry we occupy cannot five give columns the names of Mr of . Cushing the 89 ' s Ladies work . / They who
are not alone , however , in their efforts to display individual their gentility in , the as Dictionary , while there who is acknowle only one d solitary
himself A Man * ( it is Horace Walpole , Earl of ges Orford ) , the host of those who would , be * A Gentleman '
numbers 27 . A Scotchman in Edinburgh and an br Eng ief lishman er sobriquet in Newcastle of ' A Gent would . O be nl known one cla by imant the
y and steps it forward is a lad for Susanna the title Corder of * . A Total Her claim Abstainer how- /
aver , is somewhat y , doubtful , for Mr . Cushing in , serts ^ a ^ (?) ^ after ^^ __ , ^ _ ^_ her ^^^ ^^ name - _— , not ^— insi - -- nuating __ . _ _ ^ j , we - hop - ^ j e , that
she was otherwise than temperate in her habits , literary Mr - ¦ ¦ —¦ . " Cushing ^— and social \ P , it . must be recollected , does not
confine himself to the bare bones of the initials and pseudonyms notes explanatory which of he the exp writers lains , but , e . g adds .: — interesting
managin UHban g , edit Sylvavus or of the . ' Gent The . Mag pseud . / onym from its ad commencement opted by the in 1781 to the present day .
periodical ' It is intended in both town to typify and country the interest affairs taken . ' by the And ' n trifles othing for for the Syl Morning vanus Urban Post * . '
W W T M 1 W . Praed Prarii . , Th Th * e Vicar Vicar . S . S . ( Sinner Saved' ) . William Huntinglon . want He said of cash of himself neither : * As I I get cannot MA get for iui a D the . D . want waub for the of
learning S WtUil . S ., by / \ fx which UWU ; therefore , ) ueivun I mean I can am * ? Sinn n compelled x ( « r Saved an <» u jkl to . . . xx " . * ' fly for refuge to < - » - These are fair specimens of the entries in the
initials first part and of the pseu Dictionary donyms , followed , which b is y t devoted he real names to the i of the authorstogether with some representative
r literary eal names performance of , the au ; th in the followed second part binitials we find and the , y pseudonyms , and short biographical notices , e . g .:
—Maybrick , Mr . M . Stephen Adams . An English singer and popular writer ballad of music ever written ; tbe au . thor of * Nancy I > ee / the most
matist Sfm , s ballad , Q-bobos -writer Robert , and journalist , 1847- . Dagonct , of London . An ; English a principal draof contributor London to has the recently * Refere produced e , * a s porti a n highl ll g and d successful ramatic jou melo fcuviv rnal
-\ drama JL M-JU H \ , ' The I ; 9 UOO Romany JL VUV'UVAJ Rye / ^ ** uv ^ ** ** O y ouwvvoa < - *** - The work , so far as we have been able to
judge , is singularly free from errors , and Mr . a Cushing most may be hensi congratulated ve work . on A having few omissions produced compre
and undertak mistakes ing , an are d of unavoidable these we may in speci so fy huge the non an - ap b ¦ pearance m ^^^ ™ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^ of * A — New ----- Writer - p / under which .. _ pseu ^_ . -
donym of Two Lewis Worlds Morris ' the omission produced of his Mrs firs . Marian t work , ( * Evans Songs Lewes ) CroBs , from the biographical part of the
( Dictionary 'Surfaceman ; the ' ) with confounding Alexander Anderson Alexander ( ' Aoderson A Gent' ) , an i— d ^^^ B the ^^ ^ B ^ ^| ^ ¦ dubious « ^ ^ —^^ ~ " ^^ " ^ " — necessity ¦ - ^ " ^ ^^ — J of such ' — an entry — --. — ^^ as
' Whitesi Boloyn de , Mrs Broug . R ht . when S . ( a it is known de thedtre that th ) ere Fann is y a Mr . R . S . Boleynand Fanny Brough is his wife .
It is no more a pseudonym , or a nom de tk & dtre than Mrs Marie . Bancroft Wilton . is These a pseudonym trifling or errors nom scarcel de thidtre y mar of
the excellence of this useful and handsome volume , of wh books ich will entitled bo found to tho indispensable name of a in library every . collection
y ~ =
jan . 15 , 1886 The Publishers' Circular 13 II
&T\Ttm& Set.
& t \ ttM & Set .
