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Tan, 15,1890 The Publishers' Circular 79...
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Tan, 15,1890 The Publishers' Circular 79...
Tan , 15 , 1890 The Publishers' Circular 79 Tp
• The ablest and best of our THE educational Aberdeen journals Free . ' Press . Adopted for Fifth the Edition use of Students , fcp . 8 vo . of cloth Batterse , interleaved * Training , Is . College . ¦ : uU TflllLjNAI TA 'U unAL . TI - \ OI AT A . ^ 1 fVTTA ill l / U uAi _ - VTAlu . lUrl - „ - HINTS to « ' * ' ?"• * B * ^ FRENCH * Sroiut *^ **** Chief SYNTAX Master - of , Mode with Subjects Exer- ¦ ¦ U fllSontbtE TCeCOr & an & IRCView . MASTER' S COPY Svo . cloth of interlea the above ved , 2 s , with % d . net ' KEY TO Price . bd n , . ; per post , , 7 % . d . ; or 6 k . 6 d . for „ one year , EXERCISES » ppiication to / the This Publisher is supplied . to Masters only , on direct pjamc navahlp in mduv arlvannf ^ e * . minimum 'There of is in the . ' —Educational book a maximum Times . of knowledge in a Volumes for 1889 ( Jan .-Dec . ) now ready , handsomely bouud space in cloth , price Is . 6 d . post-free . Third Edition > crown 9 vo cloth b <> ar > U % 2 * . U . The Ilie .. JTouitir OURNATj it OF of jEi ISD > UCATIO zrc 4 tio y v is i « THE EXAMINATIONS OXFORD AND IN ARITHMETIC CAMBRIDGE . Being the LOCAL Arith-THE ONLY ENGLISH PAPER WHICH S ^ Xn ^ DEALS Whilst appealing WITH EDUCATION mainly to the AS A teachers WHOLE of . ANSWERS Fout . mam TO , THE era- svo ABOVE . doth ump . , u By . m Kichabd . secondary cusses all the Schools wider , both issues men of Primary and women Education , it dis- , Cambridge Oscar T . , Thorpe and Examiner . M . A ., late to the Kellow College of Christ of Precepto ' s College rs . , and mark will Public has be School found its England regular s nearl and ; correspondents y the every Universities Heads Educational of at . Colleges the On writer Princi its , staff the pal of New M nrnTurD ° Kose aY Sffi ) d Revii - , Lieder S 'c ed l Edition ^ cnun . SS By , ; c demy Fra . ^ nces aukvq % vo J cloth and ^^ pp Emily a ^ . m S tP CTHRTFC Lobd ri ? . 7 Sd , W . c < ith * . TTpn Head Head rl Mi Mistresses Masters Qfrp ««^« of ot nf our Crirls airf great o' High TTio- > Publi » Schools < 2 r » li c ^« Schools ia . Praes t > t ^ ™ , and a of ^ have All introduction bee the n quaint faithfuUy by Woodcuts Eraulein reproduced of the Hejsrwabt . The original whol . German e of Froebel Editfon ' s translations Iwo ( guineas fro and m upwards FrenchGerman are given and month Latin ly . for forte music Accompanimen is given , arranged t . for children's voices , with Piano-As a « a medium m , wi * for e Ad a ^ i vertisements ^ , j . , of Educational -nij j .- i by This the University Edition of Mutter op London - und Kose as one -Lieder of the is specially ' Set Book named s ¦ for irom Publications the fact , A that ppliances it has , MORE & c . it is THAN without DOUBLE a rival , the "" U is * Examination ^ Liat p particularly of B °° in 8 for the mentioned Q Art W , T & and eory by Boference , the and Froebel History . of Society Teaching in . THE CIRCULATION OF ANY OTHER SCHOLASTIC MONTHLY . D * mV % » . nce sa jeDPUaPy 1 ? phi G & » n n A pp » v lications bpeCiai Qnomal for I Tlnnlilo 'OUDle Advertising WUm MnTn S Vknr Der pace > Should aVionlrl in the THE Wjth K - Stohr REGISTRATION aQ A end | Paper x con read taining OF before TEACHERS the tne Registration Teachers * . Guild Bill By be sent in before January 20 . of ig 8 i . London : WILLIAM RICE , 86 Fleet Street , E . C . London : WILLIAM RICE , 86 Fleet Street , E . C .
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Jan. 15, 1890, page 79, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15011890/page/81/