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IipIIStiliiiii^^ f ': i^ The ^ Publisher...
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Iipiistiliiiii^^ F ': I^ The ^ Publisher...
IipIIStiliiiii ^^ f : i ^ The ^ Publishers ' - Circular - ¦ ^ ev A ^^ Bfcs « - . ^** T ¦ - ¦ ¦ : -. . ; ^ . ^ lf " ¦ * ¦ ____ _^ L ^ - ¦— ¦ ~~ ~~~ ~ " I , -.. ,
. .. ; ItfEAD ;^— ^ QUARTERS ; 4- FOR VSTAtibNERS ^ -t- SPECl AmfrESr r- .. ' . ]>^ ¦ 3 L- * < ' ^ fT " ; DOWNING ^ , c 5 Sps ; Sole 'S London INKSTANDS Agents , VVholesale AND GENERAL . Export ,-for CABI rz ^ e > N , ET . ^ ... ^^ ^ ' , ^ - ^ ^ J G ^^ ^ ^^^ &\ ' J 00 ^ > * ? * Z : > >•• AND HARDWARE FOR STATIONERS . * - ** Wi ^ J ^^ f - * V- * - i - STONE fl 'S » RAN TENT ' S \ INKS WER-BOXES . _ & e > ^ ^ > ^ Uj Ts * _ *& > * _ ^ ^ * tALIIN * ^ " ^ BRAND ' BEE ( j VV / V : p resses . ^ ^^ ^ | Lt P i . V TJ X ^ t ^^ r ; <^ OflUe : MucUage 9 .. $ c . ; :. $ * e . ; ^ ZI ^^ & Sl — ^ ^^ ^ %% ? * ** * A QUILL DRESSERS . - ^ TOOTHPICKS . ^ V ^ O ^ ^^ - ^ 3 } c H ^ tjok ^ al e ^ tationer ^ ) l ^ ^ l * ^ ^ ^ LONDON : 9 ROSE STREET . EDINBURGH : 56 HANOVER STREET ,
Each Number contains a Complete Story b ^ a well-known Npvelist . P ™™ 111 ^™ " ^™™^?™ 11 ^™^ \ " ^ * In " Coloured JPictorial ^ Wrapper wwvwwwww , well printed ' " on n good paper , UlUl T jnT * lll Qpi j 7 - Ul A " I X itlPtirtn lutiyllii ^ . H B 32 pages , price One JPenny . - ^^ < - "nP ' I * Wow-It ' eady ^ PENNY ^ "" ** " *"""^^ i ""^ LIBRARY """""^""""""""""^ " ^""^""^ " ^^ OF FICTION i ^^«^" ""^^^ . « "'" _ ¦' ^ JJ , I . No . li THREE TIMES ¦ TRIED . No . 6 . LORD JOHN of , a Search for ^ ^ ^ H H- - "' I H No - ¦ . 2 . THE By B . GOLDEN L . Tahjkon FEATHER . . JSTo 7 GONE Gold . By Gkobq ; Manvillb Fbnn ' . ' ^ ^^ H " I , No . 3 . , FOR By the DICK Author 'S SAKE ¦ of' Mkhalah . ' ' By Katherinb S . Macquotd . ^ H . ¦ ^ ° * ByMrs . RlDDELl , ; NOmS . PAYING By Chari / ES THE OIBBOX PENALTY . . ¦ ^^ ^ M H ^ M - ^ -.- ^ , I No - . 5 . iJ SAVED ^ iS BY Soi THE ^ TScPA SKIN vxctkxx OF HIS , No « 9 ' A ' TERRIBLE . _____ INHERITANCE " . ¦ ^^^^^^ TEETH . By Helen Shipton . OTHERS n „ , WILL FOLLOW --. >„ - f 'k f V' + ' I - London : 3 Northumberland And of all Boeksellers Avenue . , Charing Cross ; ^___ JjlWM N ______ ^ H _____ iJ ^ H V -M ^ _ ^ - ^ P _ -H U - _ llUll I-HH-- _ tJ P |
TIHIIE OLDEST DB"V"JE 335 n 3 STC 3- X ^^^^ DB I ^ . < ONE PENNY . SIX EDITIONS ARE PUBLISHED DAILY FROM ONE TO SEVEN P . M . rapidly piovinces ' THE increasing , GLOBE and it is ' , also has not always much only in read the London character in clubs , but , hotels of in receiving the , and principal reading the latest towns -rooms official . throughout It is infceljitfeifce sdld at the all . United important Its circulation Kingdom railway is and stations very Continental large in and the Cities original . * matter THE GLOBE , in addition ' has the to light reputation reading of under being ' Notes the LEADING of the Day as , 'includes well as letters the OLDEST from the EVENING chief Continental PAPER cities . Ita ; - and the foremost a special litterateurs feature is the of the * Turnover day . Special * appearing attention on the is given front page to Literature , written . on a social topic by writers who rank among THE HATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS ARE UNUSUALLY MODERATE . Specially Low Terms to Publishers & c . for Book Advertisements . A Publisher ' s Column for New Works appears at intervals on Leader Pagre at Exceptional Rates . " Offices : 367 STRAND , W . C . W . T . MADGE , Manager . -
THE " YORKSHIRE POST , LEEDS . ^ September * I certify 1886 that shows the ftn issue , average of " THE of YORKSHIR E JPO 8 T » for the Quarter ending 3 Ofh ¦ 49 , 8 a 8 COPIES DAILY . f t > , ( Signed ) * T . W . CIjOSE , Chartered ^ Accountant , Z > eeds .-THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN THE NORTH OF ENGLAND . ; < ° ¦ YORKSHIRE 56 COLUMNSPJRICE WEEKLY ONE PENNY POST , . , ^ Authors One of the of the best day Family , Special Pape Articles rs published on the , contains most popular Serial subj Stories ects , by Miscellaneous the ^ leading i \ Reading , Wit , Humour , Anecdote , and Criticism ^ { m L •• ¦ ' OFFICES ' " : —LEEDS i 23 ALBION ' STREET i 80 " FLEET . S > Tl ( EET i LONJDON J ^ .. . 73 l MYTDWaATEi \ . .. \>> 1 ' - HULL ' = = ^ 9 ¦<& Zk ; - \ « \ Sjpottisvcoode A Co . Jft'intera , New-street Square ^ London , ¦ ^
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Feb. 15, 1888, page iv, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15021888/page/52/