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jro The Publishers' Circular March 15 , ...
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^ ^ ^^ fl ^^^^^ m . «^^ v ^ m ^ . « ^» ^ ^^ ^^ ^ . % Comic Almanack . 1842 , 1844 to 1853 . All or any Simpkin Gay ^^* * - ^ J '* s ¦ ' , (\ S r Marshall ^ pence r * ^* JU- **^^ ' ) ^ Christian ^^ , & A « Co -J ^* % . , 4 St Vocation V X at ^^^^ i -W oners WAV f - ^ * 'Hall Court , E . C .
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Motley ' s John Borne veld , 2 vols . 8 vo . Campbell ' s Tales of the Highlands , 4 vols . Green Chaucer ' s Princesses Society . . 1 st Vols Seri . es 0 . , 0 Parts 48 , 56 I 2 nd Series . Part 8 — ~ -fM ^—
Jro The Publishers' Circular March 15 , ...
jro The Publishers' Circular March 15 , ^ _ . . __ * . ^ . ^^ . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ M ^^ H ^^ tfH ^^^^^^^ M ^ A ^^^^^ HM ^^^^^ M ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ H ^^^^ V ^^ ' ^^^^ Vfl ^ B ^^ B ^^ M ^^ V ^^ A ^ M ^ 'MIM ^ M ^ V ^^^^ BH . V ^ i ^ B ^^^ MBt ^^^^ V ^ M ^^^ M . tt ^^^^^ M ^ H ^^^ HBfl ^^ B ^^ H ^^ V ^^ V ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ h ^^^ K ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^** " ^^^ 1 ^^^^^^^^™_ ¦
^ Bo0xs Wanted To Pukchase—Continued.
^ BO 0 XS WANTED TO PUKCHASE—continued .
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 15, 1884, page 310, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15031884/page/58/