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\ 88 The Publishers' Circular >n. 15, i8...
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\ 88 The Publishers' Circular >N. 15, I8...
\ 88 The Publishers' Circular > n . 15 , i 8 $ 6
GOLD MEDAL , ' PARIS , 1878 . ^^^^^^^^^^>^ JOSEPH GILLOTT'S CE LE BRAT E D " SCHOOL so Ad by all " ( No stationers . 35 I ) -throughout o $ « r STEEL the wor PENS ld- . ' j Every Packet Sipuiure bears , facsimile ^__^ £ ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ - J ^ S ,
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A Revolution in Reprinting ! THE FACSIMILE REPRODUCTION COMPANY , WATER ST ., ARUNDEL ST ., STRAND , LONDON , BEG to call the attention of Publishers and , REPRINTING the Public , g b enerall y which y to their accurate New Method reprint o of f any Book , Plan , or Printed Matter can be obtained at press a cost printing of about . one-haxf that of ordinary letteri lead R ing eprints houses have in been London executed to whom for reference many of can the i be given . , \ 1 Estimates and Specimens of Reproduction sent by i return mail , or can he had on application-.
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1886, page 88, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011886/page/90/