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Feb . 15 « 1007 S \ v tV- " - * ^ r * r : UU 11 OJJ . J 51 O - V ^ JLL ^ * 8 s 9 ; . > K V
Just published , in imperial 8 fo . half-bound morocco , price 365 . ' BARTHOLOMEW'S GAZETTEER OF THE BRITISH ISLES . topographical anb statistical . - CONTAINING DESCRIPTIONS OF SIXTY THOUSAND PLACES , ILLUSTRATED WITH I TWENTY-NINE SPECIALLY PREPARED MAPS . I Compiled and Engraved under the Supervision of JOHN BARTHOLOMEW , F . R . G . S . I PROSPECTUSES OF THE WORK MAY BE HAD ON APPLICATION " . Edinburgh : ADAM & CHARLES BLACK .
A NEW SLANG DICTIONARY . I Shortly will be published , printed at the Chiswick Press , in antique style on handmade paper , with I good margin , foolscap 4 to . about £ 00 pages . Large paper Edition , limited strictly to 250 copies , I offered to Subscribers , in limp vellum , at £ 2 . 25 . net ; in Roxburghe , at £ 2 . 12 s . 6 d . net . ARGOT AND SLANG : A NEW FRENCH AN & ENGLISH DICTIONARY I OF THE CANT WORDS , QUAINT EXPRESSIONS , SLANG TERMS , AND FLASH PHRASES USED IN THE HIGH AND LOW LIFE OF OLD AND NEW PARIS . By A .. BARIiKRE , j I Off icier de VInstruetlon Publique ; Professor R . M . Aeademy , Woolwich . With a Frontispiece drawn by GODEFROY DURAND . I The work treats of the cant of thieves , tho jargon of Parisian roughs , the military , naval , parlia-I mentary , academical , legal , and Freemasons' slang ; of that of the workshop , the studio , the stage , I the boulevards , the demi-monde . It is accompanied by an exhaustive introduction ; also by numerous " I specimens in prose and verse of the flash tongue of different periods , arralged in chronological order up I to the present day , among which is the autobiography , in parallel columns , of a thief , in English and I French slang . FULL PROSPECTUS POST FREE ON APPLICATION . I Subscribers' Names should be sent in as soon as possible , as the small edition printed is now I nearly exhausted . I All applications for copies to be made to I Messrs . WHITTAKER & CO ., 2 White Hart Street , Paternoster Square , E . G .
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Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Feb. 15, 1887, page 189, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15021887/page/35/