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Notes W And Ttevqsw
the deceased veteran actor really did the work ; boy ouys a of « ja 12 ± . & or ur 14 11 < are u . t ; 110 not 1 / uncommon imuuiuuioii xix in the wit ; ecus cells
of printers' readers . The imps are smart ; and the composing-room has furnished some of our
best actors and singers . Having read of the doubtMrs .
Chippen-, . dale , who is at present with Mr . Irving ' s company in Americawrites to the Observer the
, following interesting literary note : * It is true that he did so ; j and Mr . Chippendale has
— — — — ~ — — ~~— _— _— — — - — — — ~ - ^^ —— ^^ - ^^^^^ shown me the house in Castle Street , Edinburg ^ J h , where he used — — — to —r tak — e the ¦— proofs H - ¦~™~ ~^ " ~ ^^™ " ¦ - for " ^— ~* mr ^^ .
correction to Mr . Scott , W . S ., and while waiting «— v the author - -- would - — ¦ send ¦ — — him ¦ ^^^ rm for m- I ^^— a H I romp ^^^ m ^^^^^> f ^ H ^^
in the garden with the big deerhound , Mr . Scott ' s favourite and constant companion .
Mr . Chippendale ' s father and the author were great friends . It was the latter who put
"Young Chip . " into Ballantyne ' s office , and , being a somewhat grave and reticent lad , he was selected to carry the proofs to '' The Great
he Unknown — was — — present _— , " and - ^ w—^—i -v- never ¦ ¦ afterwards H ^™ - ^ - - ^^ ^^ betrayed ^ w ^ v ^^ v ^^ bv *^ ^ at h *^ p the ^^ ^ a hn ^ p trust dramatic ^«*» ^ k W *> W » v ^ ; fc- ^ fc ^ but ¦ ' ¦ ^ ^ l * ^ k ^ fc ^ j I
dinner given in the club-room of the '' Noctes Ambrosian — a , " among — ^^^^^ » Scotch ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ — ^» bards v *^ - » . m ^ b * ^ m- ^ » w ^ and ^ f ^ fc- ^ ^ wivb > Scotch r ^^ ¦*»» ^—* - ^^ ^^ 4 V * w
reviewers , when Sir Walter acknowledged the parentage - of * ' Waverley " and »¦ ¦ . its b successors Pfc .
^ ^ J — - - — — ^— — ' — - ^^ T "i ^» ' * - ^» ^^ m ^ m *^ ^ - ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ b ^^ . ^ ^^ ^^ m *^ 9 Mr . Chippendale ' s reminiscences of Edinburgh were interesting from this ¦ ¦ distance I ¦ fc of 1 time fc fcfc j 1
— " — — ^ V ^ K ^^ — - ^^ ^^ ^^ - ^— <^» ** urn ^^ ^^ V ^^ »* ^^ ^*^ ' ^— ' ^^ 1 »^ - ^^^^^ ' ^^^ , He saw knew John James Phili Hogg Kemble , Professor take leave Wilson of , & the c . ; p
Edinburgh stage , was in town when the Scottish Regalia were found , and was present ! I
at the first introduction of Hob Roy . ' An interesting pamphletentitled ' Some
Comments on Leprosy in , its Contagio-Syp h hilitic and ¦¦— Vaccinal ¦ ¦ ¦¦ Aspects !¦ Fh h ' has ¦ been r
published j - b y Messrs - ^— ^— ^ . ^ ^^^ Hirschfeld - " ^— " ^ ^^^ ^^^ r- — ^— - ^^^^ - ^^ ^^ v ^^ , ^ H Brothers ^^^ ^^ " ^ . ^^^ ^ ^^» , ^^^» ^^ of HV ^^ h ^^^ Bream ' s Buildings , Fetter Lane . In this the
author , Dr . A . M . Brown , sounds a note of alarm on the spread of this diseaseand the
probability of its soon touching our , shores , with the effects of vaccination thereon .
In last week ' s issue of the Journal of tlie Society of Arts we note an interesting
contribution , from Mr . William Lant Carpenter , on the subj «» ect of ' Elementary «/ Education . ' In
the course of his remarks the author alludes at considerable length to the Recreative Evening t j Schools Association - _ _ , an _ institution _ —
which we believe in many ways to be doing good work . A new weeklyentitled The Nursing Record
will shortly be commenced 1 , j - - - by Messrs ' . Samp- , son Low , Marston & Co . (\ Limited )/ . It is
intended to represent the views and claims of those associated with nursing work . A very large class are now interested in this work
and new organisations springing up will greatly , help the profession , so that a trustworthy organ
far intercommunication seems to be essential . Messrs . Asher < fc Co . announce for early
publication by subscription the magnificent work entitled ' Monuments of Greek and j Roman Sculpture Historically Arranged '
under the direction of Heinrich Brunnedited , bFriedrich Bruckmann . This work , which
y , is in large folio , contains permanent
phototypesafter the originals .
