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; 6o Tie Publishers' Oircular '3&n- w*l»...
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; 6o Tie Publishers' Oircular '3&N- W*L»...
; 6 o Tie Publishers' Oircular ' 3 & n- w * l » 6
THE TAUCHNITZ ISmo COLLECTION . elottirice 2 s . OF Volume BRITISH . AUTHORS , , pper Bunyan this World ( John to ) that —The which Pilgrim is to ' s Come Progress . 1 vol from . Ossian James —The Macpberson Poems , of Esq Ossian .. With . Translated Dissertations by Burney of a young ( MiSB Lady )— 's Evelina Introduction ; or , to the the History World . oa Blair the ' . s Critical Era and Dissertation Poems of . Ossian 1 vol . , and Dr . 1 vol . _ Peroy ( TllOinaS ^—Keliques of Ancient Ei ^ g-Burns and Portrait ( Robert of )— the Poetical Author . Works 1 vol . - . With Life 3 P 0 lish P © Poetry ( Alexander . 3 vols )— . Select Poetical Works . Coleridge ( SamL Taylor)—Poems . Edited J W ith the Life and Portrait of the Author . I vol . grap by Derwent hical Memoir and Sara hj Colerid Ferdinand ge . With Freili a grath Bio- . Richardson of a Young Lad ( S . y )— . Clarissa Complete ; or . , 4 the vols History . of 1 vol . ( Shelley ( Percy Bysshe )—A Selection from De Mariner Adventure Foe ( . Daniel s 1 vol of . Kobinson )— The Life Crusoe and , Sur of pri Kork sing , Sheridan Memoi the Poems r , by ( B MathUde of . Brinsley P , B . S Blind helley )— . Dramatic . 1 Edite vol . d , Works with a . English English Literature Language and : Li Fire terature Centuries . Beit ) of £ Vol the . Smollett 1 * vol . ( T . )~~ The Adventures of Peregrine 500 of the TAuchnitz Edition . With a Preface Pickle . 2 vols . by the Editor . 1 vol . The Adventures of Roderick Random . With in the ^ Ifforley the Past Reign . ( Containing Henry of Victoria ) —Of Facsimiles . Eng With lish a Literature Grlance of Auto at - Sterile the The Life Expeditioo ( Bev of the . Author Iiaurenoe of Hump . 1 hr )— vol ey The Clinker Life . I , vol and . I grap 28 . 6 hs d . of Contemporary Authors . 1 voL cloth ,, Swift Opinions ( Jonathan of Tristram )— Shand Gulliver y , ( ' xent s Travels lemaii . 1 into vol . ; Fielding a Foundli ( Henry n . With )—The the History Life of of the Tom Author Jones . , a sever Sketch al Remote of his Life Countries . 1 voL of the World . With i 2 vols . g Testament ( The New)—The" Authorised | Q-Oldsmitll Portrait . 1 ( Olive vol . r )—Select "Works . With Readings English Version from the , with three Introducti most celebrated on , and Various MSS . Johnson English Poets (! Dr . . Samuel 2 vols . )—The I ^ ives of the of Tischendorf the Original . 1 Greek vol . Text . By Constantino . \ : Lamb Eliana ( . diaries 1 vol . )—The Essays of Elia and Thomson Portrait . . ( James 1 vol . )—Poetical Works . With Milton Lost and ( John Paradise )—Poetical Begained Worlts . 1 vol . . Paradise "Wordsworth Works . 2 vols ( . William , ' )—Select Poetical ' \ THE TAUCHNITZ SERIES OF GERMAN AUTHORS , j Translated into English : Masterpieces and of the of Classical German Period Literatur . e , both of Recent Date j ; 18 mo . cloth , price 2 s . per Volume ; sewed , Is . 6 d . \ Auerbach bF . E . Buuiiett ( B . )—On . 3 the vols Heights . Translated Hey lafed Be b ( Paul 1 . C )— . S . Barbarossa 1 vol . , & c . Tales , trans- i y Brieitta & ' 1 vol ' . L D ' Arrabiata y lriike , » , & ' c . Ttlle Tales 8 ' . 1 1 vol . ; ; —— Spinoza : a Novel . 2 vols . Hillern ( Wilhelmine von)—The Hour will | Ebers Homo tt ( G-. Sum a )—An . Translated m Egyp . , tian . ,, Princess bClam nl . Bell t ^ 2 h . vols ^ 2 vols . i . Coitoe Vulture . 2 vols Maiden . ( Geier- WalltX I The Sisters . Translated by y Clara Bell . 2 yols . Kohn Prague ( S . . )_ Gubriei : a Story of the Jews in j Uarda : a Romance of Ancient Egypt foJF . 2 vols . LessingCG Oalotti . - Translated JB . )—Nathan bW the . Ta Wise lor ; and & c . Emilia 1 vol . y y , Fouqud F . E . Bunnett ' s Undine . , 1 Sintram vol . , & c . Translated by Marlitt Iiewald ( ( Fanny E , )— Princess )—Stella of . the 2 toIh Moor . , ( Haide-Freiligratll Edited by J his ( F Dauchter . ) -Poems fa ' , from the German . Nath n / iZTZl . USlU Diary 8 ( of Maria ^ a Poor lrJ )— Young ^ Joachim T * Lady von . 1 Kamern it vol . ; ' Goeth Wilhelm e's Faust Meister . Translated ' s Apprenticeshi 1 S by John p . Austen 2 vols . . Reuter Dftys . (! Translated Pritz )—An . Old 3 vols Story . of my Farming rs ical £ 5 * ~ Sketch * t t / irr ^ . m ) With w ^ T Portrait ? -D- ? f areki : a rBl ,- 0 ^ P i - Ricllter and ^ n Thorn tne ( J year . P . eces ' F . ; from Jtam 2 vols the , Pau . Vlatt i ) - Jnower Dcutsch , Fruit . , Gutzkow ( K . )—Through Night to Light . Sclieffel ( J . V . )—Ekkehard : a Tale of the Hackltoder ( Handel und ( Wa F . ndeV W . ) ) . -Behind Translate the d by Counter Mary Taylor m T \ nth ^ ( G 2 - ? . ) ^ - r * Kl ' ytia 2 . vols , a - Tale _ . of Heidelberg Hauff _ Howitt „ ( W w . ^ . )~ . 2 Three vols „ . Tales . 1 vol . - Zscliokk enbuttel . Oastle- e ( cc BE . vols . )— Tai . Pri es . ncess 1 vol of . Brunswick-Wolf-, ^ PUBLISHED IN LONDON BY ^ SAMPSON LOW Crovrn , MARSTON Buildings , 188 , Fleet SEARLE Street , E < fc . C . RIVINGTON , _
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1886, page 60, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011886/page/62/