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220 The Publishers' Circular March 15,18...
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220 The Publishers' Circular March 15,18...
220 The Publishers' Circular March 15 , 1881
MB . MUEEAY ' S LIST OF NEW WORKS AND NEW EDITIONS , THE LIGHT CAVALRY BRIGADE IN THE CRIMEA : Extracts from the Letters and Journal of General Lord G-boboe Pagbt during the Crimean War . With Ma , p . Crown 8 vo . 10 s . & d . - ** THE KINGDOM OF CONGO , AND OF THE SURROUNDING Newl COUNTRIES y Translated . B from y Duartk the Italian Lopez and . Translated Edited with from Notes the , by Portuguese Mabgabitk by Hutchinson Filippo Pigafjbtta . With . a Preface , by Sir Thomas Fowei / l Buxton , Bart . With Facsimiles of the Original Maps . 8 vo . 105 . 6 d . THE CAT . An Introduction to the Study of Back-boned Animals , especially President Mammals . of By th . St & . Linnean George Society Mitart , , and F . E . of S ., the Autho Zoolog r of ical ' Lessons Society from . With Nature 200 , ' & Illustrati c . & c , Vice ons . - Medium 870 . 30 s . [ At the end of March . HANDBOOK TOE TRAVELLERS IN THE PRESIDENCY OP BOMBAY . Second Edition , most carefully . Revised on the spot , and for the most part Rewritten . By Edward B . Eastwick . With Map and Plans . Post 8 vo . 15 * . THE SECOND VOLUME OP THE LIFE OF SAMUEL WILBERCorrespondence FORCE , D . D ., . late Edited Bishop by his of Son Oxfo , Reginald rd and Winchester G-. Wllbebforce , with , Extracts assisted b from y several his Diaries Clerical and and Lay Friends of his Father . With Portrait and Woodcuts . 8 vo . 15 * . [ In March . Vol . I . Portraits , 8 vo . 15 s . A PILGRIMAGE Court of the A _ rab TO Emir NEJD , and our , the Persian Cradl Campai e o £ the . B A rab Lady Race Annk , and Blunt a Visi With t to 3 Iap the Portraits , and 30 Illustrations . 2 vols . post 8 vo . 24 s . THE Being EASTE a Selection RN from QUESTION his Writings . duri B y Lord the last Stratford five years de of his Redcliffe life . With , K . G Preface ., G . C . B by . the Dean of Westminster . With Map , 8 vo . 95 . CHRISTIAN INSTITUTIONS : Essays on Ecclesiastical Subjects . By Arthur PjBN » HrN Stanxey , D . D .. Dean of Westminster . 8 vo . 12 s . NEW EDITIONS . SECOND EDITION OP THE AUTOBIOGEAPHT OP LORD CAMPBELL With Portrait , with . Selections 2 vols . from 8 vo . 305 his . Letters and Journals . Edited by the Hon . Mrs . Hardcastle-FOURTH EDITION OP MISS BIRD'S TRAVELS IN THE UNBEATEN TRACKS OF JAPAN . With Illustrations . 2 vols . crown 8 vo . 24 s . SECOND EDITION OF THE PERSONAL LIFE OF DR . LIVINGSTONE , from his Unpublished Journals and Correspondence . By Dr . W . Gr . Blaikib . With Portrait and Map . 8 vo . 15 s . SECOND EDITION OF SIR RICHARD TEMPLE ' S INDIA IN 1880 . 8 vo . 16 s . SECOND EDITION OF SIR EDWARD J . REED'S HISTORY , TRADITIONS , AND RELIGIONS OF JAPAN . 2 vols . 8 vo . with Illustrations , 28 s . THIRD EDITION OF THE POWER OF MOVEMENT IN PLAN TS . By Chaojlbs Darwin , JLL . D . P . K . S . With Woodcuts . Crown 8 vo . 15 $ . JOHN MURRAY , Albemarle Street . < 128 ) J
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 15, 1881, page 220, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15031881/page/20/