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Jan . 15 , 1890 The Publishers' Circular 6 r
GRIFFITH FARRAN & CO . 'S BOOKS FOR INFANTS ' SCHOOLS AND JUNIOR CLASSES . Hymns for Small Elementary 4 to . cloth , price Schools 2 * . Bd . : original Easy Recitations Fop . 8 vo . price and It-, Ad Dialogues . for and selected . Arranged by tv "' L . RooPBiCwith Music j UiNiUit ui » A 86 E 2 > . intended as a Sequel to Rccitame edited nt of by sacred Duncan verse Hume to all . the Providing incidents ? an of accompani school life - , for tions the for Standards iDfant . Schools Edited , an by d J In . L tro . Richardson ductory to Poetry . comrade such scholars as , leaving and opening school and other , closing holidays occasio school ns sickness . , admission , death of of a Infants T »^^^^ Draw « , « « i ing * Price «« ol Id BOOKS each Ai , n . A a varied ji OCCU-, many [ In preparation . pation . List of the Series : — BOYS' Games Paper : a cover Recreat , price ion fid . Handbook for le . ng BOOKT B ° OK L-Vertical -Vertol and Horizontal Horizontal Lines Lines of varying , with Teachers ano Scho'ars . Includes Outdoor and Indoor Oblique Lines drawn at angles of 45 degrees . Games . Edited by E . D . Bourne . Oblique BOOK Lines III . drawn —Vertical at various and Horizontal angles . Lines , with Girls' Games Paper I a cover Recreation , price 6 d . Handbook for Beginners Recommended in Elementary by the Day Science Schools and . Art Department for G Teachers ames . Edited and Scholars by e . d . Includes bourne . Outdoor and Indoor Kindergarten Small _ Drawing . cloth , price 2 Book * . 6 d . . Part 1 . Games n o ™ * e for «™ nirwtvi Boys Pnl vtna S and wic P n S Girls , v i . aj ; a C n yclopedia ^ a- fa Two nt Class hundred es - Compi Black led board by T Dra . G wing . Rooper Exercises . for Inwo ^ mrwdToget " her *"" Out - The above Kindergarten " Drawing lobk . Part 11 . Curved Lines . By the same Author . Kindergarten 64 pages Games . Pep . 4 , without cloth , 1 * . Music , for Music and Dplll Small 4 . h ' cloth LSe 6 [ price on the 2 s ' rincipies of duction the Schools Baby . by Classes T . G . . Eoopee By W . , L one . Rooper of H IJn . M , w . preparation itli Inspectors an Intro . of - By S Ling S . s A a Swe . Sv Beddixj cTish ? " Svstem . _ ' aa adabted aptea tor for use use in in oenoois Schools . Cloth boards , pried 2 s . 6 rf . Action Son ^ ya feet ^ to Music Schools , Arthur m- % * £ , * £ 2 $%£ E £ 2 ££ Jarratt eluding , Nursery Tunes by Khyines Miss Carr , Moseley , Mr by . T . W . gravings Hours . . By XBth E . Landells Thousand . . With upwards of 200 Enand Wal Songs ford Mr , Marches , Duncan Mr . M . , Hume and . Rams Appropriate , ay together , * Elad , ' with Songs Mr . R Games . for B . Ad Infants , Act dison ion * The „ ,, Girl _ . ,, S Cloth _ Own ,, ., boards . Toy . , price - maker 2 _ * . 6 . d , . and BOOk of Tunes Musical the , and Harmonies Entertainments others by Revised Modern . Adapted by Composers Mr . to Duncan . Old The English Hutue whole . of 200 itecreation Engravings . . By 12 th E . Thousand Landellh . . With upwarus of R D ecitati n < n Arranged ; + A + 4 on A ««« by s Wilhelmina for ¦ p « J Infant T *^ p « L ^ . j I ^ Rooper e SehOOlS c $ d . -r > rvi « , a varied a Infants Exercises wkh 8 ' uita School for ble Tunes tne heaicny -Pr , D jic and rill 6 « Si uevelopment , 6 d with - -six Explan Music of atory the , being , lllus body . - occupation , arranged by Wilhelmina L . Rooper . trations . Arranged by Wini ^ 'hed Wtlson . GEORGE DARNELUS COPY BOOKS . DARNELL ' S UNIVERSAL TWOPENNY COPY BOOKS FOR THE STANDARDS . 16 Nos . DARNELL Fcp . 4 to ' S LARGE POST COPY BOOKS . 16 Nos . Gd . each . DARNELL'S FOOLSCAP COPY BOOKS . 24 Nos . 3 d . each , green covers ; or , on a superior paper , marble covers , 4 d . tach . _ HISTORICAL READERS . By Oscau Browning , M . A . 4 Books , cloth boards , prices from 10 d . to Is . GEOGRAPHICAL READERS . By J . R . Blakiston , M . A . 7 Books , Illustrated cloth boards , prices from lOd . to 2 * . The ' STANDARD AUTHORS' READERS and READING SHEETS . PRIMER „ , P „ art II I . . , , 48 16 pages „ , 18 43 Lessons „ , 14 31 Illustrations „ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. cloth „ ty ' d . . INFA „ NT READER „ IIa , being 64 the first 55 Lessons 82 page 32 * of Illustrations Primer II . .. ,, 2 4 ^ rf d . . , ( abridged pages , ) , being tbe , first 48 pages of Infant Reader „ „ 3 d . STANDARD , „ , „ „ I . READER ( enlarged , 96 ) , pp being ., 80 Infant pp . Reading Reader Matter increased , 29 by Illustration 16 pape 8 s , cloth limp , 6 d . .. .. cloth .. boards „ 0 * . 8 6 d d . . i II n . „ 112 160 pp . . , 100 iao pp . . „ „ 29 20 „ „ 0 u * . . o d . . IV . „ 176 pp pp ., , 140 pp pp . „ „ , , , , 16 „ „ „ „ U . dd . VI V . . „ „ 240 208 pp pp . . , , 160 180 pp pp . . „ „ „ ,, 15 16 „ „ .. .. .. .. „ „ l U * . . 6 4 rf d . . VII . „ 884 pp ., 820 pp . „ ,, 26 „ 1 „ 2 * . 6 d . A Series of 24 large beautifully each 30 Ill inches ustrated by ' 22 8 / teets inches , corresponding printed on stout with and the * strong Standard paper A . uthors * HeadersPrimers , The The Sheets Set complete tacked in on Paper a Roller Case ft r suppenslon .. .. on .. the wall .. , , with .. canvas .. guards .. b ^ .. ok and .. front .. . . . . . . . . . . 10 6 « s . . 6 Od d . . Mounted The Sheets on se parate thick ly Millboards mounted on canvas , untcarable , and the set tacked on Roller , with canvas guards , back .. 15 * . Oct . and front .. •• .. •• •* •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• Jls . iJd . Boards for pocking when necessary , Is . extra . GRIFFITH FARRAN OKEDEN & WELSH Newbery House , Charing Cross Boad , London . J |
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1890, page 61, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011890/page/63/