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'\ .'/bBBBLj— \ -- ,...- ^ ' ¦ '* ^ ¦ * ...
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software. The text has not been manually corrected and should not be relied on to be an accurate representation of the item.
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192 ' The Publishers' Circular Feb . 15 , 1888
i JOHN GALPIN , I' ¦ llpfjtrlmdta J ^ ^ rpuri jSlaH tmsr , y I . ... I 3 AMEN CORNpR , PATERNOSTER ROW , j LONDON , E . C ; AND 12 RUE BLEUE , PARIS . 1 —* - i j EVERY DESCRIPTION OF I Dews * Printings * and * UJritings . j SAMPLES AND PRICES . ON APPLICATION .
I j | C YJ / * ^ l & ) ^ tfi ^ cjjRINTING ^ W London ClIISWICK , have . — PR pleasure CHARLES ESS ( in Established offering WHITTIJVGHAM their 1789 se ) ? , -vices ' 21 , as Tooks General AND Court Letterpress , Chancery CO ., OF Printers JLa THE 7 ie , . \ ^ J ^ T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Having a lar <> e and experienced staff , and also a unitjue aiid beautiful co llectio n of initia l letters , head and tail pieces , a ? id orna ?? iental borde 7 's , in addition to large founts of type , both ' modern and old style , and an assortment of foreigit and Knglish hand and machine-made papers at their \ command , they are able to undertake the best class of bookzuork and editions de luxe . Special facilities ¦ are ornaments offered fo are ? ' available Catalogues for { illustra i ? ispectio ted n or at otheriuise their office ) , , legal and , and advice other is respectfull work . Samples y offered of as types to the , initials printing , and of j catalogues of libi-aries or private collectio ? ts . Telephone JVo . 2704 / telegram , " Whittingham , London . "
THE Sr ELECTROTYPE AGENCY , j 19-23 LUDGATE HILL , LONDON E . C . \ ( Established 1873 ) , ! Invite a call from Publishers of Magazines and Periodicals , or from Authors bringing out Illustrated Works 'I & c , to inspect all the latest Illustrations in the English and Foreign Newspapers and Books , from which Electros can be obtained—at the vendors ' original prices , ranging from 6 d . per inch upwards . One Year s Copyright , or sole tise , given with nil JElectros , American Branch : Estks & Lauriat , Boston , tJ . S . A . Continental Agent : A . Twtktmeyjer , Leipzig . E Telegraphic ; lbiotragt , Address London : ~| Paris Agent : F . Schluter , 27 Rue Gue ' ne ' gaud © , Paris . rTrcncPHm rB LKPHONB ™ Nn wo . ii , « nn ^ T SOLE AGENTS FOR THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Feb. 15, 1888, page 192, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15021888/page/38/