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SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , & CO . 'S SCHOOL B 00 K 8- ***** : Now ready , cro"wn 8 vo . cloth , very numerous diagrams , & c , 2 s . A PRIMER OF ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION ; OH , Elementary Practical Solid Geometry Clearly Explained , with Numerous Problems and Exercises . Speciall y adapted for Science and Art Classes , and for the use of Students who have riot the aid of a Teacher . iY MAJOR O . T . PLUNKETT , 1 KOYAL E 27 GI-TCEBS . I _ - , .. I ' , / - br -trt / _ tli Jt ? _ £ __ . v _ - < JcLt - taught It theoretical is needless in the training following to enlarge in anjrof pages upon , the whether the great mechanical as importance an excellent arts and of mental sciences the subj exercise . ect Many of - or which thousands as a the necessary elementary of pup foundation ils , trut preparing hs are for devote suffice country for a variety as . to class Could individual of -books occupation all these but instruction this s , learners stud is far y , some it from find in schools of teachers the larger the of withi every case works . n class reach published or , and in their had on every this leisure subj teacher time ect would throug ample , perhaps hout time the to , Mpst pupils have , to learn in large classes being , where the teacher can afford but little time for explaining To difficulties author in p assist laces believes where these as they qualified , that and are no to met student facilitate teachers with who are the by individuals studies not work to of be it teaching obtained dili ; many , , learn is and and the the , _ works object . nd learner no of the doubt mus the t following many rel les y upon more "will primer his have wish books , to and alone lear diffi the n - . , culty in satisfying the examiners of the Science and gentl Art y Department . Candidates examp for a second any -grade throug certificate h the in whol art e need of the onl p y rimer go as , and far should as the end then of hare the no fourth difficulty chapter in passing ; science the students examination must in 'woTk tbe elementary stage , while they will be well prepared for taking up the more advanced works on the subject . In the Press . Crown 8 vo . cloth , 5 s . ; with the Answers in one , 6 « . ; the Answers separately , Is . 6 # . y ALGEBRA FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES . BY WILLIAM THOMSON , M . A ., B . Sc , F . R . S . E ., Member of the London Mathematical Society , Member of Council of the University of the Cape of Good Hope , and Professor of Mathematics , Stellenbosch College ; Formerly Assistant Professor of Mathematics in the University of Edinburgh . Crown 8 vo . cloth , 2 a . 6 d . ; without Answers , 2 s . ; Answers separately , 6 c ? . NUMERICAL EXERCISES IN CHEMISTRY 6 BO _ u CINOR _ s : _^ GANIC _ . _ y _ _ ? i _ : __ s . By T . HANDS , M . A ., F . R . A . S ., Science Master in Carlisle Grammar School , and late Scholar of Quee ? i ' s Col / epc , Oxford . CONTENTS . Tktotric System of Weights and Measures ; Ttaermometrio Scales ; Volume , Moss , Density , Weight ; Boyle ' s law , Dalton ' s Che Law mical of Gaseous Equations Mixtures , Calculati ; Charles on of * or Molecular Guy-Lussao Weights ' s Law ; Composition Graham ' s Law of of Water Diffusion , Connection ; Specific between Heat ; Latent Boiling Heat -point ; and Combination Pressure ; ; Calculation Nitrogen and of Per Air centage , Hjgrometiio Composition Formula from ; Formula The Crith or converse ; Mechanica ly ; Misce l Equivalent llaneous JSxainples of Heat , ; Heat Tables of ; I Equations ; Answers . i L
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1886, page 72, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011886/page/74/