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?2$2 The Publishers' Circular March 15; ...
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?2$2 The Publishers' Circular March 15; ...
? 2 $ 2 The Publishers' Circular March 15 ; ^
SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON , & CO . 'S NEW PUBLICATIONS . . . ..... Dedicated by Special Permission to Sir FEEDERICK LEIGKTON , President of the Uoytd Academy . PART I . NOW BEADY , PBICE FIVE SHILLINGS . Messrs . SAMPSON LOW , MARSTON & CO . have much pleasure in announcing that they have made arrangements with Mr . J . of P . absolutel MAYAL y L permanent , Photograp Photo her . Park -Engravings Lane Studio , entitled , to produce a Monthly Series AR TISTS AT HOME . surrounded Pain Mr ters . , J Scul . P b . y ptor MA their s YALL , architects pictures has , been , scu and lptures honoured Engravers , and -with other of permission the objects day in of to their art photograp which stodios characterise h , or a number in thei those r of homes the places leading , while . wilL sentations be These produced of likenesses eminent by an hav men entirel e , eac that y h interest new in the and habit "which unquestionabl of attaches his life y , to and permanent the in most every process exact sense and of at . Photo home characteristic . -Engraving The portraits repre , and - issued in Monthly Parts at 55 . each Part . and include Every Part a short will Biograp -contain- h Four y of each Engbavijtgs artist , "with . from a the descri Photograp ption of hs his , alL studio facsimiles . The of Biograp the ori hies ginals will , be written by , and the literary portion of the work generally will be under the editorship of Mr . F . a . STEPHENS . - The size of the work will be imperial quarto . The Text and Plates will be printed on the finest paper . Each Part will appear in an appropriate Wrapper . It is further intended to print a superior Edition on India Paper , mounted on papier de HoUande , and of royal folio size , which will be limited to One Hundred Impressions taken from each plate before the lettering is engraved upon it ; Fifty of which will be reserved for American Subscribers . This Edition Twelve will Monthly be published Pabts , beg at inning 105 . 6 d with . eadh a Part Volume ,, and . supplied only to Subscribers for not fewer than The First Part contains—1 . Sir F . LEIGHTON , P . E . A . 2 . T . WEBSTER , R . A . 3 . W . C . MARSHALL , R . A . 4 . V . C . PRINSEP , A . R . A . Part II . will contain J . E . MILLAIS , B . A ., a A . LAWSON , MARCUS STONE , A . R . A ., and S . COUSINS , Hon . Retired R . A . May be obtained of any Bookseller in Town or Country , THE NEW WORK ON CENTRAL AFRICA . The River Congo , from its Mouth to Btfldbo . With a G-eneral Description of the Natural History and Anthropology of its Western Basin . B the y H Congo . H . Johnston from its " , Moutli F . Z . S . to With B 616 b numerous 6 ; also a Ph Full ysical -page Map and of other the Illustrations West Coast , a of New Africa Map , and of 3 Etchings . 1 vol . demy 8 vo . cloth extra , One Guinea . % * A few copies only remain of the First Edition . A Second Edition is in the press . ' Few parts of the world can boast such a store of still mysterious Interest as the Dark Continent Only occa-H sionally . H . Johnston , however succeeds , have we in doing had the in results the page of s the of his explorer handsomely ' s researches got-up Tolume put before ..... us . The as book graphically is full of and delightful genially writing as Mr , . and should be read by every one , with a certainty of great pleasure . '—Da . ii /? Tet ^ kou aph . Memories of Canada RIGHT HON and . TH Scotland E MARQUIS OF : LORNE . S Crown peeches 8 ro and . cloth Verses , pp . 360 . , B 7 s y . 6 the d . Right Hon . the Marquis op Lorne , K . T [ JSecond ., G . C . M Kdition . G ., || & ^ c . I Khedives and Pashas Now ready , crown : 8 vo . cloth , 7 s . 6 d . Sketches of Contemporary Egyptian Rulers and Statesmen . By One who Knows them "Weix . 1 . The EX-KHEDIVE ISMAIL . —2 . The KHEDIVE . —3 . ARABL—4 . RIAZ PASHA-5 . NUBAR PASHA . —6 . OHKRIF PASHA . —7 . The CHERIF MINISTRY . —8 . Some CONSULSGENERAL Temples ^ and Elephants . By Carl Bock , Author of ' The Head Hunters of Borneo . ' With Coloured Plates and numerous Woodcuts . Cloth extra , 24 * . London ; SAMPSON LOW , MARSTOIT , SEARLE , & RIVJNGTON , II Crown Buildings , 188 Fleet Street , E . C . _^^ j
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 15, 1884, page 292, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15031884/page/40/