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March 15 , 1884 The Publishers' Circular 297 I
HODDER & STOUGHTON'S LIST . j [ BISHOP HELLMUTH Now ready , price 'S BIBLICAL ., the First Part of THESAURUS : 1 J . Litera The l Translatio First Voxtmb n of the will Old be Testament comp Languages leted , in , with and Fou a Exp r Critical 5 lanatory s . Parts Anal , Notes the ysis Fi . rs of t Every of which Word is now in read the y . ginal | g NEW VOLUME OF THE THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY . ! IS GOD KNOW ABLE ? By the Rev . J . Iverach , M . A . Crown 8 vo . 3 s . 6 d . THE GROUNDS OF THEISTIC AND CHRISTIAN BELIEF . By Geobqb P . Fishbb , D . D ., LL . D ., Professor of Ecclesiastical History in Yale College . 8 vo . 105 . 6 d . ; GEORGE FOX AND THE EARLY QUAKERS . By A . C . Bickley . 7 s . 6 d . CAPITAL FOR WORKING BOYS . Chapters on Character Building . ! By J . E . M Conauqhy . Crown 8 vo . 3 s . 6 c ? . A HISTORY OF THE This J EWS ay , a Second IN Edition ROME of , b . c . 160—a . d . 604 . By ? J E . H . HursoN , Author of ' The Life and Times of Louisa , Queen of Prussia' & c . Crown 8 vo . 7 s . 6 d . NOTICE . —Hodder & Stoughton have purchased the Copyrights of the following ' THE CHILDREN Fayourite ' Juvenile S PASTIME Gift Books : profuse Pictures ly Illustrated and Stories . . By L . G . j Segttin , Author of * Walks in Algiers ' & c . With 200 Illustrations . Crown 4 to . Zs . 6 d . ¦ STORY AFTER STORY OF LAND AN 4 D SEA , MAN AND 1 CHEE BEAST RFUL . By the Author SUNDAYS of * Sunday Evenings : Sfcories with mj , Parables Children' , c and . With Poems ISO Illustrations for Children . 3 s . 6 ef . j ! " By the same Author . With 150 Illustrations . Crown 4 to . 3 s . 6 d . London : HODDER & STOUGHTON , 27 PaternDster Row .
The VALLEY NOW READY , AT ALL of LIBRARIES SOREK . - ! Jl ^ Ictty ^ iovel . I By gke : rt : r , tji 3 ; e m :. a-EOjao-iQ . 2 vols . 21 s . I natural 'Henry manner Westgate , the The hero author .. is .. drawn possesses with no skill inconsiderable and power talent ... . . '— portrayed Mokning in Post a forcible . and II II considerable 'The characters . The women are clearl , in particular y defined , , are the admirabl situations y dra are wn strong . '—Athenaeum , and the . interest eyoked by them is be £ ' un The , her work nam is e may praiseworth yet be famous y and promising . '—Daily , Tel and egraph if the . author should advance ab happily as she has 1 The The writer work shows shows much throughout skill and power power in . ' the —Christian drawing of World character . . '—Manchester Examined . genius ' Miss can George safely attempt works up , and her we story may step 1 add by that step she , till does it so reaches with absolute a climax success of traged . '—Nonconformist y such as only . true 'In style there is much to epprove . —Academy . lb . W ' 6 The U told story of Westgate In fact ' s . infatuation ... Miss George for the can impetuous write very , beautifu well . l '— , and Morning pleasure Advertiser -loving Ilebo . Mansfield J 'An original—indeed , perhaps it is not too much to say a unique—story , .... powerful , eloquent , an ^ only too true . '— Society . wonderfull 'She gives y true her and readers real .. little .. beau glimpses tiful and of character touching/— that Lincolnshire are charming Chronicle . Her portrait . of Hebe is b good ' The taste author . '— ' s Standard aspirations . are good and noble , her views of life are just , her enthusiasm is chastened ' Miss George possesses in no slight degree the power of investing her characters with life Considerable insight into human nature is shown The story is well and powerfully written Gloom . ' . . London : GEORGE REDWAY , 12 York Street , Covcnt Garden . 1 * " **^~ - ^ ¦ .. . - -. ¦ ¦ t ' T CPct jraKL 9 F < i
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 15, 1884, page 297, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15031884/page/45/