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BTJSIiTESS O^.^,3DS OF WHOIiESAUES ll^faxspaper, H^n0!trkalt r atttr gjaga^me Agents, fe.
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-Mmmbt G •Asfaibef ^ , Ii- . * -S -« . I...
-MMMbt g aSfaiBEf ^ ii- * -S - « i - r— /¦ rr ., i - ¦¦ . .. . £ y - . '"' -i' - ¦ ~~ ¦¦¦ - ¦ . - .. - ¦ ' ¦ . „ ¦ ,.. u . ¦ .,. " uji i— , - ¦ . ' . " a ? ¦ ¦¦ .. — - * 1 -- ' ¦ ' - — - -. ¦ - ¦¦ - , , ^ ., ^> . ^ .. » ¦ ,., .- -. * . ¦ - ¦ . ^ ,.. f .- .: x - . - -, ,. ¦ . ¦ , . .. V ' - .- - ... - :. . -. .. ¦¦' . , . ,. " , . ^; . - " - , .. ¦¦ ,. ., -. . -i . -f , . . . . .- , . ' . ¦ ,- - .- | , ¦¦ -. ¦< . . ¦ , . : i . — . .. r . , ~ - .. ~ ¦¦>¦ - r ;¦> -.. ¦>¦ ,.. ¦ . . ' - ' . . ¦ -. ^ - - ^ nf . .. ' ^ . , - . i . , . Mtt . ^ ^ MfchgUU - ^^^ . ^ . 1 . ^ - ... . ¦ | --j j ¦
¦ 194 The Publishers' Circular Feb . 15 , i « 88
Btjsiitess O^.^,3ds Of Whoiiesaues Ll^Faxspaper, H^N0!Trkalt R Atttr Gjaga^Me Agents, Fe.
BTJSIiTESS O ^ . ^ , 3 DS OF WHOIiESAUES ll ^ faxspaper , H ^ n 0 ! trkalt atttr gjaga ^ me Agents , fe .
E . MARLBOROTOH & CO . 31 Old , Bailey , E . C . TZE IMI S O IsT APPLICATIO 1 T . ^
COWIE & CO . I 17 GRESHAM STREET , LONDON , E . C . ( E 8 TA . EJLI 8 MEI > 171 O ) , ! Export NEWSPAPERS , PERIODICALS , BOOKS , & . c . by Earliest Mails to all parts of the World . TERMS UPON APPLICATION . :
JOHN ^ TEWAP , ^* PUBLISHERS' BOOKBINDER , *^ - 7 s"wiisrTO edinbtjr 3 sr g- h : . "w , Estimates and Specimens on application .
^ earcijts anU lExtracts maQe fro m anD < 3 Hti ^ Z MecorDs Topograpljical anb : 33 anttquarian oofes rcportctr 33 oofcg . , WALTER LOVELL , TEMPLE CHAMBERS , LONDON , AND CAMBRIDGE , Solicitor and Member of the Incorporated Law Society .
The COPYIMG APPARATUS COMPANY , Lim . Proprietors of Wilson ' s HEKTOGRAPH , Patent No . 46 O 6 , And Depdt for all kinds of COPYING APPLIANCES HAVE REMOVED TO 123 CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . C . Terms and Circulars on application .
1 3 Amen Corner , Paternoster Row , E . C . MARSHALL BROTHERS , WHGUSSATiB SJoo & scIIcrs anb Igublisfyexs . No Commission on Miscellaneous Orders .
W . GRIGGS , PHOTO AND CHROMO-LITHOGRAPHER AND CHROMO-COLLOTYPER , To the Aet Government Department of and India most , Science of the and , IiEAENED Societies . Reproductions photographed made for from Book any // lustrations subject that Ac can . be , ELM HOUSE , HANOVER STREET , RYE LANE , PECKHAM , LONDON , S . E .
> Electrotyper 79 H KNIGHTRIDER . j £ > ilv . and DOCTORS ei Stereotyper £ COMMONS loq ( i , , i i > , , > AND 92 BUCKFRIARS ROAD , S . E . <'
MR GEO . . NE WMAN / IKADE V ALUEK and AUCTIONEER of over 30 years' experience , offers his services in all matters of Sale , Transfer , or Partnership . His intimate knowledge of the various branches enables him to render very valuable assistance to either Vendor or Purchaser on moderate terms . Valuations for Probate at exceptionally low fixed charges , any part of the kingdom . Offices removed to 102 London Wall , E . C .
« T TO PROPRIETORS OF ILLUSTRATED PERIODICALS , BOOKS , & c . For Sale . —Electrotypes of upwards of 150 , 000 Wood Engravings . Specimens and Terms upon application to CASSELL & COMPANY ( Limited ) , La Belle Sauvage Yard , Ludgate Hill , London , E . C . IST . B . —Examine tills Stock before ordering : new subjects .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Feb. 15, 1888, page 194, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15021888/page/40/