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mmr _ " '" ' • ¦ ; , ¦ • • ., * . " : :.,, ; , :. , ¦; :,., „ :,. ; .,.. . ^^ F ^ W ^^^ ra 180 Thfe Publishers' Circular fr Hdb . ti & t ^ 8 &
MESSRS . NELSON ' S NM Bc ^ li , SPLENDID NEW ILLUSTRATED WORK . \ INDIAPICTORIAL AND DESCRIPTIVE . By the Author of ' The Mediterranean i The Illustra engravings , ted' are & c . numerou With 112 s and fine well Engravings executed . , and Roj the al 4 text to . handsomely tastefully written bound iir . '— cloth Daily extra T-Ej , " gilt ^ egrap edgres h . , price 10 * . 6 d . ' ! CHARMING BOOK FOR A PRESENT . OLD ENGLISH BALLADS : a Collectionof Favourite Ballads of the Olden Time . With cloth numerous extra Illustrations , price 4 s . ; or by bevelled BrRKET boards Foster * rilt , J edges oseph , 5 s Nash . ^ , Frederick Taylor , and otber Artists . Rojal 8 vo . j 'We can heartily recommend as a present this haod-omely-got ( -up volume . '—Standard . FOURTH EDJTION . CHRISTIAN By the Author " LIFE of ' Chronicles TN SONG the S ^ nbnberg ; or , -CottH Hymns Fam and ly ' Hymn & c . Crown -Writers 8 vo . cloth of many extra , red Lan edgesi ds and ; price Ages 5 * . . CHOICE GIFT-BOOK . LYRA CHRISTIA"N " A : a Treasury of ~ Sacred Poetry . Selected and Arranged for Every Bay price in the 3 ' Year s . 6 d . . J . gilt Bv 11 edges . L . L , 4 ., « . Author of -Hymns from . the Land of Luther' & c . Square 16 mo . cloth extra , red edges , NEW WORK . RELIGHOUS LIFE IN SCOTLAND . From the Reformation to the Present Day . By Professor Post 8 vo . cloth Lindsay extra , D . . D 311 ., llev pp ., . price Charles 2 s . Qd G . . M'Chie , Bev . Dr . Blair , Eev . Dr . Landels , Rev . Norman «¦ - L . > Valkek . A BOOK FOR MOURNERS . ' WHY WEEPEST THOU ?* A Book for Mourners . Square 16 mo . cloth extra , bevelled , red edges , price 2 s . A choice collection of appropriate Hymns and Sacred , Poetry . .. - ' THE FREE CHURCH Just published OF SC . O In TLAND wrapper , price YEAR 9 d . ; cloth -BOOK , Is . 1888 . Containing together Particulars with of the Ecclesiastical Committees Lists of the and General Statistics Assembly . Providing , of the Colleges in Short , and Compass of the Literatur an , Account e of the of Free the Church various , ' Schemes of Usefulness and Missionary Enterprise of the Church . NEW BOOKS at 2 s . 6 d . EARTHQUAKES New and Revised Edition : their with 28 History Illustrations , Pheno . - THE VICAR Edition , "with OF Mulreadj WAKEFIELD - 's Illustrations . . By m F . R . S , . E and . New ProbaV and > le Revised Causes Edition . By , Mdngo with an Ponton Accounc , Mulr Oliver eady Goldsmith , K . A . Crown . With 8 vo 32 . Illustrations doth extra , by price Willia 2 s . 6 d m . of Becent Earth' Earthquakes s Crust' & c . Post the Author 8 to . cloth of * extra Chips , price from TDTJLCIE'S LITTLE BROTHER' or __ ll _ * m- « -i- « -fc-.-i **« - « ^« . m . Doings at Little Monksholm . By Evelyn Evewktt- ' GREAT RACTd , AND WATERFALLS GEYSERS . Described * --- , and Illustrated CAT A- . and Gree Viguette n , Author . of Post ' Temple fcvo . cloth 's Trial extra . ' With , price Frontispiece 2 s . bd . By Crust John ' & c Gibson . With Author 32 Illustrations of ' Chips . fro Tost m the 8 vo Eaitil . cloth ' s LOVING "WORK IN THE HIGH- ! ' extra , 2 s . 6 d . WAYS AND BYWAYS . By Ladr Hope , Author oi MASTERS or , Some Secrets OF of Success THE SITUATION Power . By William "; ' cloth Our Coffee extra , Room price 2 , ' ' Changed d . Scenes , ' & c . Post 8 vo . price James 2 s Tilltcy . 6 d . , B . D . Post 8 vo . cloth extra , 313 pages , THE FLAMINGO ~ FEATHER . By <' DRIVEN Huguenots of Bethlehem . INTO By ' & c A . . L Post . O EXILE . 8 E vo ., . Author cloth : extra of a Story The , price Shepherd of 2 s . the 6 d . A stirring c KmK : ° th ex Munrok story ^ a ' P of . Life 2 s With ' and 6
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Feb. 15, 1888, page 180, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15021888/page/26/