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request volume her of various her publishers speeches and to collect essays on into this a
jail question to be . impressed In reading alike the with book the one admi cannot rable qualities of the authoress ' s head and heart . She
La * made the subject her deep and constant arguments stud }' , and submitted writes as are one very in authority powerful . , and The
! | make vivisectors strong will their need position all their if once resources the British to ' Cobbe public calls masters the this testimony book . of To many her aid hi Miss
hl' esteemed scientists ; while the case she makes gy out concerning revolting cruelty to dumb animals is unanswerable . Before arriving at
( l | it be final carefully essential opinion , to few read concerning will this fail book in this decisive , and practice , havin action , it g re . will ad
I From Mr . James Stanley , Roehampton , S . W . — 'A -m- .- Summary - ¦ , of - Eng - — — — ¦ j lish — His — t — o — ry v t ^ o ¦» * - ^ 1702 m- w *** r ^^ , m ' b r ^ r y w
Robert Beauclerk , B . A . Lon . The chief facts and set forth most in cr these itical pages events with in Eng brevity lish — hist clearness ory are
and skill . The volume cj also contains •/ , genea- , logical tables , a glossary , index , and several maps . By the use of bold leaded type , it is
possible at a glance to catch the salient points recorded on each page . Students preparing for examination would scarcely fail to find such a
summary of considerable utility . ^ From h — — — Messrs — —— — - — - — — — . — Trischler ^^^^ — m — — - ^» - ^^—^— — h ^ - ^ & - ^^ ^ v Co *^^« - ~^ " ~ . ™ — « The ^ p ^ H ^^^^ ^^^ ^ Romance ^^ m ^» i i - ^ ^ m * ^ fc »^» ^^ ^ m ^^^ ^ fc *
of a Station , ' by Mrs . Campbell Praed . 2 vols The earlier portion of this novel is founded upon the author ' s actual experience in an
i island oft' the Australian coast . The remainder consists of pleasantly told incidents in the ion of fancy and fictionAn insight is
reg IV g lUU KJ M- J . lAtM . ± \ - > JI U 11 U HVHV 1 J . . 4 M . XX lllOlgllll 1 O given into the waj T s and habits of Australian squa . __ _ tters _ . _ ; whilst _ . _ — the — — inconveniences — __ _ .. _ — — - _ ¦ - ^^ that — — ¦~ ' ™ ' — con ^^ ~*^ ^ ^ -
front the settler fresh from the regions of civilisation and culture will provoke some : amount of amusement . Two love stories are
the prominent features of the work , both of which end unhappily . They are distinguished by skilful delineation of characterwith many
touches of genuine pathos . Neither , the men nor the women do anything very remarkable . The novel has decidedly a healthy ring about
it , and is certain to please a large circle of readers , but it fails to rise above the level of mediocrity .
From the same . — ' The Copper Crash , ' by Frank Danby — -- , / . A — novel — — of marked — . . . - _ ability _^^ , in — which _
the subject of hypnotism plays a conspicuous part . A clever but unprincipled woman employs her lover as a catspaw to carry out a dire
revenge against a London merchant for whom she cherishes an implacable haired . The lover exercises will-power as a means to accomplish
1 . M . the woman ' s design . From the same . —* Doctor Greystone , ' by Madam
Van de Velde . The authoress tells this ) ove fi he to r ry with J le is some open A . amount to much of improvement skill * ¦ and po ; There , but
ar characters e several on the probable whole are nciden carefull ts , bu y t and the truthfully delineated .
