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j 46 The Publishers' Circular jan . 15 , 1890
COLLINS' SCHOOL AT'LASES . Drawn land Engraved from the latest Authorities , and finely printed in Colours . T NEW , REVISED , AND ENLARGED EDITIONS . I NEW POPULAR SERIES . THE PEISI jNY ATLAS . Consisting of Fourteen Maps . Crown 4 to . THE NEW THREEPENNY ATLAS . Twenty-four Maps . Crown 4 to . paper cover . THE NEW SIXPENNY ATLAS . Sixteen Maps , and a Sheet of Astronomical Diagrams , 11 by 9 in . sti # cover . THE HANjDY SCHOOL ATLAS . 6 d . Thirty-two Maps , 8 by 6 , stiff boards , 6 d . THE NEVV SHILLING AT LAS . Thirty-two Maps , and a Sheet of Astronomical Diagrams , 11 by 9 in ., cloth limp . CROWN SERIES . Size of Maps , 9 by 7 j in . THE PRIMARY ATLAS . Sixteen Maps . 4 to . stiff cover , 6 d . THE POCKET ATLAS . Sixteen Maps . Folded in 8 vo . cloth , Is . THE JUNIOR ATLAS . Sixteen Maps . 4 to . with nearly 2 , 000 Questions on the Maps . ) Stiff covers , cloth back , 1 * . THE NATIONAL SCHOOL BOARD ATLAS . Containing Twenty-four Maps . 4 to . cloth limp , 1 * . THE PROGRESSIVE ATLAS , Forty Maps . 4 to . cloth limp , Is . 6 d . THE CROWN ATLAS . Forty Maps . 4 to . folded in half and mounted on guards ,, with copious Index . 8 vo . cloth , 2 s . Gd . THE NATIONAL ATLAS . Forty Maps . 4 to . with copious Index . Cloth , 2 s . 6 d . IMPERIAL SERIES . Size of Maps , 13 by 11 in . THE SELECTED ATLAS . Sixteen Maps . 4 to . cloth , Is . 6 d . THE PORJTABLE ATLAS . Sixteen Maps , on guards . 8 vo . cloth , 2 s . THE ADVANCED ATLAS . Forty-four Maps . 4 to . gilt side , 85 . 6 d . THE UNIVERSAL ATLAS . Forty-four Maps . 4 to . coloured , stiff boards , cloth back , with copious Index of uearly 15 , 000 Names , 3 * . Gd . THE ACADEMIC ATLAS . Forty-four Maps . ' 4 to . cloth gilt side , with a copious Index of nearly 15 , 000 Names , 5 s . THE STUDENTS ATLAS . Consisting of Forty-five Modern and Six Maps Index of Ancient of 17 and , 000 Historical Names . 8 Geograp vo . cloth h , y bevelled , folded in board half s , and gilt mounted side , 6 * . on guards , with a copious THE COLLEGIATE ATLAS . Consisting of Forty-five Modern Maps , and with Eighteen a of ious Ancient Index and of nearl Historical 20000 Geograp Names h . y , folded Cloth extra in half 1 % and . Gd mounted . on guards . 8 vo . THE INTERNATIONAL , Cop ATLAS y , . Consisting of Seventy-five Maps ( Fortyguards five LL . D Modern M , and with a , Sixteen Descriptive copious Historical Index Letterpress of nearly and b Fourteen 22 y W , 000 . F Names . Collier Classical . Imperial , ) LL , folded . D ., and 8 vo in . half cloth Leonhard and extra mounted , Schmitz gilt side on , , 10 * . Gd . quarter bound , morocco , gilt side , 12 * . Gd . CLASSICAL GEOGRAPHY . Finely printed in Colours . Size of Maps , 10 by 7 ^ in . POCKET in half and AT mounted LAS OF on gu C ards LASSICAL . Imperial 16 GEOGRAPHY mo . cloth , 1 * . Gd . . Fifteen Maps , folded CROWN with Descriptive ATLAS Letterpress OF CLASSICA ( 56 pp . ) L GEOG Leonhard RAPHY Sohmitz . Fifteen , LL . D ., and Maps Index as above 16 mo , cloth , 2 s . Gd . STUDENT above , with S AT Descripti LAS OF Letterp CLASSICAL ress ( 28 pp . ) by G Leonhakd EOGRAPHY Sohmitz . , Fifteen LL . D ., and Maps Index , as Imperial 8 vo . cloth , 3 « . ^ For Complete Xjist of Educational Works , see Catalogue , post-free . Mb London I ) and Glasgow ,, , : WM , , . COLLIN ., S , SON ,, S & CO ., . Limited , . . . A
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1890, page 46, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011890/page/48/