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3 sg * The Publishers' Circular April 15...
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3 Sg * The Publishers' Circular April 15...
3 * The Publishers' Circular April 15 , issi
NOTICE . ; MR . STRAHAN LEAVEN begs WORT to announce H CAS that E bAnna great K Plot atherine Story ? Green , will be published by him on the 21 st of , April y . Small crown 8 vo . pr ice $ s . 6 d . 25 Hentciktta Street , Go vent Gabdent . THE DUKE OF ARGYLL'S NEW WORK . . . Now ready , in demy 8 vo . price 16 s . THE UNITY OF NATURE . By the DUKE OF ARGYLL .. ' This is a very able and very Hiprgestive wo » k The purely scientific statements are admirably clear and comprelicmive , while nothinir can be more beautiful than the descriptions of th * details of animal life , often from the impossible author's personal to rise from observations the study , and of this the volume philosophical « ithout arguments experiencing based 1 a - npon wboleso their rne widening phenomena of our men We tal feel horizon fchat it , an is intensified * The work faith ip in a the valuable spirirusl one ca , use and of likely all things to continue , nnd in the and absolut increase e unity the of reputation that primai of y the cause author . ' —The of " Spectator The Reign . of Law . " ' —The Standard . Other Works by the DUKE OF ARGYLL . THE REIGN OF LAW . 16 th Edition . 3 s . 6 d . PEIME 7 AL MAN . 4 th Edition . 4 * . 6 d . \ IONA . 3 rd Edition . 2 s . 6 d . ALEXANDER STRAHAN , 25 Henrietta Street . WORKS BY GEORGE MACDONALD . SVetv Editions of the following Worits are preparing for immediate Publication oy Mr . Strahan . I AISTISTALS OF A QUIET ifEiaHBOURHOOD . THE SEABOARD PARISH . ^ VILFHID OUMBEEMEDE , UNSPOKEN SERMONS . THE MIRACLES OF OUR LORD . AT THE BACK OF THE NORTH WIND . I THE PRINCESS AND THE GrOBLTN . I RANALD BA 3 STNERMAN . I DEALINGS 1 WITH THE FAIRIES . I ¦ WORKS OF FANCY AND IMAG-INATION . Ten vols . I f ? 5 Henrietta Strfft , Coyknt Garden * . I WORKS Jjean of BY Llandaff THE ; Master VERY of the Temple REV ; Chap . lain C . Ordinary J . VAUGHAN to the Queen , & c . , D . D . I Mr . Strahan is actively preparing JVcrv Editions of the follo ? viwg Worits by Dr . Vatjghan . I FAMILY PRAYERS . I CHRIST THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD , I EARNEST WORDS FOR EARNEST MEN . I VOICES OF THE PROPHETS . I CHARACTERISTICS OF CHRIST'S TEACHING . I 1 PLAIN WORDS ON CHRISTIAN LIVING . I THE PRESENCE OF GOD . I HALF-HOURS IN THE TEMPLE . I SUNDAYS IN THE TEMPLE . I LAST "WORD 9 AT DONOASTER . ! I 25 Henrietta Strhkt , Covpnt Gajkt > kn . I I i L - G SEGUIN'S WORKS , ; "WALKS IN" ALGIERS . With Illustrations . VZs . I THE BLACK FOREST . With Illustrations . 1 2 * . I THE COUNTRY OF THE PASSION-PLAY . With nitrations . 12
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 15, 1884, page 388, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15041884/page/20/