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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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. ' • ' ' ¦ . ' • "¦ • ¦ ¦ - ' ' ¦ . 1a ...
. ' ' ' ¦ . ' "¦ ¦ ¦ - ' ' ¦ . 1 A Jan . 15 ; 1886 The Publishers' Circular 7 f I -
price Being I prescribe nor convinced ENGLISH mode to you procedure . that neither you I j marclie Je Persuade ne vous T suivre -HAXQAIS que fixe , commc ni . prix d'or ni - v PAMMFP UJElJElIjMlwlAlf fifln Alt . R l %¥ E * I PT SPONI Ctfl A Amtl I lENTS \ ¥ imT ^ lil « ' l !! willas usualact so as to | dinaire , vous aglrez de ma- vwa « iwj m * vAlVUl 1 W , protect utm 0 St my interest , to the mere mes intents a servir . leniieux possible ^^ w ^^ v ^ Wcconfideentirel * yinyour Nous nous en rapportons 6 B IIViliI NrLl « H . PREMrU rnKlll / n i ' good these management goods to the to best realize ad- de pour ent cette ierement tirer marchandise le a meilleur vos bons . soins parti l pmi » raVfl ^ l Lil ICU 9 l l Vt CCDHII l » KI ¥ IA A ' AI N > vantage "We . lay down for you Nous ne vous trains ni ENGLIRH KI ^ % J fc » IOn orMllIgn Q PAMIfiH neither Leaving price to nor your conditions absolute , prix Laissant ni conditions a votre . pleine ini- FREMCH ~ I * BI * wn * ClYUUOn Euhi | ou tendin discretion g for the and care protecting of con- tiative et sauvegarder le soin nos de interets debattre . pp ^¦ % gJUftilaftjgPMAil & fW \ # n UKnlflHIi our interests . FRENCH-SPANISH to fix any price in a for position these mesure Nous d ' assi sommes gner une cote a CERIWIAN'EN CLISH goods . cette marchandise . confidence We have , mo your reover proved , full con Nous fiance avons en votre dmreste zele eprou p leine - QERMAN'FRE NCH ^ t «' ottfff . . ence - " l £ £ ,, £ £% v ££$ & £ ; CERWIAN 432 ¦ -PP . CLOTH -SPANISH , 2 / - EACH . I am very desirous of re- Je desire beaucoup rece- . . ' to ceivin your s port your wine instructions . as gard voir vos de votre instructions via de Porto a l ' . e- DAI rULH Vfil iLU flT l WUIflfCOrUliUCIl I ^ IIDQCISDAMIIPMT l If a contract can be made S'il est possible de- faire Trench , English , German and Spanish . for rifles the exact delivery to samp of les 60 , , and 000 nn de con 60 , 000 trat fusils pour la de liWfiison guerre , oa o = u n ^ ' nnrrr *>**>**> */ 5 / - \ at ment 4 month the , it x > s i' from i ce ht quote date to be d of , entered -within agsee- conforme date et au prix faut cote aux le , conclure a echantillons 4 mois de jfottiCCU ** » iLEnSUflflC » » SOCJCttJ into w , ithout oug loss of time . le moindre , retard . is , pajternoster ROW , E . G .
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CATHOLIC PEAYEE BOOKS . CHARLES EASON , PUBLISHER , 13 ASTON'S QUAY , DUBLIN . ( Address for Telegrams : Eason , Dublin . ) These Prayer Books are published under Episcopal Approbation , and are noted for excellence of ., typography and bindings . « Catalogues , Wholesale or Retail , on application . Shippers and the Trade supplied . *& London Agents " : WILLIAMS ' 8 c BUTLAND ' - ¦ ¦¦' ' , 47 Little ' Britain ' = . ==
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1886, page 77, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011886/page/79/