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March Is , Iwi The Publishers' Circular ...
March is , iwi The Publishers' Circular si 9
NOW KEADY , AT EVERY LIBRARY , IN THREE VOLUMES , MR . WILLIAM BLACK'S MW NOVEL , SUNRISE : A Story of these Times . Now ready , MR . BLACK'S NEW HOVEL , STUSTRISB . i I c Is without exception the finest work of fiction which has been produced j in the English language since George Eliot gave us the result of her first labours/—Court Journal . f — -- ¦ — ¦ ———~ - ' ' ^—^— _ ..--... _ . — _ _ — - . — t _ .. l | | | _ i _ | Now ready , ME . WILLIAM BLACK ' S HEW HOTEL , su _ miSB . 4 All that can be desired by the most cultivated and impatient reader of fiction . —Literary World . AT EVERY LIBRARY , IN THREE VOLUMES , SinSTRISE . WILLIAM BLACK , Author of l A Daughter of Heth / < fcc . J AT EVERY LIBRARY , IN THREE VOLUMES , su _ tb , ise 3 . WILLIAM BLACK , ? Author of l Three Feathers / l A Princess of Thule , ' Ac . London : SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , SEARLE , & RIVINGTON , II Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street , E . C . ( 144 ) ^ fc————————_ -m ¦_— - , , || | —| | | - -. - I ¦ _____________________________________ _ ___ _ M ___________________ j ^ Bff ,