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Feb. 15, 1888 The Publishers' Circular 2...
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Ackermann, A., 191 Regent Street, London...
Sp Real Real encer , Life Iiife W . T in in ., 27 London London New . Oxf Y " or VoL 6 d L Street 1 1 . pages meres , London 193 193 to to , W 224 224 . C . , and and 375 375 to to
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. . . Rabelais' "Works . Bohn ' s extra . Vol . 1 Ma XlLCItO Nicholas ster liVl ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Hum ¦ Nickleby ¦ ¦ Jf hre H' * i 7 * J ' . s G » ^ C Part / AUVAJ lock cloth VJA . VUJA . * Vol T V * . « . 3 V p _ y ,
Syntax ' s Tours . Vol . 2 . Miniature edit . Title page only . 1823 Cruikshank's Humourist . Vol . 3 . Imperfect
Stacy Jesse , E ' s . R 8 . ichard , 11 Mec III kl . en , b 1 urg vol . St cloth reet , London , W . C . Pre * . AVVVUlAV tenders ^ Wf , 2 ^ MV vols » ^ AM « . cloth ^ Sa ^^ W & A
Cruikshank Table Book ' . s Omnibus Parts , complete . Parts , or , complete , or Portraits of British Poets ,- 2 vols . Proofs A B ^ ac WV t helor I VtVAi ' 8 * J Own V- ' ITU Book i "Tj * T . rll ¦ . » Original ~» ~ I ^ 1 A 1 CT . Imperfect ^ kU &/ VIA A \^ W W
London Society . Christmas 1871 , 1872 Examiner . 1809 , 1812 , 1813 ^ 1817 , 1818 to Stanley Kingsley , G ., 1 ( 0 St ) . Memoirs Matthias of Terrace , Torquay
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Quarterly Fairley's Colliery Journal Manager of Microscopic ' s Pocket al Book Science . 1884 to 1887 inclusive
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Lewis and Clarke ' s Expedition over Rocky . 1802 to 1805 Donne ' s Sheaf of Miscellany Epigrams Richardson ' s ( Saml > PrinterMemoirs
Keightley ' s Fairy M . ythology , , , cloth , 2 vols . 1828 Tomlinson ' s Dew Drops and the Mist Ibberton ' s Wool Manufacturers' Guide
Stevens Hendry & Sons ' s Annuity , 119 Chancery Tables Lane , London , W . C . Hertstet's Master and Servant . 1850
Highmore's Executors' Accounts . 1821 Hulton's Convictions . 1835 Hawes' Crimes , 2 vols . 1829 Inner Temple Catalogue
Sutton , A ., Bookseller , 130 Portland Street , Manchester Spenser Society . No . 21 Early Burton English 's Pilgrimage Text Society to Mecca . Parts . Vol 55 . 3 to present Ga 8 kell ' s ( Mrs ) Mary Barton 1 st edit .
.. Any 1 st edits . Sut He ton would , J . A ., be 20 Keppel a Soldier Road 1 , st Chorlton edit Ul -cum-Hardy , Lancashire
JLLV WVUlUi KJ \ J CW MVAVIAVA . A » V VVIA . Shelley Trollope ' s ' s Poetical "Way we Works Live * . now Vol . . Par 4 t 2 Borrow ' s Wild Wales . Vol . 1 , 2
Sutton Newton , R . ' H s . Herbal , 25 Princess Street , Manchester Greelej Young ' s 's Tour Arctic in Expedition Ireland , 4 to .
