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46 The. Eul^isbers' CSfQular Jan. 15iS8?...
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46 The. Eul^Isbers' Csfqular Jan. 15is8?...
46 The . Eul ^ isbers' CSfQular Jan . 15 iS 8 ? ,
1 GEORGE BELL & SONS ' NEW EDUCATIONAL WORKS . . " . , ¦ ,-. '¦ » „ . , . ¦ . J— .. ... ^ ... ^ . f S . —— 1 . — _ - -i . -. _ « -,. ¦ ... ... — . ., 13 NOVUM A . M ., D . C TEST . L ., LL . D . AM Editio ENTUM Major . Small GBAECE post 8 vo . cloth . 7 « Cu * 6 d ^ mte F . H . A . Scrivener , Capitula Bevisers * * * This ; ( majora also is a an revised et minora enlarged and ) and much edition the enlarged Eusebian of Dr . Series Scrivener Canons of References , the ' s well Headings -known . of Greek : WesTCOTT Testament and - Hoar , an . i , * contains nd those , in adopted addition by , ¦ ' tne the ¦ ¦ ¦ I :: EXTRACTS FOR TRANSLATION IN GREEKLATIN I - ^ - ^ 9 EN GLISH . By R . C . Jebb , Litt . IX > LL . D ., Professor of Greek in Glasgow , University , j \ Fellow H . Jackson of Trinity , Litt . D College ., Fellow , Cambridge of Trinity . Crown College 8 vo , Cambridge . 43 . 6 d . ; and W . E . Cttrrey , M . A ., late , i I price Tra 8 s , nslations of , these Pieces will be found in ~~'! a . " ~ Companion Volume i N by thesamfe . ' : ' Authors , entitled 'Translations , ' 3 STEW ARITHMETIC . - 1 ARITHMETIC A - With Examination Paper ^ and nearly 8 , 000 Examples . By Author Chables of Penblebxjry ' Lenses and , Sy M . A m ., of F . R L . A enses . S ., , treate Sfenior d aftejr Majfchematical the manner Master of Gauss at . ' St Cro . Paul wn 8 ' vo s . 4 s h , 6 d , . 1 . j i | A NEW ETJCI ^ i II ) . ; : - EUCLID . Books I .-VI ., and parfc of Books ? XI , and XII . Newly translated , from numer the ous Greek Exerc Text ises . , wit B h Supp Horace lementary Deightox Propositions , M . A ., , Hea Chapters d Master . on Modern . of Harrison Geometry College , and , Barbadoes . Crown 8 vo . 4 s . 6 d . . ,-i ¦ t A NEW PHILOLOGY . ELEMENTS OF COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR AND PHI Grammar LOLO School GY . , For late Scholar Use in of Schools Pembroke . By College A . C , . Oxford Puicis . , M Crown . A ., As 8 sistant vo . 25 - . Master 6 c ? . at Leeds A NEW GKEOIiOQlf . STUDENT'S HANDBOOK OF PHYSICAL GEOLOGY . B numerous y A . J . Jukes Diagrams -Brown and , B Illustrations . A ,, F . G . S ., . of Small the Geolog post 8 ical Vo . 6 Survey s . . of England and Wales . With By the same Autljojr . THE STUDENT ' S HANDBOOK OF HISTORICAL GEOLOGY . With numerous Diagrams and Illustrations . Small post 8 vo . 6 s . ' Will A thoroughly prove a most good useful , practical book text . '—Nature -book . '*— . Scotsman . ¦ ' c It is long since we came across so comprehensive a work , so well arranged , and so sensibly illustrated . * SC HOOIAI ASTER . CHEMISTRY . EXPERIMENTAL CHEMISTRY . Founded on the Work of Dr . J . A . Stockhabdt . A Handbook for the Study of the Science on t > y ! Simple Experiments . New JEdition , re Ch vised st 8 ing vo . . Cross 5 B s . y O H . W . ital Hbaton , Examiner , F . I . O ., in F . Chemistry C . S ., Lecture to ^ the Roya Chemistry l College in t of he Ph Medical ysicians School . Smal of l po BOTANY . f THE BOTANIST'S POCKET-BOPK . Containing , in a Tabulated clot Form Co cop l ious our h , 4 , t s he Growt Index . 6 chief d . . h , characteristics and By W Time , K . of Haiward Flowering of British . Fifth of Plants eve Edition " ry , with Plp j , , nt withrnew the , ar Botanical ranged A ; ppen un Nam der dix es its . , Soil own Crown , order or 8 Si vo , tuat . with limp ion a , , London : GEORGE BELL & SONS , York Street , Covent Garden .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1887, page 46, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011887/page/48/