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II izz The Publishers' Circular Feb ( I
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Ii Izz The Publishers' Circular Feb ( I
II izz The Publishers' Circular Feb ( I
Degokatiqii , MONTHLY , NINEPENOE . Annual Subscription , including Postage , TEN SHILLINGS AKD SIXPENCE . RECENT OPINIONS OF THE PRESS . c Decoration is as admirable as ever . ' — -Court Circulak . * Decoration maintains a high standard of excellence . '—John Bull . * Contains some beautiful work . '—Glasgow Herald . 6 Eminently practical and well arranged . '—Norwich Argus . 6 Has exquisite designs . '—Derby Mekcury . ' 3 ? ull of beautiful and artistic designs . '— Brighton Examiner . * The lithographic illustrations are especially good . ' —Sussex News . * Is doing art students good service . '—Exeter Flying Posr . ' Has many valuable art drawings . '—Wigan Observes . ' Admirable and abundant illustrations . '—Western Daily News . * A distinctly artistic serial . '—Northampton Mercury . ' A valuable publication to those engaged in the decorative arts . '—Halifax Courier . * The One illustrations of the best artistic and desi monthlies gns are almost published perfect . '— . Essex '—North Standard Wales . Express . * The illustrations are of a very high order . ' —Cork Constitution . * Excellent in every respect . '—Western Daily Mercury . * A gem of artistic printing and illustration . '—Warrimton Guardian . themselves c The boun . It would volumes be difficult f this mon to find thly boot are mos s more t desirable interesting articles and of beautiful decoration with in which to decorate a library table . '—Detroit Free Press . that * An the elegant bound numbers and interestin form g a most periodical attractive . It is gif rich t-book in illustrations or volume for of the such drawing beauty - room , table . '—Nation . ' Contains specimens of art which for grace of figure stands Ardrossan unrivalled . Herald ' . London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEAKLE , & HIVINGTON , Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street , E . C . Ready March 1884 , royal 8 vo . cloth , price 5 s . THE PAPER MILLS DIRECTORY OF ALL NATIONS , Including every Paper and Pulp Mill in all Countries of the World . reliable The Directory great want of of every a work Mill of , arranged the Above under description the heading has induced of each us Country to bring in t Alphabetical ogether in One Order Volume , giving a their comp capat ly Jjj and By sorts giving of paper , In addition made . , the PULP MILLS , it will bo a feature not to be found In any kindred work pnblwbeo ,. jp ^ v UNITED obtain only KINGDOM partial and , thus imperfect rendering information it an invaluable respecting and the unique Mills of work all Nationalities of reference could for the only whole be accomplished trade . ^* at f ^ k ^ t collated trouble and the expense whole of by the colled Mills inj ? ( nearly unreliable 0 , 000 Directories in number from ) , including countries thoee scattered in countries all over the which globe publish ; but no in our such worK source jL , of . ! information . j ( _ | London : 19 CUJRSITOR 8 OFFICES TBEET , CH ' THE ANCERY PAPER LANE MAKERS , E . C CIRCULAR ., and 160 a ! EXEET STREE ^ g ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Feb. 15, 1884, page 182, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15021884/page/34/