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I 30 5KI6 PuMIs*h ¦ <ers' Circuit Jan. i...
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I 30 5ki6 Pumis*H ¦ <Ers' Circuit Jan. I...
I 30 5 KI 6 PuMIs * h < ers' Circuit Jan . i ^ ^ g ¦¦ ^|
I ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ , . , , ¦ I ¦ ¦ ¦¦ *!¦ ... ¦ - . - - ' I ¦' - •¦ • ¦¦ ¦• •' - . . , , . ; . ^ . : Sketches , , . .. . . - - .-. -Now ready in , crown 8 Prose vo . cloth extra ^ 500 pages and , price 5 s . Yerse - ... ....... ~ .. r By F . B . DOVETON , . A-TJTOEaZODE ^ OZET ' SUATCKES OIF SOUG - Extracts from , I * ress Opinions : — ' Remarkable pieces of prose . The writer is a true poet . '—Wbstebn Mokning News . ' He sings pleasantly enough . . Some of his minor pieces seem suited for recitation . '—World . ' . Pretty fancies clothed in graceful , expressive " , and well-tuned metre /—Saturday [ Review . hi » verse '" In is the very Olden sweet Time . '—Public ' * is in p Opinuxnv laces iTery beautiful . He can pen a very pretty lyric , and some of ' His versatility is somewhat remarkable ; one of the most successful of our younger singers . 'Globe . 1 Mr . Doveton ' s parodies are exceedingly ingenious , and some of his original verse is eloquent in expression and rich in fancy . '—Life . 'A collection containing decided merit and originality of thought . '—Morning Advertiser . * These mirthful pieces . clever references to the news of the hour . '—Iliustrated London News . London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEARLE & BIVTNGTON , Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street , E . C .
NOW Ready . —In one volume , 12 mo . 300 pages , fully Illustrated . ALUMINIUM : Its History , Occurrence , Properties , Metallurgy and Applications , including its Alloys . j BY JOSEPH W . RICHARDS , A . C ., i Chemist and Practical Metallurgist . CONTENTS . ] PABT I . —History op Aluminium . kofE and ; Mareska Manufacture , Tissier of , R Alumina . Wagner : Tilghmann , Dumas , Castner ' s Process , Jabloch From - * PART II . —Occurrence in Nature : Beauxite , Cryolite , Cryolite , Dry Way , Wet Way , Manufacture of Double , 1 : Corundum ^ PART r ^ ITT ii ^ Propfrtiks z TcZir ; Physical ^ T ^ si : ToToZ Propfrties ; t ° : z , ee Salindre Chloride > ^ Coat Aluminium ^ of ^ z » and Webster ^ Sodium tl s 1 Process " oth Process % tt Grousillier in use ? ' at s , j Mobility ; Ductility ; Tenacity ; Elastic ^; Harness ; £ — ; g ~ J S ^' hS ^ llSS ?^^ netism Conductivity Sonorousness ; Crystalline ; ; Thermal Densi Foinn ty ; Conductivity fusi Chemical bility ; Non ; Properties Spedflc -Volatihty Heat ; : Electnc Action ; Mag- ' ( Comen MflniB ) f £ arton / on ( Oh Nie apelle werth , Reinar ) , Carbon , Oowles and ) , Carbonic Iron ( Lauter Acid . I phunc of zi Air . , Acid Water . * , . - , nt ** itric , Sul „ . ph k * uretted d / i , Hydroch tt „ Hydrogen „ loric , ^« .. Acid A « i / and i , „ Caustic n . ,- Sulphur ^ tu . „ Alkalies . iiwiio , c Sul ,. ,, - Zinc EvTard _ , ' ( Bassott , Nie . « Ostberg r »« aa werth + ^ .+ « , J Wedding w ) , \ « a C n Thompso ^ m opp « er « , Seymour c « ( / n n Ca ^ , l i vert OalWrt , «* ) , and Lead t ^ , J Johnson x ohnson ZT ( Wilde imi ^ , , , Benzon Benson Karens -rr " «« fa * " » - , > I » Organic « Nitre ¦ KT- * f , Silicates „ . ™ , Acids , * . . * , -. and Vine \ t >¦ Borates t x gar ? in , & * - / , c Fluorspar 1 , - , . 1 a Solutions a 1 , Calcium ^ 1 of T 1 «/ r 1 a Metallic . x . Phosphate nu a ; Salts -u 1- 4 . 1 . , , busch . Gr « Utzol . „ . . ^ ' ) , , . Manganese > & . « , , « c . ) f . ; Working « , ( Weldon . „„ ,, in . i ) Aluminium * , , Electricity „ . _ , 7 . .. : \ ( , Melting r . Devill 1 .. . .. e , ' ' , Casting Bunsen Z Z ^ ^ " ' , , ^ Chlorine Sodium ^ of ,, ' , Potash , . . \ Chloride 1 ^ , * Carbon Sul o . 1 phate r . a Meta Bromine t , of llic Soda a . 1 Oxides Fluorine t , ,, Hydrogen TTi j Animal Carbonates « , Nitrogen -KT v Matters - * . r , of j Sulphur a . Potash t it lphate » a . rl , . * Freein _ . . ff . » . - veneerin . rrl g . from ^^^ i ^ Slag ai ^ g Vrt with , , Purification t t- v * Aluminium A « i ,, « . * « i ! , . Uses Tr . , Q « of . - « ilding nj Aluminium a 1 and * ^ Silverin c % , Solder o 1 . g - , j \ and , Soda .. , ' , , General , * Observations rt . . , . . , Aluminium A PART V . . —Alloys op Aluminium . General Remarks : i PART IV . —Metallurgy ( Experimental Stage ) : OerstedtSilicon , Mercury , Copper , Iron , Zinc , Tin , Lead , Antimony , ! Wbhler ( Practical , D Stage eville ) , : H General . Rose , Remarks Dr . Percy , Metallurgy , Deville , of Gerhard Sodium ; , , Carbon Bismut , h , Gallium Nickel , , Titanium Stiver , Gold , Wolfram , Platinum , Molybdenum , Cadmium , , Manga Boron - , j Davy , Gay-iLussao and Thenard , Curandan , BrUnner , Donny nose , Sodium , Nitrogen , Appendix . i [ London : SAMPSON LOW , MAKSTON , SEABLE & RIVINGTON , 188 Fleet Street .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1887, page 30, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011887/page/32/