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¦ ¦¦ ' ^^^^^ m ^^ x ^^^^^^^ & ^ ^^^^^^ s ^^ wwm ^^^ si ^^^^^^^^ reb is . i *« 7 ¦' *¦ ' " ' v ' Vrle : Publishers ' Circular ' ¦ ¦ ' ^ Ik-- ¦ * . Tail ^ , ¦ —~ 1 .-,,. ¦ . _ •¦ . _ in . ji \ 1 . ..,, _ 1 -
THE : iiilTlSH- ' HE ^ fS . —Publlsliers are re ^ fe |< i ^ tkat tltey have tio means of reaching tlie Conservative readers ^ t & of Scotland except tliroiigli th . e 6 SCOTTISH JSFBWS / -. \ ylilcli ? v combines the ' QLASGrO W ^ JTE ^ JTS and the * EJDHsTBTTRG-B : COURA"grT ill one enlarged . ¦ ' -- ¦ ¦ ? paper circulating throughout Scotland . - ^ The Conservatives polled in 1885 nearly 4 O per cent , of the tie total ^ rhiole Scotch poll vote * They , and form in the the South large - maj West ority 45 * of 3 per the , cent reading , of public—Ofaces : Edinburgh , Glasgow , and 47 Fleet Street , London ;
TOO STORIES *^ FOR + * BOYS AND GIRL . S . - ¦ » f . - TWELVE FINE dOLOXJUED PLATES and Hundreds of Illustrations , In the handsome Quarto , Cloth-bound , New Volume ( for 1886 ) of ' Harper ' s Young People , ' AND A - . i . , I KEYLESS WATERBORV WATCH , Can be had , Post Free to any Address in the United Kingdom , by sending a P . Q . O . _ for ¦¦ . - THinTJBEJSr SHILLINGS & SIXrEKCJE * i TO SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEARLE AND RIVINGTON , CROWN BUILDINGS , 188 FLEET STEEET , LONDON . 4 The whole tone of " Harper ' s Young People" is admirable . '—MoRNiNa Post .
HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE . A CHARMING MAGAZINE FOR BOYS AND GIRLS . Weekly 9 1 < 1 . ; JMCottthly with Coloured , Plate , Od . * It is wonderful in its wealth of pictures , inform & tton , and iirtereat . ' — Vide Pre * s . ¦ * TyARPER'S YOUN & PEOPLE , wibh all its bright bcone-, bitd ot iu ** ~ i . d adventure , thrilling sketches , articles ' and has •* 7- done Its auuu - numbers go 8 i » the iK an boj , g s at iustructive and here girla d yearl of , charming America y into boun for poems more d vo , anj than lume l artistic s five , hol years d illust a . leadin . ration Durine g s place - , belongs this among time tojthe it . toe ii young ast most become people cheri a & hoaaehold hjed of England treasures friend , as of it , , Ame-iean children . The serial and Bhort stories found in its pages have all the dramatic interest tha , t juvenile fiction can possess , while they , oro They wholly are o free superior from literary all that quality is perni , ci bo ous tha in t their fiction perusal , a « d are may illustrated tend to the with cultivati all tbfe on resources of a cori ^ eet of modern tafite whic in wood mara literat ' - ad jmpaving '^ ' BPfi : ' ^ . ^ Cho . the humorous ]> tefaburo etoriep offered , articles for tire and amusement pictures are of the full young of innocentffun . J & r - * " , without - a . traco . of - that . •¦ ¦ coa vffeto eness .. - h Mm ' * ' %# ^ ; ° J < printing In all can ine make , i hanical it . respects There U ^ LA nothing . ^ . PiER ' ch e eap Young about - Pjboptle it bui ips is price as attract . ive as fine paper , the foa - ' | r | rof ( ff ' type , and the most skilful P w — :. ;¦• , , ; . i , ¦ ,,, —_ . .. - . r .. j > London : SAMPSON t LOW , MAKSTON v ^ & CO rr ., 188 f Fleet Sto < e > $ tyJE . Q . -Jl r
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Feb. 15, 1887, page iii, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15021887/page/59/