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Jan . i 5 > 1890 The Publishers ' Circular Ed . j
VROSBY LOCKWOOD ^ tSON'S uca tiona l Wo rks . \ DE FIVAS' FRENCH CLASS BOOKS . j DB FIVAS all the m ' GRAMM approved & French . R OP Grammars FRENCH extant , bat GRAM more M especiall ARS : comprising the Standard the Work Substance , * La ! Dr Grammaire . V . de Fivas des Grammaires , M . A ., F . , E ' . I a . nctio S . Fiftieth ned by ^ the Edition French , Revised Academy and Enlarged and the . Univers With ity an of A Paris ppendix . B on y ! the ( 450 History pp . ) % * and Key Etymology to the same , 3 of * . 6 the d . French Language . 3 * . 6 d . strongly bound in leather new value The addition to this old of -established an Appendix schcol on the -boDk History . '—Athev of th 2 scjm French . Lmjuag * , com piled from the best authorities , gives a no fear ' It of is certainl failure in y oae the examinations of the best , if of not any the of very the universities best , text-book . '—Educational of its kind . Those News who . master its contents need have DE FIVAS ' New ' Gram ELEMENTAR mar of French Grammars Y FRENCH . ' By Dr GRAMMAR . V . de Fivas , M : based ., F . E upon . I . S . the With Accidence numerous of Words Selections Exercises used and in . Prose Third Exam and Edition ple Verse s Illustrative from Revised Standard . of every . Authors 8 vo Rule . 2 s . , . cloth with To . a which French is - added English a French Vocabulary Reader of all ; the or , WfeBf Intended to prepare the younger , students Fcp and junior classes for th » study of the more advanced work . ! book ' Those than Dr who . De are Fivas engaged ' " Elementarv in teaching French French to Grammar beginners . " could It is not admirabl base their adapte teaching d for th upon e stud a y m o sre f junior usefu classes l school . '— - Scotsman . [ DE FIVAS , The Student ' NEW ' s and Tourist GUIDE ' s French TO Vade MODERN -Mecum . ¦ " Thirty FRE -first NCH Edition CONVERSATION , Revised . i 8 mo . 2 s . 6 - ; half-bound . - .... to pronunc * De Fivas iation ' has . ' —Academy the advantage . over other French conversation books of indicating the liaisons and giving other helps DE FIVAS , INTRODUCTION A LA LA . NGUE FRANQAISE ; ou , Fables et Contes Choisis , Anecdotes Instructives , Faits . Me ' morables , & c . Avec un Dictionnaire de tous les Mots 'We traduits strong en ly Ang advise lais students . Twenty who - have eighth read Edition carefull . y 2 a s good . 6 d . French bound . Grammar to read this excellent book . '—Public Opinion . . , DE MODERNES FIVAS , BEAUTES Quinzieme Edition DES , augmente ECRI ' e de VAINS Notes Histori FR ques A . NCAIS Ge ' ographiques ANCIENS , Philosophiques ET Litte * raires , Grammaticales et Biographiques . 3 s . 6 d . bound . 'A better book for advanced students it would be difficult to have . '—Teacher . DE French FIVA at S Sight , LE . Seventh TRESOR Edition NATIONAL . 2 s . 6 d . bound . ; * , -A Guide Key to to the same Translation , 2 s . cloth . of English into A DICTIONARY French OF Dictionary THE FRENCH to accompany LANGUAGE De Fivas' Grammar . In Two , & Parts c . , i .. French-Mining English , R . ailways 2 . English , & c . - B French y Alfred . Comprising Elwes , Author a large of ' number Spanish of New En Terms glish Dictionary used in Eng ' & c . ineering 121110 . , 3-r . 6 d . cloth boards . - . .. , ROUBAUD , THE FRENCH LANGUAGE : a Complete Compendium of its History and French Etymology Grammar . . B ) y is E . . & Roubaud . cloth . , B . A . Paris . ( Being the Appendix to the New Edition of De Fivas ' ELEMENTARY FRENCH BOOKS FOR THE . YOUNG . PETITES CAUSERIE Motteau S : being ' s French Elementary and English French Talk and - Eng book lish Conversations for Young I Students By Achille and Motteau Home Teaching , Author . Illustrated of ' The Civil by Ei Service ght full Firs -page t French Engravings Book' and & c . numerous In Two Woodcuts Parts , yd . . ) \ each , strongly bound in stiff cloth for School wear and tear ; or One Vol ., cloth boards , price is . 6 d . B 3 T This French Talk-Book , which contains interesting conversations in French and [ Just English published , suitable . for Young Children ^ is specially adapted to the system of ' dual instruction '—or si ? nultaneous instruction in French and III . and Copious English Vocabularies , side by side of —and really the useful Two words Parts are may also be u given $ ed respectivel . In Part y b II y . scholars will be found in Standa Models rds IF of . Juvenile Correspondence ( Petites Lettres ) in French and English . 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Cheaper ^ dition , with AN EASY AND PRACTICAL INTRODUCTION TO THE FRENCH LANGUAGE . By John Haas . First Course , Fifteenth Edition , i 8 ma . xs . cloth . Second Course , Tenth Editioni 8 mo . ur . cloth . , s London : CROSBY ¦ LOCKWOOD ¦ :. ¦¦ & ' SON , 7 Stationers ' 'Hall C ourt , E . C . ^ = . , . .. ' : .: M
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1890, page 53, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011890/page/55/