From has Messrs been done . G . W by . Bacon this firm & Co throug . —A h good the issue service of their Excelsior School Maps . ' Twelve maps
series are now carefull published y , and . are We of have opinion examined that they the pos Dossess sess advantages advantages which \^ hich . if accurately a < v » nrAt « lv shown flhnwn .
g grap ive hical them teaching a high position . We would , as useful certainl aids to geo that , - y say
mftps manage should rs or teachers not do so who without intend examining to purchase those new of Messrs . Bacon . Our reason fop saying —— so ¦ may ¦
g be laring understood coloure effects d wi . when th Cities taste — we , and remark being " - towns entirel that w— are ^ these y di free ^^^ s ^— tinctl - ^ maps from y
b shown y a special ; the cap mark itals . of There countries is no heing crowding indicated of names ; The lettering is so bold that it may be
easily distinguished at a reasonable distance from the railways map . are Outlines printed of countries in distinctive , rivers colours , hills , and so
Greenwich that black time alone is shows shown the on names each of meridian places , . . Perhaps ^^^ ^ ^ v ¦ ^ - »— ' ^— the ^ ^^^ ¦ - ^ most ^ 1 ^^ *^ - ^ telling ^ ^^^^^ ^ " — m ^ m ^ recommendation » ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ m ^*^ m ^ m ^*^& ^ r ^^ m ^ r ^ mt ^^ W ^ ^ W ^^^ m of ^^^ to the VV ^ k ^ B ^^
• Excelsior Maps ' is the absence of confusion of det & ils , and this advantage is one that should soon gain the appreciation of educationists . The
same entitled firm the pu * blish ExcelsioT for use Elementary in schools Atlases a good . series ' One , of these , a quarto with sixteen colouredmapsis
a wonderful bargain . , , From Messrs . A . S . Barnes & Co ., New York . —
There for use are in few schools histories which published in in this country and general suitability of method fthi appearance can approach
» M - ^^ ^*^ m - ^^^^ ^^^^^ par ^ H ^ B ^ A ^* ^ M ^ . ^^ ¦ ^* ' ^ ^* ^^ ^^ ^* ^^^^ ^^* ^ r ^ fc ^ B > - ^^ ^^ b ^ ^^ % ^^^§ &^ V B ^ r H ^^ ^ W \^^ p ^^^^ Barnes' Brief History Series . We have before us ' Barnes' Brief History of the United States / a
those strong exquisite ly and illustrations elegantly bound which volume are so character , full of - istic of tha American pressand interspersed
with coloured numerous . The litera useful matter maps , is both somewhat plain sen and sational in stylebut ry its arrangement deserves ¦¦ ¦ - -
more —^— - - - than a passing ^^ , word of — — — commendation — — ^^ H ^^ H ^^ r — - - —¦ — ' w ~^~ - ^— . —^^ ^^^ After - ^^ ^ m ^ w W ^^^ ear a few ldiscoveries brief remarks and settlements on prehistoric are referre times , d the to y ;
then we find well-prepared notices of the revolucivi tion l war war reconstr , the development uction and pass of ing the events States , & the c .
Teachers The work , should is broug be . ht particularl uj > to the y pl year eased 1885 , with . the — - — blackboard - anal — - ysis ^ m , the questions ______ - ^ - ^ for ^^ __^ _^ clas . ^^ ^_ - ^ p ^ r ^ i ^ t s - ^ -
f eature , an d i the n th amp e boo le k index . , which are conspicuous From Messrs ¦ . Black ml— . ^_ . * e & Son . ^__ ¦ ¦ . h — ' Outlines ¦ of
Natura F . R . S . l Professor Philosop - - -w- ... . ^ h y Everett , ' b y J . t D — he . ^^_ - Everett — editor —^ ^ , of ^ V ^ l ^ D ^ ^^ . ^ PW . ' C (^ Des T ^|^ . L ^^^ . , - ^^ chanel's Natural Philosoph , y' has Jiere produced
one of the best text-books we , hav « seen upon the and subject general of natura readers l p . hilosop It is at hy , once adapted what for is claimed schools
for prec expression it ise , ' easy enoug has enoug h been for h for a the text a aim class -book of reading the / Simplicity author - - book - V ¦ r , who and fViW in
to as ma M far ke as his poss subject ible , avo comprehensible ids technica ... l and terms — _ interesting _ , in , ^ g order v ^ ^^ V ^^ , ^ . to learners . The publishers have evidently spared
profuse no expense ly enr in iched the production by illustrations of the book ad , mira for it bl i y adapted to the purpose of elucidating the text .
Fro have m Messrs much p . leasure Cassell in calling A Co . attention ( Limited to ) . — some We Mosers of the . recentl Cassell y & publ Co . ished In the educational production works of thenv of
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1886, page 13, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011886/page/15/