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Jan . rs , 1890 The Publishers' Circular 3 , ' |
SEELEY & CO . 'S LIST . ! NEW SCHOOL BOOK BY DR . ABBOTT . THE LATIN GATE : a First Translation Book on a New Method . Illustrated by French and English Etymology , with Graduated Reading Lessons , Notes and ; Vocabulary , and Hints on the Structure of Lat in Words and Sentences . Crown 8 vo . 3 s . 6 d . cloth . they * begin Schoolmasters to use it , have and fro every m which reason they to themselves be thankful will for probably a book which learn much cannot as fail to the to interest way of teaching their pupils a dead from language the day . * St . James ' s Gazette . BY THE SAME AUTHOR . VIA LATIN A : a First Latin Book . Forty-third Thousand . Crown 8 vo . 3 * . 6 d . HOW position TO . Forty WRITE -first Thousand CLEARLY . Is . 6 d . cloth : R . ules and Exercises on English Com-HOW TO PARSE : an Attempt to Apply the Principles of Scholarship to English Grammar . Twenty-third Thousand . 3 s . tid . cloth . HOW , in English TO TELL Grammar . THE Twenty- PARTS third Thousand OF . 2 s . SPEECH cloth . ; or , Easy Lessons j ENGLISH LESSONS FOR ENGLISH PEOPLE . By the Kev . JKJdwin A . Abbott , D . D ., Head Master of the City of London School , and J . R . Seeley , M . A ., Professor of Modern History in the University of Cambridge . Sixteenth Thousand . Crown 8 vo . 4 s . 6 d . HINTS ON HOME TEACHING . Second Edition . 8 s . cloth . * There are few teachers so experienced or skilful that they may not learn from it . '— Spectatou . London : SEELEY & CO ., Limited , Essex Street , Strand . SEELEY'S CHEAP SCHOOL BOOKSk Conducted by Latin the at Bev University . A . J . OHUEOH College , , London M . A ., Professor . of would ' We have cannot fewer too occasions warmly to hail complain this series of boys . . . . not Most having surely read , if their all the notes schoolmasters , and fewer gruuiblings in England on would the part adopt of it patrea , they - familias ' We at believe the heavy that the items publication of the book of bill this . ' — series Saturday , especially Rkvirw of the . English part , will prove a great gain to the literary education ' Such of books the country were much . '—Spectator needtd . They . are edited with great care and ability . '—Pall Mall Gazette . Ovid . Elegiac Verse . 8 d . Priora Latina . A First Latin Book . U . Ovid . Metamorphoses , sd . First Latin Dictionary , l * . ad . Virgil Horace . . > Eneid Select . Odes Book VI Sd . . Sd . ™ Milton Xenophon Comus Comus . Anabasis & A . cc . . 8 d d Book IV . Is . Csesar . Selections . Sd . mon . , Cicero . Select Passages . 10 ^ . . Milton . Samson Agonistes . 1 * . PhSBdrUS Livy . Select . Select Passages Fables . . Sd . Sri . Goldsmith Cowper . Two . The Book Traveller s of the ' ' Task & c . . ' Sd Sd . . A Cornelius " Latin Latin ^& Exercise Delectus Nepos ^ ^ Book S M elect ^ Lives Part ^ 11 i . - ** . 8 . English English ™ * P 7 V Verse Verse Sele f- f for ions ' Repetition Repetition for Practice . Part Part n . in u . I Latin 28 6 Prose d through English Idiom . S JBillCllQ A 1 ^ PP ' ls-The First Stor Latin ies Grammar of the Iliad u and the jEneid . Arithmet w T « ^ e ical had Exercises with or without . Price Answers is . . A Church Classical , u . Heading Book . By Prof . French French Verse Grammar . U , . U is . . Gd . THE OCEAN OF AIR : a Just Popular published Scien . tific Account of the Atmosphere . By A . Gibernb . With a Preface by Professor PRrrciiABD . With 16 Illustrations , price Dr . Pritchard 5 , s \ cloth . writes : —* If I now had the opportunity I once had , I would place Miss Gibornfc ' a little volume In tho hands of the boys in the upper iorma of tho school . ' BY THE SAME AUTHOR . Amon Sun , Moon the , Stars and . Stars Fourth - Sixteenth Thousand . Thousand 5 s . . 5 s . The World g ' s Foundations . Fifth Thousand . 55 . Father Aldur . 5 s . II London : SEELEY & CO ., Limited , Essex Street , Strand .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1890, page 31, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011890/page/33/