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TRA 1 > E NOTICE . ALL THE PljhLICATIONS ISSUED BY WILLIAM WALKER & SONS , ^ UhltsifCVS , 0 TLEY , YORKSHIRE , Are always obtainable at their Town Depot , ' Messrs . MARSHALL BROS ., Amen Corner , Paternoster Row , LON DON , E . C . THE TYPOGRAPHIC AUTOMATIC AND PH ETCHING 0 T 06 RAPHIC ENGRAVERS COMPANY , By Dawson's Patent Typographic Etching Process , , Photo Relief Process , ' and Photograving Process . who The work T . E thes . Co e . Letterpress are the only and firm Copperplate in this country Pro-Illustrations cesses , "which and are which applicable are extensivel to high * class used Book -b the leading Publishers , , and also by the Trustees y of y the Societ British ies . Museum , and many of the . Learned app Information lication to tho , Est Offices imates , 23 , and Farringdon Specimens Stbeet , upon , London , E . C . . MR . GEO . NEWMAN , TRADE VALUER , offers and his AUCTIONE services in all ER of matters over 30 of years Sale ' experience Transfer , various or Partnershi branches p . en His ables intimate him to render knowled , ge valuable of the , assistance to either Vendor or Purchaser very on moderate fixed terms charges . Valuations , any part for" Probate of the king at exceptionall dom . y low Offices removed to 102 London Wall , E . C . WANTED , Address of Miss M . Yates , Jarrold ' Author tit Sons of . — ' Wheat Address -meal Lawrence Bread Bros , ' published ., Weston by - super-Mare .
pARTNEfiSHIP ^ - ^ Advertiser desires an ( * to - rep experi lace enced retiring practical partner Gentleman ) in an old with -established £ 3 , 260 Letterpress PRINTING BUSINESS , in fall work and largel capable y extend of increase the Business . Or . TWO More PARTNERS room available to . Pri 10 Bolt ncipals Court onl , y Fleet . —App Street ly , Z , E . C , . J . G . King & Son ,
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Bookseller Wanting Assistant.
WANTED about 23 , BOOK one who knows COLLECTOR his duties , age and can furnish ; good testimonials . —Apply 3 by , letter , to Beta / care of Messrs . Sampson Low & Co ., 1 » 8 Fleet Street , E . C . '
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YOUNGr LADY requires a EB ^ EN- - \ and A Fancy GAG ^ EMENT Business in . the Accustomed Bookselling to , a Stationery Library . ; 1 ; Add Severa ress l , y M ears ., ' c / o experience Jas . Porter . , Good 84 Cowley references Road . — , ] Brixton , London , SiW . r PO BOOKSELLERS , STATIONERS , « c . as JL 'Assistant Wanted , s , ix by years Youn ' first g Man -class , RE exp -ENGAGEMENT erience . Highest references . —E . P ., 9 Spring Street , Rugby . A YOUNG GAGrEMENT LADY in a General requires Bookselling a RE-EN and - ¦ Fancy Business . A large town preferred . Two and Terrace a half years Faversham ' experience . . —Address , A . A ., 8 Albion ( ; PANCY , STATIONERY , AND BOOK- ! JL SELLING . —Wanted , Situation as JUNIOR ASSISTANT to above . Three and a half years ' win experience dow-dresser in first . -class Good University references Business . — Address . Good , I I C Cambrid . E . F ., c . o Messrs Redin & Co ., 16 Trinity Street , ge ¦ - PRINTERS BOOKSE , & LLERS c—Young , Man STATIONERS , 20 , requires , Situation as JUNIOR ASSISTANT , five years ' c ex / o perience Mr . J . . W . Good Sargeant references , Printer . — , Ad Peterborou dress-, E . gh Cliffe . ,
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BOOKS FOR SALE . Advertisement * are inserted under this heading at 3 d . per line , prepaid .
Fielde Girl' R S , Own J., Bookseller , ...
Fielde Girl ' r s , Own J ., Bookseller , Vote , for , 51 1886 Church , 3 « . 9 Street d . per , vol Camberwell . Boy Youn ' s g Own England , Vola , . 3 for * . per 1886 vol , 8 . « . 9 d . per vol . HamiltonAdamsds Co . 32 Paternoster RowLondonE . C . Aud printed & ley , ' e Art , of Chromolithography , , £ * 8 . 3 «» Only , 800 Bewick Cathedrals ' s Life of England and Works and , by Wales Thompson , by Winkle . Only , 8 v 250 . cloth printed gilt BickenaV Hamerton ( Ohas ' s Etching . ) Works and , edit Etchers , de luxe , 3 rd , edit 30 vols . £ 5 . . £ 6 31 s . . 10 * . " lum , J £ 10 . 10 Landscape * . Only , 600 £ 6 » printed 6 « . ; also L . P . edit , white vel-Leonardo imp . 8 vo da . £ 12 Vinci . 12 * ' . s Literary Works , illustrated , 2 vols . Michel printed ' s Scottish Language , 4 to . £ 2 . 12 * . 6 <* . Only 500 Phiz . ' Life and Labours of H . K . Browne , by Thompson , Punch L . P . edit 1878 . 1879 Only 1880 200 printed 1881188218831884 blue cloth gilt edges , ,,, ,, , , , M Comic The itH * Paston A ' Almanacs & R * Letters Aberdeen , orlg , by . * edits Gairdner . 1836 , , large 1888 , paper 18 * 3 , 1848 ( Arbex , 5 * ) . , each 85 * .
Sh Gillie ato , J ' . s , jun History . Covered of Greece Market , 8 , vols LeedjL . 8 vo ^ . boards , 6 * . 6 d . i I Bingham ' s Antiquities of the Christian Church , 8 vols . 8 to . i National cloth , 17 Portrait * . 6 d . Gallery , 3 vols roy . 8 vo . full calf , clean , 20 s . 1 J Bentley Bayle ' a ' Dictionary s Miscellany , 4 , vols Illustrated . folio , calf by Oruikshank . Is . 6 d . , Leech , & o ., 1 Medical 47 vols Botany . 8 vo . , half bv -calf Churchill , £ 11 . and 11 * . Stephenson , fine coloured Swinnock plates , 4 * s large Works vols , 6 , vols half- , calf 8 vo , . cloth 1831 , , 15 6 * * . . 6 6 d d . . Adams' Practical Works , 8 vols . 4 * . Qd . Slack Acts , J of ., North the Parliament Road , ' Jhirham of Scotlandvols . 2 to 11 folio £ 4 i Beports Appendix on , the 2 vols Public . iolio , Becords 20 * . of , the Kingdom , , wit , h 49 Magna vols . Britannia of the Camden Antiqua Society et Nova ' s Publications . 6 vols . 4 to , . cloth 40 * . 1738 , £ 4 © Dictionary outh ' s Rigid , Sciences Dynamics & Ecclesiastiques , 85 . 1877 , 5 vola . folio , 4 X )« . 17 C 0 I i Robson Hancock ' s ' s Grampian Birds , folio Mopntains , 6 * . , folio , 20 * . Bern Archaeological ' s Practjical Journal Tunnelling , vola , ; 4 1 to to . cloth 5 , cloth , 6 # , . £ 1844 2 . 10 *» ' . ¦¦ , w : ... ' ¦ \ ¦ " ' ¦ — - ^ j
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 15, 1887, page 317, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15031887/page/43/