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340 The Publishers * Circular March 15 , 188 9
. i \ Mj U JBa JmMl Jb * Mu % M jC JtU . JfcC B 9 « ,. T - IF you want a MAN of certified gojod character ,-intelligent , active , aler ^ , sober , * and thoroughly disciplined in habits of Order and Pghctuality , as < '''• * ' - PACKER . CLERK . JANITOR . WAREHOUSEMAN . NIGHT WATCHTIMEKEEPER . PORTERCARETAKER . MESSENGER . MAN «& e * * * ' ' * APPLY TO THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE EMPLOYMENT OF RESERVE AND DISCHARGED SOLDIERS , I * 12 BucKiN & HAM Street , Strand , W . C . I There are no Fees . The Annual Report ] of the Association and all other particulars will be furnished on application to the Secretary , Lti-Colonel WALTER J . B 0 YES , at the above address .
i ¦ @* ELECTROTYPES . ft ^¦^¦* i ^ i ^* i ^^ i ^^« Mi ^ M ^ M ^^ i ^^>^>****^ " *^^^^^ " ^^ . Messrs . SAMPSON LOW , ~ WIARSTON & CO ., Limited , Have prepared a List of Works from which they are willing to 1 to supp an l y y bond selections fide purchaser of Electros . . This List they will be happy to forward Address—St . Dunstan ' s House , Fetter Lane , Fleet Street , E . C . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' i . ^
AMERICA . WANTE D any books , pamphlets , or tracts , printed before 1830 , relating to earl America ^ American , Canada printed , and the book United s , and States portraits ; al § of o j anyone y connected with American IJistory , J . H . and A . ASHWORTH , j 49 Land ' s Lane , Leeds . | All communications answered . Catalogues solicited . . i . — . — . — . —¦ ¦ ¦ _
TO BE LET OR SOLD , close to City Road and Finsbury Square , two warehouses „ or factories of five floors each , with a floor apace ; I built Printers of 4 , , 061 beautifully square Bookbinders feet lighted in and ea , ch lofty . Manufactu They , and are suitable ring strong Sta for ly - tioners . , Rent low to , a good tenant . Will be ! let size toge at ther time or separatel if uired y . Can . For be increased further- in - ticulars any apply to Stuart req Hill , 106 Cannon Street par , E . C .
I Booksellers Wanting Assistant.
WAKTED an ASSISTANT for the . Bookselling and Stationery business , with I good address and a practical knowledge of the I I trade references . —Address , and , salary by letter , to , stating F . & W age . , Dodsworth experience , , n Newcastle-on-Tyne .
I Booksellers 9 Assistants Wantin8 Situations.
TO PUBLISHERS STATIONERS , — BOOKSELLERS Wanted ENGAGE- , MENT as Traveller . Could manage wholesale department , or take charge of retail business or branch . Thorough London and country experience . —G ., 209 Milkwood Road , S . B . "
"DOOKSELLING , STATIONERY , and -L > FANCY TRADES—ENGAGEMENT required in above , aged 3 Q . Good experience and reference , six and a half years in present situation . Address , Herbert , 8 Seymour Terrace , Westonsuper-Mare . — ¦ ¦
VOUTH , aged 18 , requires a SITUATION - * - as Junior Assistant . Good reference . —A . G ., 80 Richmoad Road , JBayswater .
TO MERCANTILE STATIONERS . —A •* - Young Man just out of his time is desirous of meeting with a SITUATION .. General knowledge of plain and fancy stationery . Good refer-Norwich ences . — . Walter ¦ « Heaver , ' , Messrs . Fletcher & Son ,
VOUNG LADY ( 20 ) can be strongly re-- * - commended , Bookseller ( old or new ) or . Hi Stationer h _ Holb . orn Six W years . C . ' experience . —F . E . L ., 232 g ,
T 3 OOKSELLING / 1 STATIONERY , J-J FANCY , and TENNIS TRADES . —ENGAGEMENT as first Assistant or Manager in above required . Good address , aged 30 , fifteen years ' Alexandra experience , Road high , Northampton class reference . . —Edward , 51
IX ) BOOKSELLERS and STATIONEBS . - - Wanted , by Young Man , age 24 / SITUATION rience as Assistant , good ( references in or out , door quick ) . , Ten and years -good ' sales expe - - Address man , used , G . W to . I Library ? ., 3 Castle , - careful Street stock , Banbury -keeper . !—
• £ A *• RE 25 , SPECTABLE who has , had five YOUNG , years * experience MAN , age a wholesale bookseller's , seeks RE-ENGAGEMENT as 22 Junior Douglas Assistant Buildings or , Boroug Collector h , . S — . E Add . ress ' , A . B ., 11 "•¦ ' ' ' t
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), March 15, 1889, page 340, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15031889/page/46/