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Sampson low , Marston & Co . ' s New Publications .
» . «•< - . .. « , - r ' . ¦ ¦ . ¦' .. - . , . ,-.. ? . ii II 1- SPRINGHAVE SECOND EDITION N . . THE A Tale NEW " NOVEL of thjr BY THE Great AUTHOR Wat . LOBNAt By E . JDlO D . ^ lagk . ' . , - ! mobs . In 3 vols . crown 8 vo . 31 * . 6 < Z . ^^ j I " I SECOND EDITION . MR . JOSEPH HATTON'S JtfEW NOVEL . In 2 vols . crown Byo . 1 2 * . I THE OLD HOUSE AT SAJNDWICH , By Joseph Hatton , Author of ' Three Recruits ' ( 6 s . ) , * Journalistic London ' ( 12 $ . 6 d . ) , ' North Borneo' ( I 8 &)~ , & c . I i adventure 'It is , impossible and , withal to , of miss a truthfulness the fascination that of beguiles interest , the of reader stirring into change speculating and novelty where , of fiction life-like ends incident ana facts , of begin exciting in I I Mr . * Joseph Mr . Hatton Hatton offers ' s singularly to readers vivid of novel fiction . '— one Daily of the Telegraph most attractive . novels of the day/—Morning Post . I I . : , _ : : : = _ . I SPECTAJL Volume NOTipJE Novels , — at In the compliance price of Six with ~ 8 , % the , illin frequently , gs . a Volume expressed , the , request Jptibiishers for the beg issue to estate of Three that II I they have now brought out the New Novel by the Author of * JL Xowe JJassie / entitled I SO SO THE TMJE WORLD JVOMIiJ > WA . WAGS GSJ in , Th . , re 4 A Volumes Tale at of JSI & Town MTXSJEN SfHZUJZXNGSk and Travel . By the Author of * A £ k > ne Lassie / ' Songs of Many Seasons , ' & c . Can now be obtained at all Libraries I and Booksellers ' . In Three volumes , crown 8 vo . price 18 * . ; I ; IMPORTANT NEW WORK ON THE AMERICAN CIVIL WAR . SERVICE AFLOAT ; or , the Remarkable Career of the Conwith federate 15 Steel Cruisers Portrai j' Sumter ts and ' and 8 Chrpmo ' Alabama -tinted . ' B Engravings y Admiral . Raphael 8 vo . cloth Semites extra , , C 1 . S 6 . s . Navy . Illustrated I I HEALTH FOR THE PEOPLE . By Dr . Andrew Wilson . Crown 8 vo . I cloth , 7 « . 6 d . [ Now ready . I A FIFTH EDITION is now ready of RANDOLPH CALDECOTT : a Personal Memoir of his Early Art Career . By Henry Bla . ck . burn . With 172 Illustrations , nearly 100 of which have been hitherto unpublished . Square 8 vo . cloth extra , 14 s . A LIMITED LARGE-PAPER EDITION , price 12 s . 6 d ., is now ready of THE BOOK FANCIER ; or , the Romance of Book Collecting . By Pebcy Fitzgerald . Fcp . 8 vo . cloth extra , bevelled boards , 5 s . Second Edition . he is ' Am alway using s diverting and agreeable . '—Saturday to read . Review There . is hardly a branch of the sport of book , hunting that he does not touch on ; ] NOW READY . ILLUSTRATED BY NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS . A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON PETROLEUM : ' " ¦ : j Together Its Origin with , Geology a Description Technology , Geographical or , Gas Uses CO Distribution Wells ^ IPJRISING and , Transportation the , application History , . Chemistry of Gas as , Mi Fuel ning , & c . By BEISTJAMlIlSr J . OJBtEW . WITH AN APPENDIX ON THE PRODUCT AND EXHAUSTION OF THE OIL REGIONS AND THE GEOLOGY OF NATURAL GAS IN PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW YORK , I By CHARLES A . ASHBUBNER , M . S ., late Geologist in charge , Pennsylvania Survey , Philadelphia . 9 Octavo 9 Illustrated , price 28 s . J Iiondon : SAMPSON LOW , MAJ & STOJtf , SB ABLE & RIVINGTON , Orawn Buildings , 188 Fleet Street , E . G . '
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JJ , ^ J Printed ^^ MjMrtJiilaBefo Proprietors by 8 POTTI , 8 SAMPSON WOODB & LOW OO . , , MABSTON of 6 Nmr-ftapet , GRABJMJc Bqnmro , In RIVINGTON the Oity of , at Ixmdon the OfBoe ; mail , Grown I ^ nblWiei ^ TIZ for « dln ^ l . i Hto ( 17 MA 87 j | J > h , d }^^^ A ^^ - > ,, Il . l ^^ ,.,,.,-, A . v , 1 , uJ ,., ^ i & .:. M ,,. vA ,,, ¦ „ > ..,, Vv , r ,. v . I ^ V ^^ S ^<^ ,,:, „ ,,..- 4 . ¦ . . ¦ ¦ ¦ . ., y .,.... ; V 1 . ; . W ^ A . VJ . s . fcn ^ Mfl ^^ fe ^^ to
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 15, 1887, page 324, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15031887/page/50/