From Mr . T . FisUer Unwin . — * The Paradox Club - ^^ m * ^ t ^ K *^ r / M b wi * y W 9 B Edward ^*""^ ^*^ ^ ^ ^ .- ^ ^^ ^ i ^« 4 Garnett ^ a ^ r ^^ ^ w m i— •— ~_ r — - — , - second edition -- — ^ -. - ^ . - , . — , . ,, A m—
™delightful whimsical medley and practical , in which , political grave and and social gay , elements are skilfully combined . One of the
chief qualifications for admission into the
" indifferen Paradox ce Club towards ' appears some to of have the been conventi an easy onal ; *
the ideas male and and habits femal of orthodox e members Society were . under ' Both a tacit agreement that their . freedom of action
should in no wise . be fettered or checked by , old-fashioned restraints not included in the * Decalogue ^^ — — ^ T ^ V — ^^ . The ' ^^ ^^ m ^^^ questions ^^ rv ^^ f ^ h - ^^ r 1 ^^ ^^ b - ^^ ^^^ m ^^ m" discussed ^^ r ^ B ^ w ^ ^^^ f ^^ F ^ H V ^^ V ^ . ^ ^^ P ^^ ^ at . p ^ V ^^ the ^ V ^^*^^ ^^^ F
* Club' were as pleasing in their variety as the characters and dispositions of the ladies and gentlemen who had the privilege of belonging
to . this social and literary coterie . From Messrs . Frederick Warae & Co . —* Little
Saint Elizabeth , ' and other stories , by Frances Hodgson Burnett . Illustrated . The * other " stories ' in this handsome gift-book may be dis- '
missed with the assurance that they are graceful and pretty ; but * Little Saint Elizabeth' is » a * ltogether M . CV ^ » -KS vj * . * v- *¦ worth »» V * H 1 JJ y of X ^ « . the \ J J-l % hand UU «& A \ 4 which Tf 1 J AVli dre VL « V ^ wr ff the UI 4 V
portrait of * Little Lord Fauntleroy . ' Mrs . Hodgson Burnett thoroughly understands childlife , and in this exquisite and pathetic tale she
makes us acquainted A with a most X winning and - gentle young heroine , who resolves to follow in the steps of St . Elizabeth of Hungary—friend
of the helpless and servant of the poor : The little girl had spent her earliest years in France with an aunt who lived a life of almost
conventual austerity ; and at eleven , on the death of her guardian , little Elizabeth is suddenly transported to Americaand placed under the
, care of a rich bachelor uncle—an easy-going , pleasure-loving man , whose leanings are assuredlv not in the direction of self-denial . The
child hears , almost by accident , of the unrelieved and terrible privations of the poor of the great cityandwithout a touch of self-consciousness
sets , to wo , rk to help and comfort those less , fortunately circumstanced . The charm of the book lies in the union of genuine childish
modesty and simplicity with the n strength of a great purpose and the quest of a noble ideal . Selfish , pampered children abound in these
days : we trust that the story of ' Little Saint Elizabeth ' may lead some of them to follow a more excellent way .
From Mr . R . Washbourne . — ' Our Christian Heritage , ' by James / Cardinal Gibbons ,
Archbishop of Baltimore . The vital doctrines of the Christian Faith are examined and enforced in this work in a scholarlyeloquentand
powerful manner . The book , does not aim , in any way to vindicate the claims or introduce the special tenets of the Romish Church ; it is
rather an able defence of the divine mission of Jesus Christ . There is little , if anything , in the book opposed to the principles of a zealous
and orthodox the arguments Protestant deduced , for the enter topics equally discuss -into ed the faith of both Protestant and Romanist .
Felicity of illustration , a graphic and lucid s vadi tyle n , together with ter the broad ht to sympath win for y per the - every poug
book a large circle of , readers in this country . ^ From ^ ^^ " \_^ ak Hi # ^ ^ Messrs p *^^** ^ i ^ ^ ™ — * . ^ Efflngham ^— —^^ — wi ^ r — " Wilson ^ " ^ ~ r ^** ¦ 1 A - ^^^¦ r Co ^~^ . — 'A - - —
under Handy the Book New on Law the Investment , ' by R . Denny of Trust Urlin . Funds The author states that he has found it desirable to
prepar guide e to this his hand recent -book work as a on supp the lementary Law of Trusteesov / ing chiefly to the additions that
have been , made to the lists of authorised trustinvestments . The Trust Investment Act , of 1889 . is also included in the book .
Jan . 15 , 1890 The Publishers' Circular 2 t -i
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1890, page 21, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011890/page/23/