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SAMPSON LOW , MABSTOM , & CO . 'S NEW LIST , WORKS IN PREPARATION . Eavly in May > at all Libraries and Booksellers . HENRY IRVING'S IMPRESSIONS of AMERICA , narrated ill a Series of Sketches , Chronicles , and Conversations . By Joseph Hattox . 2 vols . cr . Svo . cloth . New Work by II . D . BLACKMOEE , Author of « Lorna Doonc . ' The REMARKABLE HISTORY of Sir THOMAS UPMORE Bart ., M . P ., formerly known as * Tommy Upmore / 2 vols . cr . Svo . 21 s . [ Will be ready end of this month , The KING COUNTRY ; or , Explorations in New Zealand . By J . H . K . : . Nichoijls . 1 toI . demy 8 vo . Many Illustrations and Maps . I A JOURNEY THROUGH ARABIA PETR / EA and the ; H W . 1 E DY . COLVI -EL-ARABAH LE , Author , of with « A Bide a view in Petticoats to ascertain and the Slippers Practicability / Crown of 8 vo the . cloth Jorda extra n Valley . Canal . By Colonel SYDNEY SMITH , his LIFE and TIMES , based on Family Docu . merits and the Recollection ^ Personal Friends . By Stuart J . Eeld . 1 vol . demy Svo . Numerous Illustrations . : [ In the pre ^ s . | NEW NOVELS IN THE PRESS OR NOW READY . ' THREE SISTERS . By 'Aaron . ' 2 vols . cr . 8 vo . cloth , 21 s . Un ,, fcictlmjSi ENSLAVED . By R . J . Langstaff-Haviland . 3 vols . cr . 8 vo . cloth , 31 s . 6 d STAGE-STRUCK ; or , She would be an Opera Singer . By Blanche Roosevelt . 2 vols . crown Svo . [ Nearly reudu . The VIOLINIST of the QUARTIER LATIN . By G . Curzon . : 3 vols . crown Svo . 31 s . 6 iL Itfoic ready . i ; ] S c \ v Editions , being additions to LOWS STANDARD NOVELS . I A PAIR Of BLUE EYES . By Thomas Hardy . Small post Svo . 6 s . [ Heady , » I The cloth RETURN , ( is . Of the NATIVE . By Thomas Hardy . Small post llnidy 8 ro . Uniform "with the above , NEWPORT . By Geohge Parsons Lathrop . Small post Svo . 5 s . c ^ , r rmd ,, . LOW'S STANDARD NOVELS- Small post 8 vo . cloth extra , price 6 s . each , ( except where otherwise stated ) . iHy Ed R . ition D . , BLACKMORB 31 s . Cd . and 35 : s . ) Lorna —Alice Doone Lorrainc . ( — Illnstratetl Cradock By VICTOR the Story HUGO of the Coup : Ninety d'Etat -three . . —History of a Crime : well Nowell Ereina : a . ; — or Dartmoor Clara , My Father Vaughaii Tale a . Sin . — . — Cripps Mary Anerley the . Carrier —Cliriato — - By CONSTANCE NoveU Illustrated ^ Second Uniform I'ENIMORE Edit with ion noxo the above WOOLSON ready . y 5 s -1- or : the Annie Major : a . By ^ Heth IHLIA --Kilmeny ^ i BLACK .- ~ In Silk ^ t Attire ^ athCrS . ~ Lady T - ~ i ^ biHerdale T i ^ ^ a By HELEN Rye / . Cherry MATHERS n ^ , & Authoress ( J > . My Lndy of , ' Grecnslceve Comin . ' Thro 3 . the By r > THOMAS ^ Z ^^ T HARDY ^ t ^^ ' rv un Trumpet t .,, « + -Ma "vt ] w or . — Ti Far r . from f ^ , v , ' ^ p « Di BBECHBR c their Lnvns STOWE mul T ivo : My / -Old Wife Town and I Folk . -Pogaiiuo . Lao the The dicean Return Madding . — of Two the Crowd on Native a . ~ Tower The . . Hand -A Pair of of Ethelberta Blue Eyes . . - - - B _ ^ Mrs I Court , . OASHEL m . o ^ r HOEY ^ iv : A I Golden n ,, Somnv a . -Out r » nt oi of ! By GEORGE MAC DONALD : Mary Marston . -Guild By LEWIS WALLACE : Bea Hur : a Tale of the Christ . Stephen and Court Wanting .- ^ The Archer 1 . Vicar , and ' s Daughter other Tul . — « a Adda . ~ OrtB . Cathcart —Weighed . — ^ By MlS Mrs 3 . COLERIDGE r MACQUOID . ^ TT . T > T -n ^ T . : : Elinor An a English ^ Drydon ,- , Squire d . — - Diane . . By W Jolin . CLAR Holdsworth K HUSSELL ( Chief : Wreck Mate of ) . — the A Sailor * Grosvenor ' s Sweet . '— - By the gonades Rev . . E . GILLIAT , M . A .: A Story of the Draheart . —The ' Lady Maud . '— -Little Loo . —A Sea Queen . By LOUISA M . ALCOTT : Work : A Story of Experience . By JOSEPH They Left HATTON Behind Them : Three . Recruits and the Girls By the French AUTHOR Heiress of in Her 'One Own Only Chateau / * Constuntia . 6 Illust , ' rations &<• ; : . DIABETESGOUT , DYSPEPSIA . A lew Series of Elaborate Diet 3 Tablets . By Dr . , Piiili'OT . Price l . » . each , folded in cloth covers . a 1 DIABETES : its Cause , Symptoms By the sAlME , Trea Author tment .. , and Dietary . Cr . 8 vo . cloth , & . I I London : SAMPSON LOWMARSTONSEARLE & BJVINGTON , II Crown Buildings , , 183 Fleet , Street , E . C . , — - — t ____
Publishers’ Circular (1880-1890), April 15, 1884, page 390, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/pc/issues/tec_15041884/page/26/