Messrs . Jarrold & Sons intimate that Owing to the numerous inquiries they have had for
a companion volume to that entitled 'The Man who Wishes he had not Married' they
are now preparing ' The Woman who Wishes , she had not Married . '
The first volume of the uniform edition of Dean Church ' s literary and historical r essays h
says the A thenaeum — — — — - ^^ - , ^^— •^ m will ~^ m" ^^— m - ^^^^ be ^^»^^ - ^^^^ issued ^^^« v ^¦*^^^^^ ^«¦ ^ ^^ v ^^ b y ^^" r Messrs —— ¦ — _ j . , j - Macmillan & Co . early in March . It will
contain the essay on Montaigne which appeared in the * Oxford Essays' for 1857 ; the paper
on Brittany which was published in a former volume of - essays ; a long ^ paper j— - —¦ on - — - the early
— — . j - — — _ - ~^ y — — — — — — — Ottomans , contributed ^ many years ago to the Christian Remembrancer ; and two articles—on
Cassiodorus and on the letters of Gregory the Great—which have appeared in the Church
Quarterly Review . The second volume of the series will contain the well-known essay on
Dante , and shorter papers on Wordsworth and on Mr . Browning — o ' s ' Sordello . ' The remainingc ^»
three volumes , 'which will appear at intervals of a monthwill be _ the _ life _ of — St _ . Ajiselm
, , written for the * Sunday Library , ' and the biographies of Spenser and of Bacon , written
for the series of ' English Men of Letters . ' The * Library of Philosophy , ' about to be
published by Messrs . Swan Sonnenschein & Co ., j respectivel will be arranged y work under s dealing three with heads , ' comprising Schools of
Philosop Tkl 1 hers 1 , ' the ¦ 1 * History TTT 1 of Thought rwfl 1 in Particular Departments , ' and the * Subject
Matter of Philosophy' treated from an original point of view . The first series willit is hoped
, , ultimately cover the entire ' History of Thought in the Fields of Metaphysics and Ethics . ' At
present it is proposed to deal more particularly with ' Modern Philosophy . '
Mr . T . Fisher Unwin will publish this week I the ' Government Year-book for 1888 '
contain-^^ ^ K ^ fe ^^^ ^^^^^ ~ — W —1 ~ ^^ to «» d ^ ^^ - ^^^^^ - ^^ ^^^ m - ^^ ^^^^ - ^^ ~^ r- ^ - ¦ — - ^ ^— ¦—— , ing an outline of the constitution of every country in the world . The constitutional revisions
effected in 1887 , as in the case of the Netherlands _ M _ 1 , & A fc and ly m A ^ ji ^ fc ^ Malta ^ » ¦ —fa ^ . ^ r ^ fc ^^^ ' ^ w ^ as ^ rr * r well w ^ ¦ - ^^ - ^^^— ¦ as - — - ^ the - ¦ ^— ' chief - ^ —¦ — - occur — - ^ ^^^*^ ^ ,
rences of the year bearing upon the government of each particular nationare passed
, under review . One of the aims of this yearbook is to provide its readers with materials
and comparisons tending to elucidate the principal political topics of the day .
Mr . J . P . Johnson is engaged on a work on the writings of Thackeraywhich will be
published very shortly . It will , be illustrated bseveral unpublished portraits of Thackeray
and y of his fatiier and motherand will contain , a facsimile of an unused wood , engraving from
one of the novels . The volume will be published by Mr . Elliot Stock .
A new letter file has just come under our noticeand fro in a test of its convenience we
should , say that it ought to be very largely adopted i in ofn ¦ ¦ ¦ ces generally . It is infinitely
^ K *^ V ^ " ^^^ . ^^ ^ T ^ ^^^ ^*^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ " ¦ ^^» ^^» ^ ^^^^ h ^^^ ^^^ ^ ^~^ M m better than anything of the kind in existence . We can recommend Messrs . Allen 1 Davies & ^ w ^^^ r ^ w ^ r ^ m ^^^ ^^ ^ w ^ " ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^¦ j . ' ^^^ m ^ ^— ^^^^ r ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^™ ^ ^^ ^^ f ^¦ » ¦ — ^^ ¦ ^ - ^ — — —^^ - _ - — — - , ^_ - — — — —
Co . 's Universal File . The wholesale agents for this country are Messrs . T . J . SmithSon &
, Downes .
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m - "" r | Feb . 15 , . 1888 The Publishers' Circular ! 6 3
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), Feb. 15, 1888, page 163, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15021888/page/9/