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3 o The Publishers' Circular Jan. 15,189...
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3 O The Publishers' Circular Jan. 15,189...
3 The Publishers' Circular Jan . 15 , 1890
MESSRS . LONGMANS & GO'S NEW BOOKS FOR MIDDLE-CLASS SCHOOLS . LONGMANS' SCHOOL ARITHMETIC . By F . E . Maeshall , M . A ., I late Foundation Scholar of Trinity College , Cambridge , and J . W . Wblsfoed , M . A ., late Fellow of Gonville and Caius College , Cambridge , Assistant Masters at Harrow School . With 8 , 500 Examples to be worked , and a large number of Oral Examples . Crown 8 vo . 3 * . 6 d . * * The book can be had with and without Answers at the price as above . LONGMANS' JUNIOR SCHOOL ARITHMETIC . An Arithmetic for Beginners . With about 6 , 000 Examples , Mental and Practical . Fcp . 8 vo . 3 a . ; with Answers , 1 * . Gd . ¦ LONGMANS SCHOOLS . Covering ' PRACTICAL the Work for each MENTA Standard . B L ARITHMETIC Inspector of Schools . FOR Fcp . 8 vo . Is . 6 d . LONGM to meet ANS the ^ Requirements ' SCHOOL of Pup GRAMMAR il Teachers , of the . Oxford By David Cambrid Salmon ge Local . Examina Written tions , the Examination of the College of Preceptors , & c . Crown 8 vo . 2 s . 6 d . LONGMANS' JUNIOR SCHOOL GRAMMAR . By David Salmon . ' Fcp . 8 vo . Is . LONGMANS' HANDBOOK OP COMMERCIAL GEOGRAPHY . By George G . Chisholm , M . A ., B . Sc . With 29 Maps . 8 vo . 16 « . LONGMANS' SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY . By Geobge G . Chisholm , M . A ., B . Sc , F . B . G . S ., & o . With 61 Illustrations and Diagrams . Crown 8 vo . 3 $ . 6 d . LONGMANS' JUNIOR SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY . By Geobge G . Chisholm , M . A ., B . Sc , F . K . G . S ., & c . With 31 Maps . ito . 2 s . cloth ; Is . 6 d . boards . LONGMANS' SHILLING GEOGRAPHY . Elementary Geography of 9 D the iagrams World . for Crown Junior 8 vo Students . Is . , for Class Work and Home Lessons . With 45 Maps and LONGMANS' NEW ATLAS . Political and Physical , for the use of Schools and and Private 16 4 to . Persons Plates . of Consisting Views , & c . of Engraved 40 4 to . and and 16 8 Lithograp vo . Maps and ed by Diagrams Edward , bes Stanford ides Insets . Edited by George G . Chisholm , M . A ., B . Sc . Imp . 4 to . or imp . 8 vo . 12 a . Gd . LONGMANS SCHOOL COMPOSITION . By David Salmon . Crown 8 vo . 2 s . 6 d . [ In the xwess . LONGMANS Salmon . Fcp ' JUNIOR vo . 1 * . SCHOOL COMPOSITION . By David 1 LONGMANS R . MoWilliam ' HANDBOOK B . A ., Inspector to the OP London ENGLISH { School Board . LITERATURE In Four Partseach Is . . Part B y Part From 3 . the From Earliest Ben Jonson Times to Locke to Chaucer . Part . ( Part Inpreparation 2 . Fkom ) . Chaucer , to Shakspere . ANIMAL S . Fuuneaux PHY , Special SIOLOGY Science Teacher . , By London William School PHYSIC Science and S . N Department ew Cour se issu Mark ed b Wright y the Board . With 218 Illustrations . Crown 8 vo . Is . * d . ( Bon . Inter . B . bc . London . ; Crown 8 vo . 2 * . Gd . ELEMENTARY trations By J . Thornton . Crown , 8 vo M . . A 2 PHYSIOGRAPHY . s . 6 With rf . 10 Mapa and l & o lllus . SOUND Mahk l « 0 Diagrams k , Wwoht LIGHT and Illustrations ( Hou , lllten AND . Crown HE London 8 vo AT . 2 s . . Gd With . By INOBGANIC retioal and Practical CHEMISTBY . With an Introduction , Theo to the - MAGNETISM AND EIYFCTOTrTTY Principles F . C . S . F . I . O of . . Chemical With 49 Woodcuts Analysis . and By numerous William Jaoo Quea- , » * ^ ' W W ' ** PuvTiu >****» B . A ., Wyggeston Wv . «» Vf toohools ¥ , Leicester f . , »^ . tions and , ExeroUes . Fop . bvo . Us . erf . ELEMENTARY BOTANYTheoretical J AN TIOAL jago INTRODUCTION f . c INOt . 8 . M » aXNIO . o . crown CHEMISTRY 8 vo . is . TO od . By PBAC William - aurt With Practical 31 ° Woodcuta . By Henry Crown Edmunds 8 vo . 2 « . 6 , , B . . Sc , London . ,, THEORETICAL MECHANICS In-ELEMENTABY CHEMIST F . H . G . S ., Lecturer RY . Alternative on Chemistry CourBe INORGANIC , London . By W School . Purnbaux Board . , T Examples eluding aylor , Hydrostatics M and . A ., Answers Hon . Inter and , and . Pneumatica B 17 . Qc S Diagrams . With . By numerous and * J IHua . B . Crown 8 vo . 2 * . Gd , trations . Crown 8 vo . 2 s . Gd . London : LONGMANS , GREEN & CO . ¦ M ^ " : ¦ - ' ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦' ' ¦ . ¦ .,., " , ;; .,, ' , ' , „ , vB ff
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1890, page 30, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011890/page/32/