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" ' " • ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦'• r ¦ -. . ;t ; ja...
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" ' " • ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦'• R ¦ -. . ;T ; Ja...
" ' " ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦'• r ¦ - . . ; t ; jan . 15 , 1886 The Publishers' Circular 39
GOLD & SILVER MEDALS AWARDED 1884-85 . Every Teacher before ordering otJiers should see BACON'S EXCELSIOR SCHOOL MAPS . 12 Maps now Ready , 4 ft . by S ft ., price 13 s . each . On an entirely new Plan . Absolutely unrivalled , universally approved . Unencumbered by superfluous Names . Bold and clear beyond precedent . Political Colouring distinct but subordinate . Physical Features predominate throughout . Hills remarkably bold and distinct-Rivers blue . Hills brown , preventing all confusion . All important Railways in a separate colour . No coloured outlines to confuse other features . Towns marked by bright red spots - Greenwich Time shown on each Meridian . UNEQUALLED TEST MAPS formed by omitting : names . Specimen Sheets sent post-free . Trade Agents in all principal Towns . NOW READY . Hemispheres . j Ireland . South America . Mercator ' s World . Europe . United States . Lnglan T * 1 CL _¦ j ASia _ . A ax iriCa ?* . principal ( Including part Mexi of Canada o and . ; Scotland . North America . Australia . OTHERS IN PREPARATION . PICTURESQUE GEOGRAPHY , An entirely New Set of Geographical Picture * and Lessons . In 12 Sheets , size 14 x 20 inches , with 24 pp . of letterpress description , Vis . per Set ; or , Mounted on Boards , 24 * . per Set . Bacon ' s Portable School Gymnasium . Invented and Patented by 6 . W . BACON , F . R . G . S . Complete in Box , with 100 Illustrations , £ 1 . 3 s . ; with Trapeze Attachment , Is . (> d . extra . London : G . W . BACON , F . R . G . S ., 127 Strand . \ . ____ G j 5 y
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1886, page 39, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011886/page/41/