VllvVAVJ * J AJL & VU & V A » A ^ IVUAUil / il Courteney Harting ' s ' Ornithology s Commeatary of On Shahspeare Shakspeare clean and
2 % i « , J " ., Edinburgh Masson bkJiJ \/&' s 0 Life of Milton iHLAAUVU 8 voVol 2
Aristotle AI *«) A ' s Poe . * ^ - ^ ' ^ tics , by Twining , ) \» * V /» . T \ J & . * £ m ** Struthers M ** a cme v' *** W e * ken »\ ' ^» H * ' s istory Scottish k / W W V of IU U the Metrical JIBfc ^ - R WJ elief AVCIIA Psalter i ^ Churc L ^ CWXW ^ X . h , sma OUJ 8 vo CV ll 1 A . 4 TVvf zo . , . ,
Blackwood bound ' s . Magazine . Vols . 11 , 16 , 17 , 61 , 63 . Parts or i British Rival Rh Pharmacopoeia mes in Honour of Burns y
TJiorp Hewitt , T ' ., s 22 History King Street of Compton , Reading , Berks History jl » 4 wvw * j of -ksm . Guildford vji UAiui . vAut . xyv 1801 t . ) ( Russell j . uuoovliy )
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Harper Cassell ' s ' s Magazine Magazine . . Jan June . 1883 , July , and Dec . 1883 Tr Jacquem eacher , H et . ' < s fc Chronology C , Brighton edited by Alcom 1857 )
Croli ' s Climate and Time , . New edit . 10 . * . 6 d . CLongmans Huntingdon ' s ( Countess ) Life Egan ' s ( Pierce ) Boxiana
Tr Hislop iibner ' db s Proverbs Co ., 57 & of 59 Scotland Ludgate Hill , London Wake Cussan , B s . ' T Herts ., Friichley . Part , Derby , Hitchin District
Beesley Law ' s ( ' W s Ban . ) Address bury , 8 to vo . Clergy Wallis Graduati , H . W Cantabfigienses ., 24 «/ 4 Sidney Street , 1823 JL . KJ Cambridge
^^ 4 U s- «^ - * « ^^ »« C < a >^ A ff * V * ' * - * t ^ 7 . * - / tJ « £ 4 % J Hayward ' s Botanist ** ' s Pocket Book Green ' s Making of England . 8 vo . Wright ' s History of Fulk Fitz Warine . 1855 ( Warton Club )
VF Sketch aters ., G of . E the ., 97 Language Westoourne and Grove Literature , Bayswater of Holland , London . 1829 Knight Batty ' s ' s Descriptive ( Richard Payne Catalogue ) Worship of Copper of Priapus Tokens , 4 to . 1865
WestellJ . IXHHTew Oxford StreetLondonW . C . ^ , , , Shelley Vol 3 ' s Prose Works , 8 vo . cloth . Buxton-Forman ' s edit .
. Siborne Trial of ' s John Waterloo Frost Campaign for High Treason ( without Atlas ) History of Co . Wexford
Williams & JSorgate , 14 Henrietta Street , Co vent Garden , W . C . Eusebius Roscoe and . Theopbania Schorlemmer . 1 ' s 843 Chemistry ( Lee ) : Meoals , 2 parts Abbot's Justin ' s Use of the Fourth Gospel
Zerffi ' s Manual of Historical Development of Art Lingard ' s History of England . Vols . 3 , 4 British Museum Catalogue of Greek Coins . Vol . 6
Wilson London . A . Banks , Bookseller . 2 s . , Gd 18 . Gracechurch Xov . 1887 Street , London , E . C . Mrs Badminton . Jones' Library Evening . Party Large ( Edmund paper . All Routledge published )
Withers Flower , W ' s . Views . Loseby of Lane Ancient , Leicester Buildings in Leicester Thompson's History of Leicester Gardiner ' s Music and Friends
Index Librorum Probibitoram Chatelain ' s ( Mde . de ) Dalecarlian Conjurer's Day-Bo ok WyllieD & SonA berdeen
, ., , J English Motley ' s Historical United Netherlands Review . , All 8 vo published . Vols . 3 , 4 Gude and Godlie Ballads
Book Spalding of the Club Thanes Notices of Cawdor ( Spalding Club ) Vu Life le , J . of , Scarbo Prince rough Talleyrand , 8 vx > . 1834 * Vols . 3 , 4
Milm Charlton ans ' s L History . atm ( Jhristianity of Whitby . , 4 1 to 854 . . Vols . 4 , 5 , G
Feb. 15, 1888 The Publishers' Circular 2...
Feb . 15 , 1888 The Publishers' Circular 203
WANTED : FIRST EDITIONS , clean and Meredith " uncu , t Kingsley , of Lever , Shelley Thackera , Keats y , Ainsworth , Lamb , Brown , Marryat ing : , , George Jesse . Also Works Illustrated by Rowlandson , Leech , Doyle , Ac-Charles Hutt Second , Clemen -hand t ' s Catalogues Inn Gateway solicited , S trand , W . C .
PARLIAMENTARY REPORTS : an -L assorted Stock of all interesting subjects . Olyett , 5 Endell Street , Long Acre , London , W . O .
BOOKS WANTED . —Booksellers and Private Individuals will First find Editions it to their in advantage good condition to communicate , of the Works with of me Dickens before , Thackeray disposing , Lever elsewhere , Ainsworth of any , Marryat Fijeer ; also , * Georg Books e illustrated Meredith , , by Arnold Gv or , R Kingsley . Oruikshank , Shelley , T . Kowlandson , Keats , Lamb , J . , Leech Browning , R . Doyle , Jesse , W , . Pardoe Blake , , T . Sibson , R . Seymour , & c . - "WAX-TifeK T . SPENCER , 27 Kew ^ Oxford Street , London , W . O .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Feb. 15, 1888, page 203, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15021888/page/49/